Blog Updated 10/02/2020

Post date: Jan 03, 2015 3:55:38 PM

October 2020

Team News,

October 2, 2020

Hello Team K-Man,

Cycling News - Riders are enjoying social distance rides. For information on those rides you can visit: or Thank you Len, Steve, Bick, and others for organizing and keeping us all safe.

Swim News - Thank you Coach K-Man. On MWF morning at 6:00am Keith is writing up 2000 meter workouts with some extra credit attached. The whiteboard is there every day, so you can swim the workout anytime you want. Swim time is 30 minutes, but if no one is waiting for a lane you can stay in longer. Thank you all for being patient as Kennedy does its best to follow community guidelines as we safely move forward during this time.

Pool hours:

Monday - Friday 6:00am - 8:00pm

Saturday 8:00am - 6:00pm

Sunday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Run/Hike News - In between the moments of high smoke and heat there have been times to enjoy the outdoors on the Central Coast. Here is a short list of trails to explore:

Harmony Headlands State Park - out and back with beautiful views at the coast

San Simeon Point - Starting at San Simeon Cove and hiking north

Estero Bluffs State Park -This is a new State Park just north of Cayucos. 5 miles of oceanfront trails and beach exploring. Best to go during the ocean's low tide.

(tip-if you search Estero Bluffs State Park, Google has it in the wrong location)

Broderson Trailhead in Los Osos - Trail travels into Montana de Oro through the Morro Dunes Ecological Reserve.

Morro Bay Sand Spit - Miles of lonely beach

For lots more trails go to:

Challenge Board - Thank you Doug for keeping us motivated. Check out who's swum over 150 miles, biked over 3000 miles, and/or run over 750 miles so far this year. Hint: women rule! Here is a link to the challenge board. For more information about the challenge board email Doug Conner at

Strava Club - For those of you that are on Strava there is also a Team K-Man+3T Strava Club for you to join at this link:

General News - As reported earlier, the Board has extended all 2020 membership through 2021 and all swim coach dues have a 4 month credit to be applied when we start up deck coaching again.

Thanks for reading and Stay Safe and Healthy,

Team Board: Mike Zappas, Nancy Prier, Tracey Weed, Louise Comar, Tara Dolan

Team Treasurer: Skip Parks

Team Leader: Keith (K-Man) Schmidt

Ride Leader: Len Colamarino

Team Communications: Mark Glenesk



FB: facebook


June 2020

Team K-Man Board Meeting via ZOOM

May 31, 2020, 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Attendees: Tracy, Louise, Keith, Skip and Tara

Team K-Man Finances During COVID-19 Shelter at Home

- The following two motions were brought up via email in the last few weeks as a result of the shelter at home/social distancing measures that have been in place since March 20, 2020:

- Motion to extend Team K-Man 2020 membership through to the end of 2021 was passed unanimously.

- Most Team K-Man swimming members paid for the first part of the year’s swimming dues which usually cover the months of Jan - June. Since the pool was closed as of March 20th, a Motion was presented to extend the time period that paid swimming coaching includes based upon when we can return to group swimming with coaching. The motion passed unanimously.

Mike Aiello

-Mike has resigned his position on the Team K-Man board because he is no longer involved with the group. Tara will forward his email to the group.


-Tracy brought up some of the issues that Team K-Man may wish to consider, including:

- reaching out to Kennedy Club regarding reopening - date, type of re-opening conditions (should people have the option to ‘accept their own personal risks’ of Covid vs. setting up conditions whereby people must follow social distancing guidelines/procedures)

- potential organized open water swimming at Avila Beach. David Strybel and Tracy checked out the conditions and see a good potential for a regular K-Man group swim at Avila Beach.

- Keith said he would personally speak to Kevin Kennedy to get some insight, share some ideas and get back to Team K-Man board any information that he can get.


- Skip reported that TTT has resumed posting weekday rides and that most riders participating in those rides appear to not be social distancing and those who do have concerns are riding to the side or a distance off the back.

- Skip will reach out to Jonathan to see if he will get Tempadero Saturday rides posted again, and if so, when. Also he will ask Jonathan if he is going to keep the Atascadero Cycling website up and running and if so whether Team K-Man can inform it’s membership that the site is a resource for route information as posted in previous weekday and weekend rides.

