SWHerts Skills


Welcome to SWHerts Skills!

The Mission behind SWHertsSkills is to

"Provide micro and small organisations with information and ideas helpful in achieving their goals".

This is delivered via collaborative, supportive, and interactive "Learning Sessions" facilitated in small groups, locally in South West Herts.

The Challenge...

It is very easy to suffer at the hands of 'Overwhelm' these days with so many technologies, platforms and tools that are available, and all designed to 'make it easy' for us.

We want to do it all! ... we want to do it now! ... as we struggle to both understand and implement everything frustration can bubble up fairly quickly.

The Background

Running a business or a charity is a complex affair these days. Many of us are running micro businesses which either means we are 'going it alone' or we have a small team; 2 or 3 people.

There is a huge amount we don't know. Actually doing the thing we are passionate about is likely to be about 20% of what we actually end up doing (if we're lucky).

The challenge is that not only is there lots to learn... but we don't know what we don't know! How do we know if the things we are being introduced too are actually going to be of any use to us or not?

We can spend a huge amount of time going round in circles trying to fathom things out for ourselves... or... we could have invested our hard earned cash with someone only to find out it wasn't what we really needed!

What to do?

To solve this riddle it would be great if we could tap into a local knowledge source targeted specifically for us; the sole trader or micro business. This knowledge source being created solely for the purpose of facilitating our own personal growth, developing our businesses (or charities), and, having a lot of fun with other local people at the same time.

It isn't easy running a business or everyone would be doing it!


SWHertsSkills is local initiative to help us develop ourselves, learn how all these business and online tools work and, most importantly, how we can use them effectively.

The Learning Sessions are facilitated in local convenient supportive venues enabling us to learn in a unique way, and for you to obtain information that helps MOVE YOU FORWARD... without "COST" getting in the way!

Sound to bit too good to be true?

Well perhaps it is time to do things differently? Instead of paying out for training and workshops hoping that it will give you the answers you're looking for... how about...

Joining in with these "Learning Sessions" and if you found it useful... pay according to the value you believe you received?

So how does it work? [... click here]