
TeachEngineering website

NICERC website

Here is the link to request access to the NICERC curriculum materials in Canvas. You must create a free account to access the teacher and student guides.

Link to Store (unit material kits)

Science and Engineering Practices:


A place where you can ask, imagine, create, and explore with hands-on projects.

Requirements: HAVE FUN and DREAM BIG.

Class Calendar and Resource for Makerspace Students

Staff Links:

Other Resources:

25 Makerspace Ideas

Initial Survey. First quarter design survey created by students for students to learn about what you would like to see in the Makerspace World. Students and teachers are encouraged to share their input and ideas to help the Makerspace class create your dream space!

Materials Requests

Quotes about Makerspace

"A makerspace is a learning environment rich with possibilities. Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes and serve as a gathering point for tools, projects, mentors and expertise. MAKE: Magazine says a collection of tools does not define a makerspace. Rather, it is defined by what it enables: making." Edutopia

From the 1st Quarter Makerspace Team: Makerspace Defined & Passing the Baton/Vision

For Makerspace Class

Ideas from Braintorming Session using Materials List

Learn more about NASA's Engineering Design Process! Click the image below:

Station Ideas

You are about to embark on an exciting adventure to research, plan, and create a Makerspace at Southwest Middle School! Prepare to be creative, collaborative and deep in critical thinking.

    • What is a Maker Space? How can you find out?
    • How can we start a Maker Space from scratch?
    • What skills will I need to use and develop to help make this project a success?
    • Customized Learning - What does it look like?

Materials - This will evolve as we move forward

  • Username and password for logging in
  • Planner and writing utensil
  • Earbuds/headphones (we have some available)
  • 2-Pocket Folder



  1. The Kickstart Guide to Making Great Makerspaces by Laura Flemming
  2. Rapid City Public Library Makerspace
  3. Kits at (STEM kits)
  4. NASA projects

Teacher Use: STEAM2 Makerspace Notes - Teacher Notes

A Bridge to Nowhere

Course Description:

YOU ARE INVITED to come create, collaborate, and dream about engaging hands-on opportunities to use your imagination to “make” things. You will brainstorm, research, and design makerspace stations to be used and enjoyed by peers at Southwest Middle School. Who qualifies to be a “maker”? Someone who dreams big, takes smart risks, and welcomes failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. A maker is someone who shows courage, expresses creativity, and embraces challenge. Be part of a team to create opportunities to expose follow dreamers to things they don’t yet know they love.