
Our school places a strong emphasis on the wellbeing and engagement of all children. A focus on the wellbeing of all children is seen as essential to support learning outcomes, with wellbeing and learning seen as equally important. 

Our wellbeing team is led by our onsite wellbeing worker Brita Johanson . Brita works at the school every Monday and Friday. Brita is available to support children and families. Please contact the school for further details.

All staff undertake the Berry St Education Model training to support the wellbeing of all students.

Our school is a member of a Wellbeing Community of Practice with Mount Alexander Shire Council, Cobaw Community Health, CHiRP, Castlemaine Community House and other local schools with the aim of working collaboratively to support the wellbeing of children.

Wellbeing resources for parents and carers

In this section we will list resources that are available for families to use at home to support their children. 