-Louise​ will contact Len C. to determine whether or not Len will resume posting the​ Team K-Man​ Saturday rides and if so when. She will also inquire about whether the issue of social distancing will be addressed in those ride postings.


- Keith to speak with Kevin Kennedy to discuss Club re-opening information (DONE):

Kevin Kennedy is hopeful to open June 15th. Not many details. See Kevin Kennedy’s letter to members.

    • - Louis to speak with Len (DONE): Len was already planning on re-activating the Saturday Team K-Man ride this coming Saturday. He will be encouraging social distancing amongst riders and will address that issue in his ride notice posting.

    • - Skip to​ speak with Jonathan re: Atascadero cycling site.

    • - Tracy to look into organized open water swims with David Strybel UPDATE: David and

      • Tracy went to Avila Beach Tues., June 2 and were joined by Bart. Water was 60 degrees and quite calm. Overall, it was a great swim. They are planning on going back this Thursday at 10 am.

    • - Any results of above action items as well as the newly passed motions from this meeting will be shared with Mark Glenesk (team communicator) to be shared with Team K-Man members.

    • - Tara to forward Mike Aiello’s email (DONE)


Team News

Hello! Team, Master Swimmers, TTT, Rebels, Temperado, Fun enthusiasts, and friends.


Friday, April 19th - Announcing our monthly (3rd Friday) no-host TGIF at Barrel House Brewing.

The location is 3055 Limestone Way, Paso Robles, CA MAP LINK -

It is okay to bring snacks, dogs, kids, and chairs to Barrel House. Pellegrino and some snacks provided.

Wear team wear if you have some. BTW - At our first two 3rd Fridays we had great turnouts.

For those interested in Food Trucks and music: the Hungry Mother will be there and the popular Bear Market Riot will be playing at 5:30

Hope to see you there!


Saturday, May 4, 5:00 SAVE THE DATE

EVERYONE IS WELCOME - you, your friends, and family

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news.

When: Saturday, May 4, 2019, 5:00pm

Where: Patty's and Charlie's home, 9230 North Forty Road, Atascadero MAP LINK

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have fun, celebrate, become inspired.

Who: Everyone! Bring spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-B Dessert

C-G Salad

H-O Side Dish

P-Z Main Dish

BYOBeverage + optional "go green" - bring own flatware and plate


5:00 - 6:15 Social

6:15 - Begin dinner

7:15 - Team Meeting

7:30 - Speaker

7:55 - Social

8:30 - End


Friday/Saturday/Sunday, May 17,18,19 - Masters Swimming Spring Regions in SLO. There is a $55 flat registration fee that includes all the events you swim. Sign up before May 1st for the best deal. There will be more information available at our socials and on the pool deck. If you have already registered for this meet please let know. Thank you.

Meet Information =

Register for Meet =



Team Website

Team Facebook (infrequent posts)

Atascadero Masters Swimming Website

USMS national website

2019 Challenge Board

Total Effort Challenge

Blog (updated quarterly)

If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to email


Team Website Link


News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - K-Man -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Tara Dolan

Team Leader: Keith(Kman) Schmidt

Treasurer: Skip Parks

=========Old News is Below this Line===========

Team Members and Friends,

Save the date: The 2018 Year End and 2019 Kick-Off Party date is Jan. 26th.

A) Motivation - A Member suggested a video Try to Keep Up With America’s Oldest Female BMX Racer

B) Save the date: The 2018 Year End and 2019 Kick-Off Party date is Jan. 26th. (Details below)

Please RSVP - Yes or No or Maybe - RSVP for the Jan 26th social at Marston's - at RSVP Link

The Details: End of the Season Party/Social:

Who-----> Team Members, Past Members, Atascadero Masters Swimmers, Area Cyclists, Significant Others & Friends

When----> Atascadero, Saturday, January 26th at Marston's 101 in Atascadero

Time------>5:30-8:30 (5:00 for doorbusters)

Where---> Marston's 101 9006 W Front Rd, Atascadero, CA 93422

Why------->2018 Year End Celebration and Ring in 2019!

