Module 4 - Conclusion

Behavior is Communication

Take Action

In this module, you've learned that all people communicate with behaviors (think of a teenager's rolled eyes). People with dementia are no different. When words fail, behaviors may be the only way they have to communicate. Our task is to understand what a person is trying to say. We can both anticipate and address challenging behaviors and in the process avoid the use of unnecessary drugs. We can also practice verbal and non-verbal communication techniques that help prevent escalation.

Always ask the following questions:

  • What is this person trying to tell me?
  • How can I help them meet their needs?


Texas OASIS Mod 4 Participants Manual.pdf
Tx Oasis HCBS Mod 4 PP 10.27.17.pptx
Tx Oasis HCBS Mod 4 Pocket Guide 10.27.17.docx