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Sunday Family Humour 30th January Personal

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14 The need to demonstrate mastery

The need to demonstrate mastery is innate.

We have to demonstrate our mastery over animals, over the countryside, and over other human beings.

But it is only when we decide that we would like to be master of ourselves that we are able to advance.

Of course, some characters never grow out of the stage of having a need to master others, and they continue to grow with an ever-expanding need to control the planet.

The human being has a need to discover its boundaries, and this discovery phase is what teenage rebellion is all about. Teenage rebellion, gently elbowing its ways into society, causes society to evolve.

Therefore, we see the conditioning of our teenagers as the forerunner of the conditioning of society. If absent masters condition our teenagers to be subservient, then it becomes easy for just a few people to condition the whole of society.

Just tiny changes in mental conditioning can retard, or even reverse evolution.

The problem of allowing oneself to go within, is that there are resistance factors in the subconscious that are quite aware of the approaching dangers.

We all have this thing called an ego, being a mental construct of our own that decides how we behave and do not behave. We are all capable of adjusting certain parts of our mental construct as and when needed, and therefore, adjusting the way in which we behave.

It is but one small step to view the larger picture, and see that this mental construct is like a cloud that floats around us, and is not a part of us at all. We are able to see that we can leave this dirty yellow shroud behind. By letting it trail on the ground as we walk, and by relaxing and opening our arms and our heart, we allow gravity to create the glue which sticks the shroud to the ground. We turn around after a few paces, and stare at what we have left behind, like a scab off some dirty wound. Then we realise that what remains are tender sore spot that needs careful attention as we birth ourselves into a new uplifted environment.

Some see this shroud as a beast crawling into their canoe, and some see it as rubbish left behind them, dependent on which path they have walked. However, once we have met our beast or left behind our outer skin, we realise that we are all walking the same path and that we ease our progress if we share our adventures. We do not all have to meet everybody's beast, and walk through everybody's rubbish.

There are no beasts, or rubbish ahead of us. We have reached the land of truth, where only real things exist, and the people are not afraid of unreal things.

Being afraid of real things is not a real fear, but merely a prompt to observe more carefully.

I thought you should see this.

Wherever you stand on the vaccine, this is a must read…This is from an RN

"Among all the vaccines I have known in my lifetime (diphtheria, tetanus,measles, rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis- I want to add flu and pneumonia) , I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated. I had neve rheard of a vaccine that spreads the virus even after vaccination.

I had never heard of rewards, discounts, incentives to get vaccinated. I never saw discrimination for those who didn't. If you haven't been vaccinated, no one has tried to make you feel like a bad person. I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends. I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school. I have never seen a vaccine that would allow a 12-year-old to override parental consent.

After all the vaccines I listed above, I have never seen a vaccine like this one, which discriminates, divides and judges society as it is. And as the social fabric tightens...

It's a powerful vaccine! She does all these things except IMMUNIZATION.

If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to geta negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask afterwe are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated,

it will likely come to "It's time for us to admit that we've been completely deceived."

I copied and pasted .. It's easier to con people than to tell them that they have been


Old Devil's Letter To The Young

Funny the things you come upon in the middle of the night when you can't sleep, but how timely it is like in 2021 and 70 years ago:

This prophetic!!

CS Lewis wrote this nearly 70 years ago but could have been written today:

′′One young devil asked the old man: "How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?"

The old devil answered: "I instilled fear in them!"

Answers the youngster: "Great job!

And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?"

Answers the man: "No, they were afraid of the disease!"

For this youngster: "Does this mean they didn't get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for them?"

The old man answered: "but no . . . they got sick, died, and the rescue was there." The young devil, surprised, answered: "Then I don't understand???" The old man answered: "You know they believed the only thing they have to keep at any cost is their lives.