Cost-------> Team K-Man 2018 and 2019 members Free. Guests $10, children $5

Entire Meal will be Provided: meat, bread, beans, side dishes, salad, dessert, water, plates, utensils, napkins. BYOBeverage

You may become a 2019 member at our January 26 Social or at this membership link. You do not need to become a 2019 member to attend this event. RSVP for the Jan 26th social - at RSVP Link

C) PLEASE SEND IN YOUR PHOTOS – Again this year, we will do a video slide show as part of the annual party. For this year, however, we are doing something a little different. There will be the regular background video, but also a short one with a little more focus. For the regular video, please send in photos of you participating in your sport – cycling, running, swimming, hiking, etc. For the more focused video, please send in photos of you demonstrating how much you LOVE your sport. For cyclists, you might also consider how much you love bike(s). In other words, send in your “loveliest” picture of you participating or loving your sport. Be creative and not shy, but all photos must have a “PG” or at the highest an “R” rating. After all, this is a family event. Send in your photos in jpeg format to Skip Parks at Please submit your photos no later than FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2018 and note that if they are for the regular video or focused video. If you don’t designate, Skip will decide. If you have questions, send them to Skip.

C) The Team Board had a meeting on November 3. The meeting notes are on our website. The notes include information about: Year-end Social, Award Wear, Treasurer's Report, Biking Update, Dues for 2019, Schedule for 2019, Board Members. Note: The Team Dues will remain the same as 2018 ($30). A person who wants to join for 2019 may do so on our website at the membership link or at our January social by check or PayPal that night. Lots of other information is available on our Team Website.

D)- Team Wear(tie-dye hoodie) will be available for $30 this year. Be on the look out for a survey that will ask if you would like TeamWear and for those on the Challenge Board for an extra $5 you can choose to have your mileage added to create AwardWear. Here is the link to fill out the form for the Hoodie.

E) News of Team Members and Friends :

Bartt Frey was inducted into the Cal State Hall of Fame for swimming.

Ali Glenesk completed the JFK 50 miler part of which was on the Appalachian Trail.

Ron Brown finished 2nd in the Masters Hill Climb World Championships

Steve LaChaine also did well in the Masters Hill Climb World Championships.

Tara and Dale Dolan competed in the SLO Gobbler Swim Meet

Robyn Schmidt was #1 in City to Sea 5K!

GOT NEWS?? report it to team communications -

Questions: if you have questions please email team communications, or K-Man at

Saturday, June 16, SAVE THE DATE

Host and Hostess, Mike and Peggy Zappas, say, "Hope you can make it".

For members, family, and friends of Team K-Man

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news.

When: Saturday, June 16, 2018, 5:30pm

Where: Peggy and Mike Zappas' home, 8189 San Dimas Court, Atascadero, CA, MAP(link)

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate, Become inspired.

Who: Everyone! ALL members, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-D Salad

E-L Side Dish

N-R Main Dish

S-Z Dessert

BYOBeverage + optional "go green" - bring own flatware and plate


5:30 - 6:30 Social

6:30 - Begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker - Dr. Richard(Rick) Prier* "Everything you want(need) to know about Valley Fever, but(maybe) are Afraid to Ask."

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

*Team Member and "Most Awesome Ever Bike Tour Assistant", (Rick) Dr. Richard Prier is an infectious disease specialist in the Central Coast of California and is affiliated with Twin Cities Community Hospital. He received his medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and has been in practice for more than 27 years. He cares for patients with infections that are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Hope you can make it.

If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to email


Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - K-Man -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Tara Dolan

Team Leader: Keith(Kman) Schmidt

Treasurer: Skip Parks


Saturday, January 27th-5:30 pm

Everyone is Welcome!!!

End of the Season Party/Social is:

Who-----> Team Members, Past Members, Atascadero Masters Swimmers, Significant Others/Friends

When----> Saturday, January 27th at the

Time------>5:30-8:30 (5:00 for doorbusters)

Where---> Carlton Hotel in Downtown A-Town map link

Why------->Year End and Bring in 2018 Celebration for Team K-Man and Friends

Cost-------> Team K-Man 2017 and 2018 members Free. Guests $10, children $5

Meal Provided will be: Meat, Bread, Beans, salad, Water, plates, utensils, napkins.


If you would like to bring a dessert or side dish to share please email Thank you.

This is a casual, relaxed, social to think back on and celebrate 2017 while we kick off 2018.

If you have any questions: you may email or

See you there.

Team News Reporter,

Mark Glenesk



This Saturday, September 16, SAVE THE DATE

Len and Robyn, your Host and Hostess say, "Hope you can make it"

For members, family, and friends

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news, and to find out what your team members have been doing.

