Long-Term Services and Supports

The Texas OASIS Way


People who receive services—and the people who provide them—come in all shapes and sizes, have different abilities, and come from a variety of backgrounds.

This module reminds us that diversity is part of what makes Texas, Texas.


  • Describe the network of long-term services and support in Texas and how to access them.
  • List all the parts of Texas' long-term services and supports and care network.
  • Use at least 3 core principle of Texas OASIS HCBS.
  • Recognize how your personal beliefs, biases, and assumptions might affect how you understand someone else’s experience.
  • Discuss the experiences of loss and accepting help and how this might help you stand in another person's shoes.

Warm up

Your experience matters. Everyone has something to contribute.

Select the experience that best describes you: