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74% of Covid-19 Deaths Fully Vaccinated

according to latest Public Health England report

By Daily Expose on September 18, 2021

The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.

The report, which is the 23rd update to be released suggests at first glance that the vast majority of Covid-19 cases and hospitalisations are among the unvaccinated population. However, this is because the total numbers presented in the report have been collated from as far back as February 1st 2021 when just 0.7% of the adult population in the UK were fully vaccinated.

By comparing the report against reports released in early August 2021 we are able to see who is really getting infected, hospitalised, and sadly losing their lives in the third wave of Covid-19 to hit the UK, which is strangely occurring in summer.

According to the latest PHE report, 593,572 cases of the Delta Covid-19 variant have been recorded in England up to the 12th September 2021.

Since 1st February 2021 44% of these cases have been among the unvaccinated population, accounting for 248,803 cases. Whilst 46.8% have been among the vaccinated population, with 157,400 being recorded among the fully vaccinated (26.5% of all cases) and 120,812 being recorded among those who had only had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine (20% of all cases).


However, by taking a look at the 20th report released by Public Health England we are able to see that from the 1st February 2021 up to the 2nd August 2021 there had been 300,010 recorded cases of the Delta Covid-19 variant, meaning the 22nd report shows that between the 2nd August 2021 and 12th September 2021 a further 293,562 cases were recorded – nearly double what had been recorded over a period of 7 months.

A further 106,303 cases were recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst a further 11,060 cases were recorded among the partly vaccinated population. But it is the fully vaccinated that have seen the largest rise in recorded cases, with an increase of 110,392 cases between August 2nd and September 12th.


This may be surprising to some but it shouldn’t be, because the current vaccines on offer do not prevent infection or transmission, even the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) have admitted this in a recently published document (see here), in which they said research should now concentrate on producing a vaccine that prevents transmission and infection due to the current vaccines not preventing infection in most people.

SAGE did however state that they “feel that the current vaccines are excellent for reducing the risk of hospital admission”. But does the Public Health England data support that feeling?

Yet again, at first glance the latest Public Health England report shows the majority of admissions to hospital have been among the unvaccinated population since the 1st February 2021 up to the 12th September 2021.

Out of 6,280 admissions the unvaccinated population account for 49% of them with a total of 3080 admissions. Whilst the fully vaccinated account for 37.5% of them with a total of 2,361 admissions. A further 728 admissions have also been recorded among the partly vaccinated population.


However, when we take a look at the figures released in the 20th report published by PHE, we can see that from February 1st to August 2nd there had been 1,738 admissions among the unvaccinated population, 476 admissions among the partly vaccinated population, and 773 admissions among the fully vaccinated population.

This shows that the unusual summer third wave of Covid-19 has resulted in 1,342 admissions among the unvaccinated population, and 252 admissions among the partly vaccinated population. But from August 2nd to September 12th the majority of hospital admissions have in fact been among the fully vaccinated population, with a a total of 1,588 admissions being recorded. Meaning the vaccinated population account for 58% of hospital admissions in the last 41 days.


However, when it comes to deaths due to the Delta Covid-19 variant there is no need to disregard the figures from as far back as February 1st when just 0.9% of people in the UK were fully vaccinated and the country was in the middle of the second wave. This is because Public Health England’s 22nd report shows that from February 1st 2021 through to September 12th 2021, 72% of Covid-19 deaths have been among the vaccinated population.

166 deaths have been recorded among the partly vaccinated population, 722 deaths have been recorded among the unvaccinated population, whilst 1,613 deaths have been recorded among the fully vaccinated population.


But by going back to the 20th report released by PHE we can see that the vaccinated population actually account for 74% of deaths during the current third wave.

That’s because from 1st February through to 2nd August there had been 253 deaths among the unvaccinated population, meaning a further 469 deaths have been recorded up to the 12th September. Whilst 79 deaths had been recorded among the partly vaccinated population, meaning a further 87 deaths have been recorded up to the 12th September.

