Coach Messer

Gena Messer, Southwest Middle School, 4501 Park Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702
Email Call 394-6792 ext 278 from 7:30 - 7:55 or between 3:10 and 3:30


Period 1,  7:55 - 8:45 am - 7th Grade Computer Applications

Period 2, 8:49 - 9:34 am - 7th Grade Computer Applications/Web Design

Period 3, 9:38 - 10:23 am - 8th Grade Digital Photography/7th Grade Computer Applications

Period 4, 10:27 - 11:12 am - 8th Grade Digital Photography

Period 5, 11:16 - 12:01 pm - 8th Grade Digital Photography

Period 6, 12:05 - 1:26 - EI & Lunch (12:05-12:18 EI, 12:22-12:52 Lunch, 12:56-1:26 EI)  

Period 7, 1:30 - 2:17 pm - Extended Time in Support (ETS) - 6th Grade

Period 8, 2:21 to 3:05 pm - Planning

Wednesdays 7:30 - 7:45 - Monitor area inside front entrance near office 

Fridays - STEAM2 Schedule includes shortened periods which are posted in the classroom.   Rm 78 - Blixar - Exploring Animation

Daily Passing Time Duty - Oversee the stairway outside of the classroom door 



Think Differently - 3 Minute Powtoon Video 

I believe each learner is gifted with special strengths and talents. I consider it a privilege and an honor to work with kids.  They are our future.  I fully appreciate and embrace the value of diversity.  I believe each child is gifted in his or her way, and part of our responsibility is to help them discover and develop areas of interest, talents and passions so that they can use them to make a positive impact on the world.  I encourage people to work in their areas of strength, but also to recognize that growth occurs on the edge of comfort, and oftentimes it's in the struggles that we grow.  

I believe in providing a customized learning environment that meets learners at the sweet spot of challenge, with content of interest, activities that are relevant, and with opportunities to learn with preferred learning style.

I tend to use the word coach to precede my name as I see myself as a motivator, encourager, and developer.  As a coach in the content area of technology, I believe that learners deserve to be given the opportunity to launch into activities that may go beyond the instructor's expertise.  The field of technology is broad, deep, and rapidly changing. My goal is to be the "guide on the side" rather than the "sage on the stage." I encourage students to explore various avenues that are related to course objectives and relevant life outcomes.  We focus on 21st century learning skills such as critical thinking, citizenship, communication and creativity. 

Some Favorite Thoughts and Resources:

Consider the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly - without the struggle to break free from the cocoon the butterfly does not develop the strength to fly.  Watch here.   

On genius - If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree...(Watch video - Obsolete Schools)

Personal Background 

I am a small town farm girl from eastern South Dakota wish a passion to learn, to teach, and to grow.  I love the Black Hills, the outdoors, and adventure.  My faith is central to who I am.  I am married and have two grown sons.

Talent perceives differences; genius, unity.  William Butler Yeats

The cure for boredom is curiousity.  There is no cure for curiousity.  Ellen Parr

We don't know what we don't know.  

I wonder....