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Continued from last week

16 Coloured by the actions

When we have mislaid something, our mind conditioning kicks in, and determines how long it will take us to find the lost object. Sometimes we never find it.

As we improve, objects are lost less often, as we become more mindful, and more organised. When objects are lost, they become more serious, because we begin to notice that we have been mindless, which is more important than the mislaid object.

Suddenly we realise that we really are responsible in all ways for everything that happens to us.

I had read those words a hundred times, and could never understand how it worked, and therefore never truly believed it.

Slowly, I think I worked it out.

Placing ourselves in our mind’s eye as if we were a body is what creates the problem. Whenever we picture ourselves doing anything, we see a body. However, we have already learned that we are more than just a body.

Now, instead of a body, I picture myself as a rainbow-coloured bubble that can stretch, mould, bend, and twist. This bubble, me, has electro-magnetic properties, which change from time to time and mood to mood.

Everything else that has materialised on this planet is also a rainbow coloured Electro-magnetic bubble, but the more gross objects like rocks and earth reflect only a small section of the spectrum. All human beings have many slightly varying colours, and can be seen to be all the same (a bubble), yet all different, like a snowflake.

Imagine yourself, your bubble, you, as it slides along the main street, being attracted to this, and disgusted by that, and moulding to fit between other bubbles travelling in different directions.

The vision is not a difficult one, and with just a little practice, we can superimpose this type of vision over the physical things that we see around us. We are able to see the effects of one energy on another, and to see how the arrival and leaving of a person affects the remaining group. We are also able to see how the reactions of one person are "coloured" by the actions or words of another.

Experiencing these bubbles enables us to see the shade of bubble that indicates the mood and intention of the person travelling inside the bubble. We begin to gain the ability to read the aura of others.

4 Soul Mate Relationships That Guide Your Life

December 16th, 2021

By Mateo Sol

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Most of us define a Soul Mate as a perfect romantic partner that will fulfill every aspect of our being. Soul Mates are in sync with us, they are supportive, sexy, intelligent, funny and will be part of our “happily ever after” story.

The truth is, life is not quite that simple.

What Exactly is a Soul Mate?

A Soul Mate is a member of your soul family. These are other souls that come into our lives for one reason or another, and they can be family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, lovers and even enemies.

We all have a soul and when we encounter other souls in our lives, the friction of the meeting between two energy forces can create different, intriguing and challenging effects. Some souls will feel as though they have known each other from another lifetime, some will clash, and some will feel at ease with the other person’s company.

Essentially some of the souls that come into our lives will help us grow in love and wisdom, while others will aid us in learning difficult life lessons or universal truths.

No matter how fleeting the encounter, each soul that comes into our lives has the potential to provide a significant life-transforming moment; even that one girl that smiled at you from the window of a bus passing by.

Soul Mates serve as mirrors of ourselves. What we see in another soul reflects our own soul.

When we are capable of seeing others souls as ‘mates’, (including our enemies), as members of our family that are there to teach us life lessons, then our whole perception and relation to other people changes entirely.

Different Types of Soul Mates

In our language, we have the word ‘friend’, and the word ‘soul mate’ which is essentially romantic by nature. But how would you describe someone that falls in between? Someone who is more than just a ‘best friend’ but doesn’t have the romantic and sexual attraction of a ‘soul mate’?

We need to create new words to express these relationships we have with others. Here are a few words that help to distinguish these deep connections we have in life:

Soul Friend

This is your most common type of relationship connection. These are the people in your life who you have chosen because your ego, intelligence or emotions are harmonious with the others. Essentially, you share the same tastes, interests, beliefs, sense of humor and values.

While this connection is not as deep as a Soul Companion, a Soul Friend’s company creates little friction. Sometimes Soul Friends can become Soul Teachers, but generally, you are the one who chooses your Soul Friend as you perceive the world in a similar way to them.

Soul Teacher

Soul Teachers are composed of all the people in your life that have come to teach you a lesson. They don’t necessarily teach you intentionally, but often provide challenging situations in your life for you to overcome and learn from.

Soul Teachers often come in the form of family members, friends, acquaintances, old lovers, momentary drifters, and even enemies. You attract them into your life because you need to learn something from them. For example, some teach you to cultivate patience for the guy who doesn’t signal before changing lanes, to stop lusting over the ‘bad boys’ that keep crossing your path, or to develop greater compassion and understanding for another person’s way of life and beliefs.

