Lesson Design

Distance Learning Lesson Design

Thank you educators for your adaptability and dedication to the students you serve. These resources have been curated and designed to support you in designing educational opportunities for your students at a distance.

Tech dependent and non-tech distance learning may be utilized separately, or with a blended approach based on the needs of your students. Click the options below to learn more about preparing distance educational opportunities.

Tech dependent distance learning leverages online platforms and technological devices.

Non-tech dependent learning does not require the use of the internet or a technological device.

Note: California Department of Education indicates that equitable access does not require that local education agencies offer the exact same content through the same channel for all students. Click here for information from the CDE regarding distance learning.

Please report broken links or site-related inquiries to steve.woods@tcoe.org

This website is provided courtesy of Tulare County Office of Education, Visalia, California