Join The Resistance

The Admissions Board

The Admissions Board is a group of Department and Nationalized Faction Leaders responsible for recruitment and onboarding of all new members to The Resistance and its Nationalized Factions. Once initial contact is established, the relevant Admissions Board member communicate with the candidate and assist them with the application and onboarding process. This often includes relaying message between the candidate and the rest of the board. Once the candidate has completed steps one through five of the onboarding process, the board reviews the information provided by the candidate and the data from the background check, and makes a decision regarding the candidate's application. If approved, the candidate should continue with the rest of the onboarding process. 


Gand Xitwa

The Resistance


Crueya Vandron

The Resistance


Eli Descartes

The Resistance 

Major General 

William Siethr

The Resistance

Joining The Resistance

The Resistance is always looking for dedicated and determined individuals to join its ranks. To join The Resistance, please apply via the Darkness interface and wait for further instructions. Resistance Intelligence is required to conduct background checks on all incoming applicants. In order to help streamline this process, please follow the directions below.

Onboarding Process: