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10th April Personal

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Continued Quickstep

19 Living here and now

Once we have begun to live in the here-and-now, we are able to see how the conditioning of others causes their judgement to take them in certain directions. Then one can see how one's own judgement has driven one's life in the past. It becomes an easy step to learn how our own judgement has been operating, and once we can see this, we can set about modifying our judgement to a more desirable arrangement.

In other words, by modifying what we presently consider as instinctive reactions, we are able to evolve ourselves.

The first thing to do is to learn about our most instinctive action and reaction - that of breathing.

Playing with the breath.

This exercise is one that we can use every day for the rest of our lives, even if just for a few seconds. All we need is to be in a situation that allows relaxation, preferably seated, with a straight spine.

1 - Make three very deep long breaths, pausing briefly between the in and the out breath, in order to open the chest and heart area.

2 - Consciously allow the body to relax until it feels comfortable, but hold the spine straight. Sitting in a chair is OK if this is the most comfortable position - we are not doing athletics! If we have a weak spine, then we support ourselves against a tree or pillar.

3 - Concentrate totally on breathing as gently, and as little, and as smoothly as possible, with as little effort as possible.

- As we feel the waves of relaxation, we go with them, letting every atom of the body relax, using energy only for breathing, and maintaining a straight spine.

5 - Stay there and learn about ourselves!

6 - Decide before starting how many "Stops" we are going to sit for. When we feel that we have had enough, and are about to finish the meditation, we do not finish. We force ourselves to continue. We count this as one "Stop". We now go through a severe test. Can we sit through the pain? The answer is yes, and we manage to do that for the predetermined number of "stops". We do not actually get up and walk about until we have reached our predetermined number of stops. This helps us to stay there for inordinately longer than usual, and brings us immense satisfaction with our progress.

This one works wonders for me.

By sitting for about ten minutes several times per day, we will discover that our lives take a miraculous turn for the better, as more and more reality replaces the illusory life which we presently lead. The Law of Cause and Effect takes on different proportions as we begin to understand the true effect of all of our thoughts, words and deeds.

By taking the time to process catalyst as it is presented, we perfect the process, and are able to process catalyst more rapidly. This is what allows us to see deeper into Cause and Effect and to be more able to control our own thoughts words and deeds.By interfering less in processes beyond our understanding, we are able to observe the processes as intended by The Creator in more detail.

We can see the effect of man, the effect of animals, and the effect of nature. We find that there are less "bummers” and more experiences of joy - we discover that it is possible to learn from pleasurable experiences, as well as the less pleasurable ones. We find it far easier to let things go, as we are detached from anything impermanent. We welcome new situations, new people, and new things, and we leave ourselves open to new vibrations. We find new experiences in everything that is happening around us and we find that we need more time alone in peace to process the catalyst of the day.

Therefore, what we are doing much of the time is meditating, in order to learn about ourselves, so that we may be of more service to others.

This is the end of Quickstep

The next book to be featured in weekly instalments is

Hatha Yoga:

The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being

by Yogi Ramacharaka

Hatha Yoga - The Yoga of the Body


Even Positive People Have Negative Thoughts

By Dawn Walton

Guest writer for Wake Up World

We are all one thought away from happiness, but most of us don’t realise it. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could realise that and act on it? It’s all about our ability to realise that a thought isn’t real. Once we realise it’s not real, we can change it.

How can you tell the difference between a thought that you should pay attention to and one that’s trying to lead you astray? They all seem the same.

The subconscious is in charge for at least 90% of the day. It’s a primitive and defensive part of the brain. I think this is why we often focus on those things that aren’t right in our life (instead of those that are). There is a quote I often see shared “Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have”.

Have you ever had one of those days where one minute everything is ticking along fine and then you get some bad news and suddenly your whole world seems to close in on you? If you think about it, in that moment, all that’s changed is something in your head. Often there is nothing you can actually do as it has merely been information, but your perception and reality has changed.

Bad things are happening all the time (so are good things) but when they enter our reality, our thoughts change. In those moments, it becomes irrelevant that you can’t actually do anything. You work through different situations in your head, trying to prepare for lots of different scenarios – I call this “situation thinking”.

Thoughts Define Our Reality

When trying to help my clients understand that thoughts define our reality, I often use the old “glass half full/half empty” example.

Imagine that I hand you a glass filled up half way with chilled water (or a beverage of your choice).

You could take the glass off me, look at it and think “That’s just typical. I only ever get half a glass of anything. I bet everyone else would get a full glass. I always get short-changed”

Or you could take the glass off me, look at it and think “Marvellous! That is just what I wanted. I really needed a drink.”