Usually, any friction in relationships is due to a failure in acknowledging something within ourselves, or in other words; a resistance to the lessons our Soul Teachers teach us. We can never change other people unless they are open to do so, but we can change ourselves.

Soul Companion

This would come closest to what we commonly define as a “soul mate” with the exception of romantic attraction. Soul Companions can be males or females, friends or family members. While Soul Friends are harmonized with us through their ego identities, Soul Companions experience soulful harmony with us. The nature of a Soul Companion is much more long-lived and stable to that of a Soul Friend for this reason.

Many times the relationships you develop with these people will feel as though you’ve known them for centuries, even from past lives. With a Soul Companion there is a great and deep understanding of the other person, and a feeling that you are both on the same ‘wave length’ of thoughts and emotions. These connections often last for a lifetime.

Soul Companions share both attributes of Soul Friends and Soul Teachers in that they experience ego harmony with us, as well as teach, help us learn, and grow, without the friction of a Soul Teacher, as Soul Companions lovingly share with us the journey. One of the reasons for such depth and harmony is because they usually share with us the same Soul Age.

Soul Twin

The ancient Greeks believed that our souls were once whole and the Gods divided them into two different halves, and once we found our other halves we would become whole and complete again. That is the essence of Soul Twins.

Finding our Soul Twin often feels like finding a piece of ourselves that was missing. Many describe the feeling as ‘returning home’, or developing a greater sense of wholeness in the presence of the other person. Soul Twins share complementary, compatible life goals and their spiritual natures are often in sync. They also experience immense levels of comfort with each other that cannot be experienced in other relationships, and they complement each other in many ways through their strengths and weaknesses. (We explore this idea more in our Twin Flame and Soul Mates book.)

Interestingly, the Soul Age development of a person plays a significant role in Soul Twin relationships. Mature and Old Souls, for example, are more in-tune with finding their mates as they are more capable of experiencing a peaceful, joyous love that is not rooted in infatuation. This love can be grounded in unconditional affection that requires significant spiritual development to first overcome the fears and possessive attachments that are involved in most typical relationships.

In the end, it’s important to remember that none of these relationships are better or worse than the other – they each serve a purpose in our spiritual growth and healing.

Why Soul Mates Come Into Our Lives

There are three ways a Soul Mate can come into our lives, and that is: For a Reason, For a Season and For a Lifetime.

It is important to know of this distinction because once you know why a Soul Mate has come into your life, you can know what to expect from that connection. All too often we find couples, for example, who are still clinging to the dead flower of a relationship that was once blossoming but has reached the end of its season. So let’s have a closer look at these:

For a Reason

When you come across a Soul Mate for a REASON, it’s usually to meet a need that has been expressed in your life. This can be for guidance, assistance through difficult times, support, depth of conversations or simply as a presence for you physically, emotionally or spiritually. A Soul Mate can last a moment or a lifetime, depending on the type of Soul Mate relationship it is.

For a Season

Then there are Soul Mates for a SEASON, or people that come into our lives only momentarily. These people may serve as catalysts to share, grow and learn, or they may present themselves in a moment when we need to overcome our fears of vulnerability, or when we need someone to challenge our belief system, or even when we need to discover a passion we were unaware of. Regardless of the reason, these Soul Mates are only Seasonal and leave once their gift has passed on.

For a Lifetime

Lifetime relationships are predominantly Twin Soul connections. They teach us lessons that are so deep, so intricate that they require a lifetime of loving growth with the other to assimilate deeply.

In lifetime connections, the strengths of one person are used to strengthen the other, and the harmony between both Soul Mates is so peaceful and flows so well that they often last a lifetime. These relationships are as rare and as precious as fine jewels, and we should feel immensely blessed if we encounter them during our lives.


There are an infinity of Soul Mates out there that we will encounter during our lives. While some come to teach us something new, others come to share our joys. While some last for only a few months or years, others last for a lifetime.

With these lessons and shared moments of bliss, we learn to grow spiritually and come closer to finding our wholeness as human beings.

How is Your Emotional Pain-Body? Take the Pain-Body Quiz

By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In Eckhart Tolle’s opinion, emotion is the body’s reaction to a certain idea, to the mental interpretation of a specific or imaginary situation. The ideas generating emotional reactions are often pre-verbal, that is, they remain unspoken or even unconscious, and they often appear in early childhood. These unconscious assumptions generate emotional responses in the body, and these emotions will in turn generate further thoughts or actions. A negative emotion is one that is poisonous for the body, it upturns the balance and harmonic functions of the body. The carrier of the negative emotions within the individual is the Pain-Body.