They stopped hugging, greeting each other. They've moved away from each other. They gave up all social contacts and everything that was human! Later they ran out of money, lost their jobs, but that was their choice because they were afraid for their lives, that's why they quit their jobs without even having bread.

They believed blindly everything they heard and read in the papers.

They gave up their freedoms, they didn't leave their own homes literally anywhere. They stopped visiting family and friends. The world turned into such a concentration camp, without forcing them into captivity.

They accepted everything!!! Just to live at least one more miserable

day . . . And so living, they died every day!!!

And that's how it was very easy for me to take their miserable souls to hell..... ′′

C.S. Lewis - ′′ Old Devil's Letter To The Young ′′ 1942.

This is a good time to upgrade your way of thinking, and this book is perfect to get you started on a new path and a new way of looking at life.

A gentle suck on the red pill.

"I read it in one sitting. Great concepts. It’s a high level overview of enlightenment, hence “quickstep”. Definitely left me wanting more... I will continue on my journey to enlighten myself. "

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By Shirley Plant

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a vital nutrient for many functions in the body, yet sadly much of the population is deficient. Additionally, most are unaware that a deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead to a list of symptoms which may not be immediately recognised as symptoms associated with a deficiency in B12 – and they can creep up on you! (About 50 percent of patients with subclinical disease have a B12 deficiency.)

So if you are feeling less than healthy, then it is very possible some of your symptoms may be the result of a chronic or even an acute deficiency in this crucial nutrient. So, let’s start with what foods contain Vitamin B12 and why it is so important to health and vitality.

Vitamin B12 – Why is it important?

Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in the body. It is responsible for making healthy blood cells, and our nerves cannot work efficiently without adequate amounts of its presence. It is the building block the body uses for DNA formation and repair, it keeps our immune system in check, regulates our mood and sleep cycles, helps to manage stress in the body, and supports proper neurological function.

Brain function

As we age our brain actually shrinks and cognitive function begins to decline. Vitamin B12 supplementation has been shown to slow this process and help with memory loss.

Studies have shown that 1 in 2 seniors show a decreased levels of Vitamin B 12, because as we age we are less able to absorb this vitamin due to the decline in a glyco-protein produced in our stomach called intrinsic factor. Studies are also showing that younger adults too can be low in B12, especially those with compromised digestive disorders and those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

A condition known as pernicious anemia – thankfully fairly rare – can also be caused by chronically low levels of vitamin B12, and this condition can lead to dementia. Pernicious anemia is a serious condition, and the first symptoms are often confusion – slowness – irritability, and apathy.

Natural sources of Vitamin B12

B12 is a unique vitamin in that natural sources are only found in animal foods (see further information below), however some pre-packaged foods are fortified with a synthetic form of B12. Depending on your diet and your age, it is quite possible you are not up-taking enough of this most important B vitamin.

Some plant foods may contain some B12, but studies have showed that the human body is actually unable to use the plant-based form of vitamin B12, meaning that vegetarians and vegans are at high risk of developing a deficiency in this vitamin despite that they may be including in their diet plant foods believed to contain B12. The B12 we can biologically use is produced by bacteria only in the gut of animals so, unlike other vitamins, we can’t obtain it from plants or from sunlight.

The best dietary sources of vitamin B12 include red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, shellfish, milk and most other dairy products. However, even those who eat abundant amounts of these foods can sometimes be deficient because due to some health conditions, and as we age, in addition to diminishing levels of intrinsic factor (as mentioned) above, our stomach lining also loses its ability to produce adequate amounts of hydrochloric acid, which is needed to breakdown and absorb B12 from our food. Some people who have digestive issues or take acid blocking medications are at higher risk as they are unable to absorb this key vitamin.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency include:

  • Low energy or weakness

  • Confusion

  • Sleep issues

  • Digestive issues

  • Poor circulation

  • Hearing or vision loss

  • Memory problems

  • Dizziness

  • Brain fog

  • Unusual mood swings/anger/psychosis

  • Tingling in extremities

  • Low immunity

  • Easy bruising or bleeding gums

  • Weight loss

More serious symptoms of B12 deficiency can include:

  • Yellowish skin

  • Fatigue

  • Shortness of breath

  • Headaches

  • Numbness or tingling in the hands and feet

  • Trouble keeping balance

  • Psychosis

Who is most at risk?