When: Saturday, September 16, 2017, 6:00pm

Where: Len's and Robyn's home, 8231 Los Osos Road, Atascadero, California 93422 map--> Map link

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate, Become inspired.

Who: Everyone! ALL members, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-H Main Dish

I-M Dessert

N-S Salad

S-Z Side Dish


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - Begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speakers - an unchoreographed, casual review of members events this past summer and upcoming events this fall

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you and yours can make it.

(For members, family, and friends)

If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to email



Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - Kman -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Len Colamarino; with guidance from Team Leaders: Keith(Kman) Schmidt and Mike(Bick) Bickel.

Dates to remember:

past - April 22, 2017--> K-party at the K-Man Home

past - May 22, 2017--> Koast Ride

past - June 24, 2017--> Kparty at the Zappas Home

past - July, 2017 -------> Week 4----> Utah ride

Sept 16, 2017--> K-party Colomarino home

October----------> Start of TriFeKta Season - Yay Mike Bickel

Host and Hostess say, "Hope you can make it and bring a suit".

For members, family, and friends

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news, and to find out what your team members have been doing.

When: Saturday, June 24, 6:00pm

Where: Peggy and Mike Zappas' home, 8189 San Dimas Court, Atascadero, CA, MAP(link)

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate, Become inspired.

Who: Everyone! ALL members, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-G Salad

H-L Side Dish

M-R Main Dish

S-Z Dessert


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - Begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you can make it.

If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to email



Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - Kman -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Len Colamarino; with guidance from Team Leaders: Keith(Kman) Schmidt and Mike(Bick) Bickel.

This Saturday, June 24, SAVE THE DATE


When: Saturday, April 22, 6:00pm

Where: Keith and Robin Schmidt's home, 6900 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero MAP

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate, Become inspired.

Who: Everyone! ALL members, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-G Side Dish

H-L Main Dish

M-R Dessert

S-Z Salad


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - Begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you can make it.

If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to email



Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - Kman -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Len Colamarino; with guidance from Team Leaders: Keith(Kman) Schmidt and Mike(Bick) Bickel.

Dates to Remember

April 22, 2017--> K-party at the K-Man Home

May 22, 2017--> Koast Ride

June 24, 2017--> Kparty at the Zappas Home

July, 2017 -------> Week 4----> Utah ride

Sept 16, 2017--> K-party Colomarino home

October----------> Start of TriFeKta Season


Team Social on Saturday, September 17, 2016

For members, family, and friends

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news, and to find out what your team members have been doing. Our Guest Speakers are Terry Lentz and Louise Comar

When: Saturday, September 17, 6:00pm

Where: Peggy and Mike Zappas' home, 8189 San Dimas Court, Atascadero, CA, MAP(link)

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate, Become inspired.

Who: Everyone! ALL members, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-G Main Dish

H-L Dessert

M-R Salad

S-Z Side Dish


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - Begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker, Terry and Louise will show some photos and thougts about their epic Cycle Cross Country

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you can make it.

If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to email



Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - Kman -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Len Colamarino; with guidance from Team Leaders: Keith(Kman) Schmidt and Mike(Bick) Bickel.

Coast Ride Update. (updated as of May 1)

-->Reminder - see update D

-->All Details, Hotel and Camping Information at Bottom

Update A) New RSVP's are Len, Nancy, and Charlie.(total so far RSVP'd is 15-see below)

Update B) Nancy Prier has volunteered to drive a car up on Sunday and has room for another passenger and bike

Update C) Nancy is looking for a room sharer for Saturday night. email

Hoping to Update D) We are STILL looking for a volunteer SAG driver from Carmel to Cambria. NO TRAILER!

Please) If you are driving up especially RSVP and let us know if you can take someone. Thanks.

Who has said they're going so far?: Skip Parks, Steve Himmelrich, Cheryl Journey, Terry Lentz, Louise Comar, Betsy Richman, Ron Richman, Sue Hass-Clark, Kelly Clark, Dale Dolan, Mark Glenesk, Kevin Journey, Charlie Capobianco, Len Colamarino, Nancy Prier (are you going?)

Please RSVP if you are going to .This way we can have an updated list of riders.