By ‘Pain-Body’, Tolle means emotional pain. Apprehension, hatred, self-pity, remorse, rage, depression, envy etc. are all manifestations of the Pain-Body. All emotional pains suffered by the individual during their life, remain a part of the unconscious of the individual for the rest of their life. All negative emotions, emotional suffering that the individual refuses to face, leave a mark in their unconscious. It is particularly difficult to face with, and to treat powerful negative emotions in childhood. Such unprocessed emotional pains constitute the foundations of Pain-Body. In the collective unconscious, every individual carries their own share of collective human pain that also belongs to the Pain-Body.

Would you like to get to know the nature, structure and dynamics of your Pain-Body?

Ego and the Pain-Body

The emotional component of the Ego is constituted by the unprocessed emotions concentrated in the Pain-Body. They occupy human mind. Pain is inseparable from the Ego identified with the mind.

Ego means the conventional, ordinary ”self,” which constitutes the common mistake in which the illusory belief in the personal identity is rooted. This illusory self will then be the basis of all mental processes, human relations and the interpretation of reality. The structure of the ego is an unconscious factor, which forces the individual to reinforce his/her identity by joining an external object. The content of the ego will then be the thing with which the individual identified him/herself (my house, my car, my child, my intelligence, my opinion etc.).

The emotional components of Ego are different in every individual; they are larger in some people and smaller in others.

In most people, Pain-body has a dormant and an active state. Events that coincide with patterns of pain previously experienced by the individual may easily activate Pain-Body. An apparently insignificant event may active an old pain in the individual, retrieving thoughts and emotions caused by old pains that occurred several years previously. Physical or emotional abuse, loss, a sense of abandonment may activate Pain-body particularly easily.

Any enjoyment, emotionally high state also hides the potential of pain in it, and this pain may with time be manifested. Enjoyment may therefore be transformed into some form of pain.

Get to know your Pain-Body

If you’re ready to understand the nature, structure and dynamics of your Pain-Body, so that you may begin to heal it, all you have to do is to complete the following Pain-Body Quiz. The quiz is designed to help you to realize how your Pain-Body expresses itself, and how much control you have over your Pain-Body.

The Pain-Body Quiz is assembled according to the strict criteria of the development of a scientific research method. The results of the quiz represent the reality only, when you answer the items of the quiz honestly. I made this quiz as a scientific research method, and this is the abridged version.

Take the Pain-Body Quiz

Please, read all statements carefully and mark the alternative that best describes your emotions and behaviors by the number of each statement, according to the following criteria:

SCALE: 1= virtually never, 2=sometimes, 3= frequently, 4=almost always.

The Pain-Body Quiz:

  1. I become upset without any particular reason

  2. I harbour resentment against others

  3. I easily become angry

  4. I feel remorse

  5. I am impatient with others

  6. I become depressed or sad without any particular reason

  7. People make me nervous

  8. I am overcome by self-pity

  9. I am often overcome by my emotions

  10. I have negative ideas about myself

  11. I am envious of others

  12. I easily offend others

  13. Small, insignificant things trigger intensive emotions in me

  14. I am often overcome by my emotions unexpectedly

  15. I am unhappy

  16. I am able to control my emotions

  17. I am able to forget about old offences

  18. When I realize that an emotions overcomes me, I am able to consciously suppress it

  19. I am able to contemplate my emotions like an outsider

  20. I do not identify with my emotions, I simply allow them to happen

  21. When I am suffering emotionally, I do not escape, I make efforts to consciously face the emotion concerned

  22. I am able to focus my attention on the present, instead of re-living old emotions

Don’t forget, the result of the quiz reflects reality only if the items of the quiz were honestly answered.

Evaluating the Pain-Body Quiz

You will find the evaluation of your Pain-Body Quiz HERE.

Your Pain-Body may have a lot of manifestation forms. With the Pain-Body Quiz, the Pain-Body Manifestation Scale can be defined, which shows the quality of our Pain-Body. The Pain-Body Control Scale informs us how much we are currently able to control the manifestation of our Pain-Body. The subscales of the Pain-Body Manifestation Scale (Exasperation, Grudge and Inflammability subscales) show the structure and quality of our Pain-Body, what feelings prevail, and what kind of dynamics those feelings have.

On the basis of the completed quiz and evaluation, how could you describe your Pain-Body?

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