But the largest increase has been among the fully vaccinated population. Up to August 2nd there had been 402 deaths among the fully vaccinated, meaning a further 1,211 deaths have been recorded up to the 12th September.


The data certainly shows that the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies feelings are misplaced, and it also suggests that the Covid-19 vaccines are actually increasing the risk of death by a significant amount, rather than reducing the risk by the 95% claimed.

This is because the Public Health England data shows that 1% of all cases among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death, with 1,613 deaths occurring among 157,400 cases.

Whilst it also shows that 0.28% of all cases among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death, with 722 deaths occurring among 257,357 cases.

Therefore the case-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population is 257% higher than the case-fatality rate among the unvaccinated population according to the Public Health England data.

The same can also be said for the hospitalisation-fatality rate. The PHE data shows that 23% of all hospital admissions among the unvaccinated population have resulted in death. With 722 deaths occurring among 3,080 hospitalisations.

Whereas the data shows that 68% of hospital admissions among the fully vaccinated population have resulted in death. With 1,613 deaths occurring among 2,361 hospital admissions.

Therefore the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the fully vaccinated population is 195% higher than the hospitalisation-fatality rate among the unvaccinated population according to the Public Health England data.

The evidence shows that the Covid-19 vaccines are either not working, or they are making recipients worse – possibly due to antibody-dependent enhancement or vaccine-induced enhanced disease, it also shows that the summer third wave is in fact among the vaccinated population, proving the authorities and the mainstream media are lying to you when they tell you that we are experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

‘Covid-19 will become like common cold’ by next spring'

Experts claim worst of pandemic is over

Covid-19 could soon resemble the common cold as the virus weakens and people’s immunity is boosted by vaccines and exposure, two leading experts have said.

Professor Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine at Oxford University, has claimed the coronavirus could become like a cold by as soon as next spring.

He also claimed the UK “is over the worst” of the pandemic and things “should be fine” once winter has passed.

Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, the co-creator of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine, has made similar claims and said Covid-19 will become like a cold as it is unlikely to mutate into a dangerous variant.

Speaking to a Royal Society of Medicine webinar last night, she said that viruses tend to become weaker as they spread.

She said: “We normally see that viruses become less virulent as they circulate more easily and there is no reason to think we will have a more virulent version of Sars-CoV-2 [Covid-19].

“We tend to see slow genetic drift of the virus and there will be gradual immunity developing in the population as there is to all the other seasonal coronaviruses.”

Seasonal coronaviruses cause colds, and Dame Sarah said: “Eventually Sars-CoV-2 will become one of those.”

Sir John was asked about the experts comments on Times Radio this morning, where he said the country’s position is much more promising than it was just six months ago.

He said: “If you look at the trajectory we’re on, we’re a lot better off than we were six months ago… I think we’re over the worst of it now.”

Sir John added that because cause numbers are currently high, immunity to Covid will increase substantially.

As a result, he said: “I think we’re headed for the position Sarah describes probably by next spring would be my view.

“We have to get over the winter to get there but I think it should be fine.”

Sir John also said the current rise in infections shouldn’t be a cause for panic, and said: “The number of severe infections and deaths from Covid remains very low.”

Similarly, Dame Gilbert doesn’t think a vaccine-resistant strain of Covid-19 will emerge.

She said: “I don’t think there’s an enormous amount of concern that we’re suddenly going to see a switch to something that evades existing immunity.”

Yesterday the UK recorded 34,460 new COVID-19 cases and 166 more deaths, with 7,567 people currently in hospital with the disease, according to the latest available data.

This is a slight rise on last week’s figures, with 30,597 cases and 201 deaths reported last Wednesday, 15 September.

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5 Questions Guaranteed To Help You Know Yourself Better

By Dr. Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

When Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project spoke at World Domination Summit this past summer, she said that the key to happiness is to be more of who we are. In order to know who we are, she suggests that we ask ourselves a few key questions. Try writing down your answers to the following questions.

1. Who do you envy and why?

Gretchen says that when someone has something you want, that’s very useful information about who you want to be. Rather than focusing on the negative aspect of envy or the judgment you might put on yourself for feeling that way, focus on being grateful for this additional information about what you value and care about.