===Previous Information===

===All the Details===

(Read this for all ride details)

Koast Ride - All invited - Third Monday in May (May 15/16) - Save the Date. This ride will go from Karmel to Kambria(100 miles). So far we know:

Read this 1) We are still looking for a Volunteer Sag Driver (email to volunteer)

Read this 2) Steve Himmelrich will drive the "Bick Mobile or K-Van" and K-Man trailer up to Carmel on Sunday. This first six people to reserve those spots are: Skip, Cheryl, Kevin, Steve, Dale, Len, Charlie(may move one or two to Nancy Car)

Read this 3) If you are cycling up earlier you could give it to another rider that is coming on Sunday.

Ride Option A) If driving up on Sunday then meet at The K-Shop at 9:30 am on Sunday to load the bikes and bags in the K-trailer and ready for a 10:00 am departure. It is a good idea to bring a blanket for your bike. Alternatively, people often just work out their own transportation.

Ride Option B) Mark Glenesk is riding up on Saturday with panniers/camping gear from Lake San Antonio (transportation to Lake San Antonio is already arranged). Saturday Night is camping at Saddle Mountain Ranch. This ride is 100 miles on Saturday, 17 on Sunday, 100 on Monday. On Sunday the plan is to relax and ride 17 mile drive. If you would like to cycle up with him email

Ride Option C) Terry Lentz, Louise Comar, Kelly, Sue, Betsy, Ron, and others that would like to join in, are riding up Saturday to King City and then Sunday to Karmel. If you would like to cycle up with them email

The basic Sunday/Monday schedule is below:

05/15 - Arrive at the hotel at about 1:00 you may be able to get an early check-in; or just switch to bike clothes for a 17 mile drive loop; or a nice walk in downtownCarmel before checking in.

05/15 - Lodging option is at Carmel Bay View Inn, the Carmel Village Inn, or other , camping? (see below)

05/15 - 1:30pm ride 17 mile drive (it is a "show and go" leave from in front of Bruno's Market and Deli, Junipero St & 6th Ave,)

05/15 - 4:30pm Hogs' Breath Inn for drinks

05/15 - 6:00pm dinner at Il Fornaio or other

05/16 - 7:00am - coffee at Carmel Valley Coffee Roasters

05/16 - 8:00am - start in front of Bruno's Market and Deli,

This is 100 mile ride(map). Our plan is to regroup* at:

-Big Sur Deli (29 miles)

-Lucia (23 miles)

-Ragged Point (24 miles)

-Cambria (24 miles)

05/16 -- 4:30pm end at Cambria Ale House, 2084 Main Street


So far Two Hotels and one camping Idea Available

A) We have a "discounted*" rate at the Best Western Carmel Bay View Inn. $170* (one queen, w/ optional $10 rollaway if requested)

*This is much higher than last year.

Here is how you get the Best Western rate:

1) Before May 1st - Call the hotel(Best Western Carmel Bay View Inn) directly at 831-624-1831 between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

2) Ask for Joanna or Mike

3) Say you are booking under a group rate for May 18th.

4) Tell them the block of rooms is under the "K-Man" block

5) provide a credit card to hold the room.

B) $120 rate next door at Carmel Village Inn for the night of May 15. One King Bed

To get that rate:

Go to:


2) Click on "Book Now"

3) put in arrival and departure dates

4) click "search for available pricing"

5) then book now "Spring Special Rate 2016" $120 (I was told a roll-a-way is $25)

6) Special Note - this is a non-refundable rate

C) Kamping is available at Saddle Mountain Ranch

1) $50 -The website says two night minimum but I am pretty sure if you call you can pay for just one night.

Please RSVP if you are going to .

This way we can put out an updated list of riders.


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Team Social on Saturday, April 2, 2016.

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news, and to find out what your team members have been doing. Our Guest Speaker is Brittany App. Brittany is will discuss her project "Where there once was Water" which she received $30,000 of funding through Kickstarter in February. Brittany is developing a feature length documentary film exploring California's current water crisis and discussing solutions for a more sustainable future.

More information on Brittany App and the project:

1) Where There Once Was Water : A California Story

2) Link to a short one minute video

3) News from KCET on Brittany App and the project

4) Facebook - Where there once was water.

