Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital citizenship is about much more than online safety — or a long list of don’ts. It’s also about the do’s that help create thoughtful, empathetic digital citizens who can wrestle with the important ethical questions at the intersection of technology and humanity.

Those do’s include:

  • Using technology to make your community better.

  • Engaging respectfully online with people who have different beliefs than you.

  • Using technology to make your voice heard by public leaders and to shape public policy.

  • Determining the validity of online sources of information.

Reference: International Society for Technology in Education

Highlighted Resources

Utilizing an engaging, online platform, Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship and safety so they can explore the online world with confidence.

Students learn digital citizenship skills on an interactive gaming platform. Available in both English and Spanish for grades 3-8.

The common sense media parent page contains ratings on books, social media platforms, video games, and more. It also features tips for appropriate screen time, internet safety, and more. Also available in Spanish.

Additional Resources

Brain Pop

Digital citizenship videos and interactive activities. Free access is available to families affected by school closure.


Information for families in the format of blogs, toolkits, and more.

Advice for Parents from an Educator and Parent

In this 18 minute insight interview, Dr. Matt Gehrett discusses how to keep your children safe in cyberspace.

Media Smarts

Blogs, games, tips, guides, workshops, videos, and more.

Internet Safety Tips

Tips for keeping kids safe online, compiled by the FBI.

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