2. What do you lie about?

Anything we try to hide is a big red flag. The lie is a disconnect between your behavior and your values.

3. What would you do for fun?

It is a sad fact about happiness that when you say to adults, “What would you do for fun?” many adults are truly mystified. HINT: If you don’t know the answer, answer this- What did you do for fun when you were 10 years old?

4. Are you an abstainer or a moderator?

Think of something you find very tempting- chocolate, cigarettes, sex, alcohol, Cheetos, shopping- whatever.

Gretchen says there are two types of people- abstainers and moderators. To avoid temptation, abstainers have to go cold turkey. They can’t even get started with a bag of potato chips or they’ll eat the whole bag. Moderators, on the other hand, can eat just one square of dark chocolate and be happy, and if they abstain completely, they get totally cranky. Moderators feel rebellious if they’re not allowed to have just a little bit.

Since part of what makes people unhappy is trying to resist temptation, it helps to know whether you’re an abstainer or a moderator. If you know yourself and your own nature- and you OWN it- you’re much better prepared to handle temptation. In other words, just accept your own nature and act accordingly.

5. What’s the nature of your relationship to the expectations of yourself and others?

When you are trying to change a habit, you’re trying to impose an expectation upon yourself. But there are two kinds of expectations- outer expectations (work deadlines, a request from a sweetheart) and inner expectations (what you desire for yourself.)

Gretchen explains that there are 4 categories of expectations:

• Upholders

These people respond well to both outer and inner expectations without much fuss. They just do as they’re told, whether their motivations come from internal or external expectations. These are your classic “goody two shoes,” who follow rules pretty blindly. If a sign is posted, they will obey it. If they set a New Year’s Resolution, they’ll just do it.

Upholders are motivated by fulfillment. They feel good when they meet expectations. They hate to be blamed or let people down. They want to know the rules, and they’re great rule followers, but they’re unhappy if they don’t know what is expected of them. They’re good self-starters. If they make up their minds to do something, they do it. But the dark side is that if upholders don’t know what’s expected of them- if things are ambiguous, they feel paralyzed. There’s a grinding quality, a relentlessness, to upholders. They need to stay within their comfort zones to feel happy, and that includes knowing what is expected of them.

• Questioners

These people question all expectations, whether internal or external. In order to change a behavior, they must be persuaded. If their questions are answered to their own satisfaction, they can be persuaded to meet an expectation. If the motivations for change don’t make sense to them, forget it!

Questioners can have either upholder tendencies or rebel tendencies, but most lean one way or another.

Questioners wake up in the morning and think “What needs to get done today?” They want to know why they should do something. The questioner is saying, “Why are we doing this at all?” They love information and research. If they accept an expectation, they’re good at fulfilling it. They endorse everything internally if they sign on. But their upside is also their downside. If you don’t get a questioner on board, they’re not going to meet expectations. It’s hard for them to act if they feel they don’t have enough information. This can make them seem totally arbitrary.


These people resist all expectations, inner or outer. A rebel wants to do what a rebel wants to do. If you set an expectation for a rebel and tell them to do something, they’ll actually go out of their way to disobey you and fail to meet the expectation, just to prove a point. The upside of the rebels is that they’re willing to think and behave outside the box. They can be creative nonconformists who push the envelope. But they can be incredibly frustrating! Gretchen says rebels can be manipulated by challenging them and suggesting that they CAN’T do something. Tell a rebel she can’t do something and she’ll be all, “Well, I’ll show you. Ha!”

Tell a rebel, “I don’t think your team can get that done by Friday!” Then watch them be ready by Wednesday.

Although rebels are not motivated by following the rules, rebels may occasionally (and shockingly) choose to do something purely out of love for you- not because you asked them to do it, but because they love you. But not always. So don’t get your hopes up.

• Obligers

These people readily meet outer expectations but have a hard time meeting inner expectations. So they’ll go out of their way to please others, but they do at the expense of what is in their own best interests. These are the typical “people pleasers” who sell themselves out for the approval of others.

