Defensive skills:

jockeying, press or cover, closing down angles, & awareness

**PLAYERS: Remember to always HYDRATE before,during and after exercising. Take breaks in the shade to cool when needed. Spend at least 5 minutes to WARM-UP your muscles and do some lite STRETCHING before your workouts. Be aware of your surroundings and any potential hazards in your home training environment, ASK PERMISSION from your parents if you are unsure at all. Activities should be ADJUSTED AS NEEDED for your safety to fit your space, energy & ability**

*Parents: These resources are being compiled for recreational & educational purposes. Any at-home exercises or activities you choose to participate in are at your own risk and caution should be taken to ensure the environment is safe for your child's home activities. By doing at-home workouts you assume the risk of any injury resulting from the activity.*

*Find something you like? Underlined titles link to the ORIGINAL publisher's channel or websites for more content*

Defensive Skills: solo-training, knowing when to press and when to cover, visual awareness training

Solo Defense

Defender Skills

Visual Awareness

streetkickers app

We found a free training app that could be useful as an optional tool to assist our player's training at home. Ask your parents if you can download the Streetkickers App to help guide you through proper exercise techniques, and easily keep track of your time & accomplishments. Of course, you will be eligible to earn points for Streetkicker workouts.

Find full details and the links to download the app here:

***Full credit for all video lessons and websites go to their original publishers. These resources have been complied into an easy to share learning platform to encourage self-growth and care for our players during the time when we are faced with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis of 2020.***