SkyLines Condor

1. Register at

2. Join the TeamXC group under Settings, or (make sure you click "Change"). Do this before uploading flights.

3. To get the .igc file from a flight track, in Condor go to Flight Analysis, and select IGC Export at the bottom, and give it a file name. If you didn't save your flight track, load '', then export to igc. Give the file a name that includes the date, like "textnotnumbers-YYYY-MM-DD.igc"

4. To upload .igc files on SkyLinesCondor, click the upload symbol, or use Your igc files will be in the folder Documents>Condor>Flighttracks>IGC. You can select as many files as you want at one time. You can upload all your old Condor flights if you wish.

5. Viewing

Go to Flights to see your flights or another pilot's flight

  • Choice of Open Street Map, Shaded Relief Map and Terrain Map. Press the layers icon in the upper right part of the map and choose Shaded Relief Map.
  • To view the flight animation, click the "play" button. Playback speed is 18x. Or slide the mouse along the barograph chart, which has a time axis. Or combine: click play, and use the mouse to click on the barograph to jump forward and backward in time.
  • 3-D viewing mode. Click the 3D button and use the mouse (pan), mouse wheel (zoom) and cntrl+mouse (tilt and rotate). Make sure your mouse is over earth, not sky, when you tilt. 3-D works best with the Open-Street Map, because the shading doesn't work right in 3-D with the Shaded Relief Map.

6. Under Group flights you will see TeamXC flights with everyone's tracks superposed. It's fun to hit play and in 6-10 minutes you can watch where everyone went in their 2-3 hr flights. If you click a pilot's icon on the left you can see that pilot's track in detail. Use the back arrow to get back to the group flight.