Obligers wake up and think “What do I HAVE to do today?” They are motivated by external accountability. They’re great to have around- great team members, great friends, great family. They hate to make mistakes. They bear the brunt of it on themselves. They hate being people pleasers but they can’t stand to let someone down. An obliger needs to build in external accountability for inner expectations. So if they’ve made a New Years Resolution, they need to tell everyone by blogging about their intentions, for example. Then they’re motivated to please those they’ve promised, even though they’re really serving themselves. Obligers are not good self-starters. They need deadlines, coaches, late fees, check ins. They’re also very susceptible to burn out. Everyone else takes advantage of the obligers. So if you’re in a relationship with an obliger, be mindful of that.

Certain combinations of people and jobs work better together. Rebels are almost always married to obligers. Upholders must be in relationship with upholders or questioners with upholder tendencies. Otherwise, it’s a disaster in the making!

In the end, we can only build a happy life on the foundation of our own true nature. To learn to understand yourself is the adventure of a life- to love ourselves, to accept ourselves, and to live in accordance with your true nature.


I’m definitely a questioner with upholder tendencies. What about you? Did you learn anything from answering these questions? Tell us who you are in the comments!

Trying to be myself,

Escaping the Imprisonment of Cultural Programming

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

There is one truth that nobody can debate, and that is that we physically die at some point within the near future, relative to the life spans of everything else in the universe. However, it seems that many forget this fact of life and dedicate great amounts of time and energy towards icons, personalities, and ideas that are unconnected to their own day-to-day lives and do not matter in the grand scheme of things.

The intense (and sometimes violent) passion that sports fans experience as well as the immersion of oneself into the “sleazy” world of celebrities are some ways in which cultures and societies divert our thoughts away from things in life that matter the most; things which directly affect us and make lasting impressions upon our beings. By creating illusory focus points within reality for the masses to lock their awareness into, culture and those who have enough power to dictate or influence it becomes a hindrance to one’s own personal self-growth and self-actualization.

Think about the massive quantities of time that people spend on these things which have no direct connection to their lives…. all that time which could have been dedicated towards something a bit more constructive or positive in experiential existence.

The Prison of Cultural Programming

Our culture is an artificially-created box in which a seemingly-endless number of things exist, which attempt to entice an individual towards giving away massive amounts of his or her conscious lives towards the focusing in on trivialities or things which have no direct influence on his or her life and self-actualization. American author and philosopher Terrence McKenna had mused on the same thought-form, which is that humanity seems to be imprisoned by its cultural programming. This programming is so intense and strong, that it seems to be the most imprisoning factor within our lives. Culture does indeed appear to be a mass hallucination.

There are numerous boundaries that exist within culture have been erected by groups or individuals within society that (either knowingly or unknowingly) helped hinder any progress being made in peoples’ self-growth, self-actualization, and/or Self-realization. Things such as sports rivalries, clothes styles and various types of class systems are just a few of the boundaries that had hardly had any useful place in reality because they did not exist prior to us creating them.

Only by complete boundary dissolution can we revert to a more pure form of experiential existence, where the focus of one’s self was on one’s personal growth and of others’. Boundary dissolution refers to deconstruction and dissolving of boundaries that have been created by humans and which have existed as long as the ego has influenced humanity.

The purpose of boundary dissolution is to do away with these falsehoods that separate humanity rather than uniting it. Societal boundaries and other boundaries based on the self-ish nature of the ego can be said to be the cause of many of society’s ills and problems.

With a good system come good results, and the results and outcomes of boundary dissolution indeed are many. You can try for yourself to see this as being a reality. Instead of giving into cultures’ aspects that are unhelpful in shifting your consciousness to a higher level, have the idea of oneness within your mind and immerse yourself in things that unite, rather than divide.

By doing away with the constructs that separate you from others or create any bit of hostility, hatred, or animosity between you and someone else and by letting go of the fear that hinders you from taking these actions, you will be freed from the overbearing grip of the ego. When you dissolve the boundaries that divide and separate you from others, you will have the ability to transform your world into one of serenity, tranquility, and peace. Oneness will not be just a philosophical or utopian concept but a reality that will be experienced by the totality of the human race.