It is important to have your B12 levels checked especially if you are:

  • Vegetarian or vegan

  • Suffering from intestinal disorders like Crohn’s or Celiac Disease or Chronic Candida infection

  • A heavy alcohol drinker

  • A long time user of acid-reducing drugs

  • Dealing with autoimmune conditions

… Or if you suffer any of the symptoms mentioned in the list above.


If your levels are found to be low, you will either be advised you need to have B12 injections, or you will need to take a B12 supplement. The safest and best absorbing Vitamin B12 is methylcobalamin and it should be taken sublingually (absorbed through the mouth), which ensures it gets into your blood stream directly, rather than passing through your intestinal tract which may be compromised.

Check with your pharmacist or someone competent at your health shop who can advise you about a high quality B12 supplement. It is important to note that many B12 supplements are made from cyanocobalamin which is obtained from cyanide and can be harmful to the body over time.

The Joys of Retreating from The World (For a While)

By Steve Taylor Ph.D

Guest writer for Wake Up World

It’s easy for us to wear ourselves out in the world, dashing from one place to the next, our minds immersed in the tasks of our jobs and the other duties which make up our lives. With so much noise and busy-ness around us, it’s easy for us to lose our grounding, even our sense of identity. There is often a lot of noise inside us too. The busy-ness around us triggers thoughts and associations inside our heads, so that even when we’re not active our minds are filled with a chaos of thought-chatter, jumping from one subject to the next like dancing fleas.

That’s why periods of retreat are so important. Quietness and stillness allow the mental noise inside us to fade away, and help us to come back to ourselves. After weeks of frantic rushing and chasing, we step off the fast-moving train of time and return to the present. Our energy regenerates, and we feel a sense of wholeness, a glow of well-being. At the same time, there is a feeling of rootedness, of being so grounded and stable that the normal stresses and slights of everyday life don’t affect us to the same degree.

For me it seems to run in cycles. For two or three weeks I can function quite happily in the world of activity, writing, teaching, caring for my kids, playing sports with friends – but then I feel the need to step off, to spend a few evenings quietly at home (not that I always get the chance to, of course).

That’s why I’ve never felt that darkness is something negative. Darkness isn’t empty and bleak – it’s full of potential. I often lie in the darkness, listening to music, meditating or contemplating, and relish the feeling of energy collecting inside me and the glow of well-being beginning to radiate through my being.

Quietness is also the source of creativity. Without regular periods of withdrawal and relaxation, creativity dries up. Stillness makes the mind fertile, like a river running over a plain, enabling ideas and inspirations to shoot up. They seem to come from nowhere, as if we’ve connected to some great cosmic reservoir which – if the conditions are right – channels into our own individual minds.

I write poetry, and that’s where my poems come from. I find that when I’m in an active mode, poems just don’t come. They come when I’m in retreat. I sometimes find myself wondering where the next one will come from; if I’ve had a dry period, I wonder if they’re ever going to come again at all. But after a few days of withdrawal, an idea suddenly emerges, seemingly out of nowhere. Not a whole poem – just the scenario of a poem, the structure of one, which I then have to spend time fleshing out.

And if this is true for us as individuals, it’s true for the world itself. At this time of year – at least for those in the southern hemisphere – nature is in retreat. All things have withdrawn into darkness, and are slowly regenerating. That’s why the winter solstice is so significant – because after weeks of increasing darkness, the earth is starting to collect itself again, to gather its energies, in readiness for the explosion of creativity of life in spring.

If that’s what the rest of nature is doing, maybe we should do it too.

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