About us
We share XC skills and have fun by flying somewhat realistically on Condor in widely varying conditions and terrain.
In our group are beginners and advanced pilots. Our goal on Condor is usually not racing, but to fly cooperatively at least weekly so that we can share ideas and skills and get to know each other, have fun, and talk about soaring and what worked and didn't. We talk through a Discord server. We fly races and OLC-like tasks and upload to SkyLinesCondor. We encourage realistic safety margins (see How we fly). If you want to use a phone or tablet as a flight computer (e.g. XCSoar or SeeYou) in real life flight or just to fly XC on Condor expertly, we encourage you to take the time to link that to Condor so that it's very familiar to you before you fly in real life. We can help you set things up.
You can find our flights at Virtual Soaring (the best list) Condor Server List, CondorClub server list, or Alternate Condor Serverlist
Condor realism: Some of us fly with safety habits on the realistic side to train for real flight. Below 1500 ft AGL, look for landing sites. Below 1000 AGL choose a landing site. Unless you have an escape route to lower terrain, no thermalling below 500 ft AGL; time to land. Keep safe height margins to cross ridges or escape mountain canyons.
We would be happy to have other groups or individuals join us, in any language.
Email teamxc.us@gmail.com with questions.