We must always have hope that this will become a reality because the future is yet to be determined. Possibilities are endless.

India State of 241 Million People Declared COVID-free after Government Promotes Ivermectin


Global Research, September 20, 2021

The state of Uttar Pradesh in India, which has the equivalent of two-thirds of the United States population, has been declared COVID-free, the state government announced last week.

There are no more active cases of coronavirus in the 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, which has a population of 241 million people.

“Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent,” Hindustan Times reported.

Credit: Google COVID statistics

How is it that Uttar Pradesh has fully recovered from COVID despite the fact that only 5.8% of its population has been fully vaccinated, compared to the USA that has 54% fully vaccinated?

MPs Message to PM Boris Johnson on Balfour Project Call for the Strict Application of International Law, Including via the ICC, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The answer is likely because of the government’s early use and distribution of ivermectin to its citizens.

From the Indian Express:

Uttar Pradesh was the first state in the country to introduce large-scale prophylactic and therapeutic use of Ivermectin. In May-June 2020, a team at Agra, led by Dr. Anshul Pareek, administered Ivermectin to all RRT team members in the district on an experimental basis. It was observed that none of them developed Covid-19 despite being in daily contact with patients who had tested positive for the virus,” Uttar Pradesh State Surveillance Officer Vikssendu Agrawal said.

He added that based on the findings from Agra, the state government sanctioned the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic for all the contacts of Covid patients and later cleared the administration of therapeutic doses for the treatment of such patients.

Claiming that timely introduction of Ivermectin since the first wave has helped the state maintain a relatively low positivity rate despite its high population density, he said, “Despite being the state with the largest population base and a high population density, we have maintained a relatively low positivity rate and cases per million of population.”

He said that apart from aggressive contact tracing and surveillance, the lower positivity and fatality rates may be attributed to the large-scale use of Ivermectin use in the state, adding that the drug has recently been introduced in the National Protocol for Covid treatment and management. “Once the second wave subsides, we would conduct our own study as there has been an emerging body of evidence to substantiate our timely use of Ivermectin from the first wave itself,” Vikasendu told The Indian Express.”

One would think the World Health Organization, Big Pharma, the mainstream media, and Dr. Anthony Fauci would be overjoyed by this development that ivermectin is undoubtedly saving lives.

But don’t count on them celebrating that, because that would hurt their bottom lines of profit and power from their experimental and ineffective vaccines.

That’s why they’ve been melting down over ivermectin after Joe Rogan successfully used it to treat his COVID infection earlier this month.

What If You Could Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs Overnight?

By Lissa Rankin MD

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Think of what scares you the most, what holds you back, what sabotages you – again and again and again, that thing that keeps you from fully living and expressing the incredibly vital life force of who you are?

Are you limited by fears of:

x Losing all your money?

x Public speaking?

x Large groups of people?

x Flying?

x Being debilitated by a chronic illness?

x Rejection?

x Failure?

x Success?

x Losing someone you love?

x Taking risks?

x Not feeling worthy?

x Not believing you can heal yourself?

Imagine if you could snap your fingers – or in the case of what I’m about to share with you, tap your eyebrows – and your limiting beliefs would magically disappear?

That’s exactly what my friend and fellow Hay House author Nick Ortner teaches in his new book The Tapping Solution about “Emotional Freedom Technique,” also known as EFT or “tapping.”

What Is “Tapping?”

Tapping, or EFT, is an energy psychology therapy that consists of tapping on acupressure points – think of it like acupuncture without the needles – combined with affirmations intended to help you love, accept, and permanently shift your fears, self-sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs.

Thank goodness you can practice this technique at home, by yourself, because you look a little like an escaped mental patient when you’re tapping through an EFT sequence on your eyebrows, under your eyes, under your nose, your chin, your collarbones, the top of your head, etc. But as someone who practices EFT myself and has used it with patients and clients, I can vouch for its efficacy as a tool for eliminating fears, reducing anxiety, shifting behavior, and manifesting everything from fear-busting to physical symptom relief to business success to stopping addictions to attracting the love of your life.

