The Resistance Network

The Resistance Network

The Resistance Network, almost known simply as 'The Network', is an Alliance of independently owned and operated factions and non-faction groups that work together to oppose The Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union, as well as to combat pirate and criminal threats across the galaxy. The core objectives and capabilities of The Network are direct action, special reconnaissance, counter-intelligence, and foreign internal defense. The Network intentionally does not have a formalized structure or charter, in order to prevent political stalling or diplomatic entanglements. Rather, The Network relies on a flexible leadership structure that allows for its members to rapidly and effectively respond to flash-points across the galaxy.

Collaboration in The Resistance Network

  • Access to Military Grade Technology, The Kandosii-Type Dreadnaught

  • Access to the Goji-DF Turtle Tanker

  • Access to Production Facilities

  • Access to Military Instillations

  • Access to Raw Materials At Low Costs

  • Military Operational Support

  • Mutual Defense Pact

  • Intelligence Sharing

Members of The Resistance Network

The Resistance

A small and secretive private military force, The Resistance was founded by the billionaire noble Lord Crueya Vandron to monitor and combat the Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union. The origins of The Resistance, taking inspirations from the New Republic and its predecessor the Alliance to Restore the Republic, can be traced back the Holowan Conglomerate. As a close ally of the New Republic and a member of the Galactic Alliance, The Resistance acts as a wholly independent military and intelligence force, determined to act as a check on Imperial influence throughout the galaxy

The Resistance uses a combination of hit-and-run tactics and all our assaults to combat the Galactic Empire and the Imperial Union. The Resistance Fleet is comprised of captured Imperial equipment and New Republic military-grade technology, to provide its soldiers and operatives with top of the line technology and assets for their missions. Imperial Star Destroyers painted in Resistance colors can be seen flying alongside Mon Calamari Cruisers and X-wings, patrolling Resistance Space and engaging in operations against the Imperial Union.

Factions of The Resistance

  • The Resistance

  • Cloud City

  • Holowan Conglomerate

  • Kamino Medical Laboratories

  • The Guardians of the Whills

Cells of The Resistance Network

Clandestine Resistance Cells

To achieve its mission, the Resistance Network operates in numerous Clandestine Resistance Cells (CRCs) across the galaxy. Resistance Cells are led by Chiefs, who report directly to the Director and Deputy Director of the Resistance Intelligence Network. Clandestine Resistance Cells are groups of intelligence operatives who are either assigned to an area of operations, or tasked to a specific mission. These Clandestine Resistance Cells operate with strategic orders and oversight from the Director of Resistance Intelligence and The Resistance Network Command, but engage in mostly independent tactical operations on a day to day basis. Clandestine Resistance Cells engage in espionage and cover operations with both official and unofficial Resistance assets. Cells receive covert support from the Resistance Network in the form of finance, logistics, facilities, training, and equipment.

Active Cells

Corellian Cell

Iron Cell

Hosnian Cell

Phoenix Cell