5) Brittany App Blog

When: Saturday, April 2, 5:20 pm

Where: Len and Robin Colamarino's Home, 8231 Los Osos Road, Atascadero, California 93422

What: Dinner and Social - Team Celebration

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate

Who: Everyone! - ALL members*, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE BYO-Beverage and potluck

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-C Salad

D-G Side Dish

H-S Main Dish

T-Z Dessert

Flexible Agenda:

5:20 - 6:20 Social

6:20 - announce dinner

7:10 - Team Meeting

7:20 - Speaker

7:40 - Social

8:10 - End

Hope you can make it.


Wildflower Triathlon Discount Code: WildFlower Says: "We have put your team back on the WF club drop down list. Your Discount code for your club is: TEAMKMAN – please use it on the payment page when you register for Wildflower. The Discount code is for 5% off your reg fee."


Challenge News - Here is is the link to the Challenge Board. If you have any questions email:



Swimmers - Read the swim news here:


Social News and Dates for your 2016 Kalendar

Future party dates and focus events for 2016 are:

April 2nd K-Party at Colomarino house

April 23rd Wildflower Lake Visit

April 30th Wildflower Triathlon

May 16th Coast Ride

July 16th K-Party at K-Pad. Neil Shirley is our guest speaker, Editor of Road Bike Action and Professional Cyclist.

August 20th K-Gathering at "Saturday in the Park" at Atascadero Lake Park

Sept. 17th K-Party at Zappas house.


Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - Kman -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Len Colamarino; with guidance from Team Leaders: Keith(Kman) Schmidt and Mike(Bick) Bickel.

All for Now,

Bring On 2016!!!!

News Reporter,

Mark Glenesk

=====Previous News=====

1) PLEASE HELP: Send photos to Skip Parks

2) What is happening January 30

3) Swimmer News

4) Dates for your 2016 Calendar


Save the date: The Year End and 2016 Kick-Off Party date is Jan. 30th.

Location is Colony Inn. Time is 6:00-9:00 p.m.

Team K will provide tri-tip, bread, beans, non-alcohol beverages, maybe beer, and a great time!! (more details to follow)

This Party is for ALL 2015 Members, All 2016 Members, and All Spouses and Friends.

You can become a 2016 member at our January 30 Social or at this link.

Please Send in your photos - PLEASE. We want pictures of you in action this past year: Swimming, Biking, Running, Hiking, or Otherwise. PLEASE email pictures to Skip Parks. He has agreed to put together a video of all the submitted photos as he did last year. The photos should be sent directly to him at . Thank you for helping


Wildflower Triathlon Discount Code: WildFlower Says: "We have put your team back on the WF club drop down list. Your Discount code for your club is: TEAMKMAN – please use it on the payment page when you register for Wildflower. The Discount code is for 5% off your reg fee."


Challenge News - Looking forward to seeing the New AwardWare!


Swimmers - Read the swim news here:


Social News and Dates for your 2016 Kalendar

1.Year end/beginning party date is Jan. 30th. Location is Colony Inn. Time is 6:00-9:00pm. Team K will provide tri tip, bread, beans, non-alcohol beverages, and a great time!! This is for EVERYONE!!

2. Future party dates and focus events for 2016 are:

March 19th K-Party at Colomarino house

April 23rd Wildflower Lake Visit

April 30th Wildflower Triathlon

May 16th Coast Ride

July 16th K-Party at K-Pad. Neil Shirley is our guest speaker, Editor of Road Bike Action and Professional Cyclist.

August 20th K-Gathering at "Saturday in the Park" at Atascadero Lake Park

Sept. 17th K-Party at Zappas house.


Any Questions please do not hesitate to ask.

News ---- Mark Glenesk

Bike ------Louise Comar

Trifecta --Mike Bickel -- Trifecta and general information on anything

General --Keith Schmidt - Kman -

Challenge ---Doug Conner -

Swim -------- Nancy Prier -

USMS ----- Jennifer Glenesk -

Run Info ----Robyn Schmidt -

Your Team Board is: Mike Zappas, Mike Aiello, Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, and Len Colamarino; with guidance from Team Leaders: Keith(Kman) Schmidt and Mike(Bick) Bickel.

All for Now,

Bring On 2016!!!!

News Reporter,

Mark Glenesk

Our Speaker will be Karen Aydelott. Her bio and picture is below.


Team Members and Friends,

The Blog has been updated on the Team K-Man Website



Team Social on Saturday, September 19, 2015.