So how does EFT work? Here’s a little science for your skeptics.

The Not-So-Smart Amygdala

As I discuss in Mind Over Medicine, the mind can harm the body because negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, particularly fear thoughts, trigger the amygdala to signal an alarm that alerts the body to impending danger. This mind-body pathway exists as a protective mechanism, meant to flip on the “fight-or-flight” stress response when the body is in mortal danger.

But the amygdala isn’t very smart, and it hasn’t exactly evolved to catch up with modern day life. It’s part of the limbic brain, the primordial lizard brain that acts independently of your thinking, rational forebrain. So when you’re afraid, your amygdala sounds the alarm, even if your fear is a money fear, a relationship fear, a fear of public speaking, or some other fear that doesn’t actually threaten life or limb.

Soothing Your Freaked Out Amygdala

Your amygdala is a bit of a Nervous Nelly. Every itty bitty threat to the status quo can trigger a whole cascade that leaves you with adrenaline coursing through your arteries. But recent Harvard research with MRI and PET scan data shows that stimulation of acupressure points, those same points where acupuncturists insert needles, can actually call off the amgydala’s red alert.

A study conducted by Harvard researcher Dr. Dawson Church and his team studied EFT in three groups of individuals. One group got an hour of EFT, the second group got an hour of talk therapy, and a third group got no treatment. What they found is that in the tapping group, the stress hormone cortisol dropped by an average of 24%, whereas those in the talk therapy and no treatment group had no such reduction.

We all know cortisol, which gets spit out by the adrenal gland as part of the stress response, can poison the body over time, so anything that diminishes stress responses is a good thing for the body. After all, the body has natural self-repair mechanisms, but these auto-corrections only operate when the nervous system is relaxed, something EFT helps accomplish by settling down the amygdala.

The Tapping Solution

Whether you’re seeking to heal a health issue, reduce feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and stress, overcome your resistance to change, release physical pain, heal from past traumas, lose weight, attract love, make more money, or eliminate phobias, The Tapping Solution offers EFT practices proven to achieve positive results.

My own book is launching soon and I’m about to film a PBS special, so there’s a lot on my plate right now. So I turned straight to Nick’s EFT script for “I’m stressed out and overwhelmed.” You can preview the script here and try it yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed. I certainly felt much better after doing it.

If You Believe You Can’t Heal Yourself

As a physician, my personal favorite use for EFT is eliminating limiting beliefs that revolve around health. In Mind Over Medicine, I share all the data proving that the body is equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms that can be flipped on and off with the power of the mind. But what if you were programmed to believe you can’t heal yourself? Even if your conscious mind believes it’s possible, as long as your subconscious mind holds that limiting belief, you won’t be able to heal yourself, since the subconscious mind runs you 90-95% of the time.

EFT works brilliantly to shift subconscious beliefs that may be sabotaging your efforts to heal yourself. Chapter 6 of The Tapping Solution is all about healing the body, and I’ll be writing more about EFT and how you can use it to heal the body in a subsequent blog post, so stay tuned. But until then, make sure you pick up a copy (or three) of The Tapping Solution. It’s honestly one of the best self-help books I’ve read all year, and you can be sure I’ll be buying dozens of copies for friends, family members, open-minded health care providers, and empowered patients ready to take their health – and their lives – into their own tapping fingers.

Have You Tried EFT?

Share your experiences in the comments below.

Tapping away,

Covid will eventually become like the common cold

Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert

Covid-19 will eventually become like the other coronaviruses which circulate widely and cause the common cold, a world-leading scientist has said.

Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, whose work led to the development of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 jab, told a Royal Society of Medicine webinar the virus will weaken over time and “eventually” become like the others.

“We already live with four different human coronaviruses that we don’t really ever think about very much and eventually Sars-CoV-2 will become one of those,” she said.

“It’s just a question of how long it’s going to take to get there and what measures we’re going to have to take to manage it in the meantime.”

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