Guardians of the Whills

The Guardians of the Whills

The Guardians of the Whills (GW) is a religious order of devotees, who believe in the balance of the Force and the importance of Kyber Crystals in their connection to the Force. While not the official religion of The Resistance, The Guardians of the Whills are the majority religion within Resistance Territory. 

The Temple of Kyber

The Temple of Kyber, also known as the Temple of the Whills, or simply the Kyber Temple. It is large temple located within the walled holy city on Danuta. Rising high above the city walls, it can be seen from miles away across the white snowy landscape, and it is held as a scared site by the devotees of both the Guardians of the Whills, and the Church of Reansucru.  

Keeper of the Whills

Gothar Elensar

Sentinel of the Whills


The Covenant of the Guardians of the Whills

The Covenant of the Guardians of the Whills