Come for camaraderie, inspiration, swim/run/bike news, and to find out what your team members have been doing.

Our Guest Speaker is Karen Aydelott. Her bio information is below.

When: Saturday, September 19, 6:00pm

Where: Peggy and Mike Zappas' home, 8189 San Dimas Court, Atascadero, CA, MAP(link)

What: Dinner and Social

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate, Become inspired.

Who: Everyone! ALL members, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE, BYO-Beverage and potluck dish

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-G Main Dish

H-M Dessert

N-S Salad

T-Z Side Dish


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - Begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker, Karen Aydelott (Read her bio below)

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you can make it.

A Google Invite will be emailed to you for your rsvp.


Map to the Zappi Home

Directions are: 8189 San Dimas Lane, Atascadero.

Go West on 41 past the San Gabriel traffic signal then, three lefts.

Left on Old Morro Road East.

Left on Los Osos,

Left on San Dimas Lane.

The Zappas home is at the end of the cul de sac.

Here is the link to a map:


Here is some of the news that we will celebrate at the team social:

Congratulations to Eric Greenley, Kelly Dakin, Lance Fields, and Ali Bickel on their IRONMAN Finishes!

Nancy Prier - SLO tri and Lompoc triathlon.

Dale Dolan and his son Jonathan both took FIRST PLACE at Donner 1/2 IRONMAN,

The entire Dolan Family rocked the SLO Swim Meet

Amy Percosky - Goleta Triathlon

David Strybel - Santa Barbara ocean swim.

Cyclists - 4 day bike ride

Upcoming cyclists trip to the Alps!

Team swim meet at UCLA in October. Short course meters.

=====Karen Aydelott=======

You want inspiring? You want a woman whose story needs to be shouted from the rooftops as a source of inspiration for all of us? As an Ironman, she is among the grittiest athletes in the world. Karen manages to hide under an extremely modest and easygoing demeanor, the determination, tenacity and true grit of an incredible champion.

At the age of +65 , she has completed 26 Ironmans over the years, including 12 in Kona. She won the 50 to 54 age group in 1997, finishing the race in 11:49:56. In 2006 she was hit by a car while training on her bike and spent the next two years going through the ordeal of trying to save her ankle and foot.

"We tried to save my ankle and foot for two years, at which point there wasn’t enough to save, so I asked to have my leg amputated," she remembers. "By then there was nothing I was going to be able to do that I wanted to do. I really wanted to be at least be able to ride my bike. I haven’t looked back."

Somehow Aydelott managed to bike, run, and swim. She credits the Challenged Athletes Foundation with helping her to get where she is now. They helped her get a running prosthesis and have been invaluable in teaching her the ins and outs of competing with a prosthetic.

What’s even more amazing about Aydelott is the fact that it would be very easy to be pretty negative about life. We’re talking about a Kona champion who lost her leg and, while that’s tough, it was during that ordeal that she faced another even more devastating family tragedy.

Rather than wonder what else life was going to throw at her, Aydelott hasn’t slowed down at all.

We’ve all heard that saying "it’s about the journey." Karen Aydelott is living proof of that one.

adapted from this artilce: this article


A Q and A with Karen


Team Social- Saturday, June 20.

When: Saturday, June 20th, 6pm

Where: Keith and Robyn Schmidt's home, 6900 San Gabriel Road, Atascadero MAP

What: Dinner and Social -

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate

Who: Everyone! - ALL members*, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE BYO-Beverage and potluck

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-D Dessert

C- L Salad

M-R Side Dish

S-Z Main Dish


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker (Rena Stathacopoulos is going to speak to our group on general eye care as adults/youth and warning signs.. ......Should be very informative as amazing things can be detected and diagnosed through a persons eyes.)

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you can make it.

===Past News ======


Team Social- Saturday, March 28.

When: Saturday, March 28th, 6pm

Where: Len and Robin Colamarino's Home, 8231 Los Osos Road, Atascadero, California 93422

What: Dinner and Social - Team Celebration

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate

Who: Everyone! - ALL members*, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE BYO-Beverage and potluck

Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-D Salad

F- L Side Dish

M-S Main Dish

T-Z Dessert


6:00 - 6:30 Social

6:40 - begin dinner

7:30 - Team Meeting

7:40 - Speaker

8:00 - Social

8:30 - End

Hope you can make it.

===Past News ======

Blog March 2015

An Invitation to you from Team Kman

You are invited to a preview of Robyn Schmidt’s “Dancing With Our Stars” performance.

2015 "Wonderful World of Dance" *Preview*

Where: Best Western Colony Inn(Atascadero) Colony Inn.

Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015

Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm

Price: Priceless!

(no charge, donations/votes accepted)


*Wine, beer, and hors d'oeuvres served.

Thank you Best Western Plus Colony Inn for donating the location!

If you cannot make it to the preview or the actual performance you can still vote for Robyn at: and support the Atascadero Library!


March 28 Kman Social

March 28; K-social @ Colomarino house


Team run: Sunday March 8, 2015

7:30am at Atascadero Lake park Zoo parking lot

Distances from 5 miles to 15 miles

Join us for some runnin' and walkin' around Atascadero.

P.S. There is water in the lake. Yes water, not mud!

2015 Team K-Man group runs are planned for the last Saturday of each month. Sometimes they will be delayed due to other events.


Blog 01/2015

News and Information from Team Kman.



Team Annual Banquet- Saturday, Jan 24th.

When: Saturday, January 24th, 5pm

Where: Colony Hall, 3600 El Camino Real, Next to Kennedy in Atascadero

What: Dinner and Social - Team Celebration

Why: Have Fun, Celebrate 2014, and Ignite for 2015

Who: Everyone! - ALL members*, spouses, family, and friends

Cost: FREE for all 2014 or 2015 members, (others, $5)Main Course, Bread, appetizers provided


Here is the NEW Alpha-rotation for the potluck portion of the event:

A-G Salad

H-O Vegetable Dish

P-Z Dessert


5:00 - 6:00 Social

6:00 - begin dinner

6:30 - begin banquet

7:15 - end of banquet

7:15 - 8:30 Social

Hope you can make it.

*Membership fees: $70/year. Spouses, significant others, and friends are always invited to Team events. This fee includes our socials, the challenge board, awards banquet, award-wear, the benefits of organization, and the opportunity to support those that choose to be on the Challenge Board as well as the Team's Leadership in the Community. (summary below).

---10% off at our Primary Sponsor K-man Cycle and Run


Our New Blog Address is


Board Meeting Notes

In attendance: Nancy Prier, Louise Comar, Len Colamarino, Mike Bickel, Mike Aiello, Keith Schmidt. Not in attendance: Mike Zappas

Mark your Kalendars. Socials are planned

Jan 24; Year end Party at Colony

March 28; K-social @ Colomarino house

April 18; Lake visit Kampout

June 20; K-house Social

July 18; Music in the Park Social

Sept 26; K-social @ Zappas house

Nov. 14 K-house Social


Team dues are going to be $70/year. The board was wanting to give out more special awards to members at team socials....and also to keep up award wear quality the Board decided to increase fees by $20

If you would like to join for the year(thank you) go to:


Cycling - We had quite a nice group out for the January 1st SLOBC sponsored Ride up to Ragged Point and Return. Excellent Day. Our 10th Annual - Koast Ride from Karmel to Kambria is scheduled for Monday, June 1st this year. More News to come.


Swimming - PLEASE see all the swim news at this link. This is also the link where you can pay to donate to swim coaching. You do not need to be a Team K-Man member to join Atascadero Swim Masters(ASM) is part of United States Masters Swimming(USMS). There are currently 19 swimmers registered for the 2015 Season. See the list at this link:


Running - We will be planning on City to the Sea Half Marathon and 5K in October and a Spring run...maybe the Surfer's Path Marathon/Capitola Half Marathon and (2 person) relay in Santa Cruz/Capitola on May 17. or Santa Barbara Half Marathon on June 27, 2015. Also of interest is The Wine Country Runs (half and 5K) which are on March 15, 2015.

The Weekend Run MeetUps are the last Saturday of every month;

The meeting place is at Atascadero Lake Park. (or other)

To be on the weekend run group list email: Robyn Schmidt at


January 31, 2015

February 28, 2015

March 28, 2015

April 25, 2015

May 30, 2015

June 27, 2015


Runners ask "Are there other K-Teamers signing up for the SLO Half & Marathon in April 2015? email and let us know and we can form a team entry.