The fact remains the same; the glass is filled to the halfway mark. What that means to you is down to your thoughts and your reality.

So why can it be so challenging to let thoughts go?

One of the things that distinguish us from animals is our ability to resist our primitive and basic survival needs. We don’t have to have sex with everyone we meet. We can have food in the cupboards rather than eating everything as soon as it enters the house.

We are used to ignoring the thoughts that come from our subconscious that drive these primitive needs. Every now and then we can have less control than we’d like, but generally we make choices every minute of every day that override base needs. This lulls us into a false sense of security. Because we can leave food in the cupboards, we believe that we have far more control of that type of thought than is actually true. As a result, we have a tendency to treat the remaining thoughts, those we act on, as facts.

Ninja Thoughts

What we don’t realise is that some thoughts sneak out from the subconscious and disguise themselves as conscious, rational thoughts. Let’s call them Ninja Thoughts for now.

Although Ninja Thoughts occupy the same space as conscious and rational thoughts, they are sent there by the subconscious. This means they are only there to keep you safe from threat at all costs. This often leads to actions based on a miscalculated perception of what is a threat.

Your subconscious works on a rule book established during childhood. The rules it follows are written based on the caveman rules of survival; a time where if you were hurt it would be physical and probably result in death. Now, being hurt means feeling upset, and there is little chance of death from that. But your Ninja Thoughts are still mobilised to protect you from getting hurt. Because they are in disguise, it can be hard to differentiate between them and ‘normal’ rational thoughts, and so you act on them.

The work I do with clients is about stopping the subconscious mobilising the Ninja Thoughts. With fewer of these misguided thoughts to get in the way, you have the freedom to make choices based on what is right for you, rather than taking an automatic defensive response. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as saying “Ta-da! The Ninja Thoughts have gone!” because your subconscious is still in control 90% of the time and so there are still Ninja thoughts hanging around; they are just not as powerful as they used to be. This means you can now ignore them.

It is my experience that positive people aren’t people who are free from negative thoughts. They are just people who are able to identify that thoughts aren’t real, and banish the negative thoughts in favour of focussing on the remaining positive ones.

Once I have freed my clients of the behaviours that come from their subconscious, they are free to take control of their thoughts. But they’ve never been able to do that before so I give them a little coaching on how they can master the skill of banishing unwanted thoughts. This is a different form of mindfulness than the one often talked about. Many of my clients tell me they over-analyse stuff. They beat themselves up for dwelling on stuff and getting caught up in whirlpools. Once I have cleared a rule from their subconscious I need to teach them how to master those thoughts. It’s not about stopping them. It’s about transforming them!

Learn How To Banish Thoughts

This is a task I give my clients that you might find works for you too.

  1. Set an alarm for 60 seconds

  2. Focus on your breathing

  3. When a thought enters your head label it. Maybe you can label it as a worry, a thing to do, a thought from the past. It doesn’t matter what label you use, just stick a label on each thought.

  4. Once a thought has been labelled, imagine it leaving your head again. There are a number of different ways you can imagine the thoughts appearing and you’ll find a way that’s right for you. Examples might include: imagine the thoughts as branches on a tree, as each grows it turns to jelly (jello) and drops to the ground, or imagine each thought is like a post-it note that floats off a wall, or a leaf dropping off a tree and floating down the river. It doesn’t matter how you visualise it, just make sure you allow the thought into your head, visualise it, label it, and send it away.

  5. After you’ve labelled the thought and sent it away focus on your breathing again and when the next thought comes in, just label it and send it away again.

Do this for a week at 60 seconds. Initially you might find yourself glancing at your alarm after 5-10 seconds. Stick at it. Eventually you might find that you’re able to get through all 60 seconds repeating the visualisation.

Don’t worry if it takes you a while to get to the full 60 seconds, people spend years dedicating their lives to mastering this. Give yourself credit for any amount of time where you can achieve this, rather than beating yourself for not being able to meet a specific target.

The more you master the skill of moving thoughts in and out of your head during this set time, the more you might begin to realise that you are able to do it moment by moment as you go through your day. Pretty soon you can find that stuff doesn’t stick. We all have stuff that brings us down or makes us mad, the difference happens when you recognise that you only have to put up with those feelings for hours instead of days or weeks.

This isn’t about becoming a robot and not being affected by stuff. This is about learning that your thoughts define your reality and if you change your thoughts, you can change your reality.

Which brings me back to my main point. Positive people are not people who don’t have negative thoughts. They are people who are able to get rid of the negative thoughts and remain focussed on the positive ones.

Going back many years, Clif High's Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis (ALTA) Reports from his web bots have contained large datasets referring to a temporal marker that he labeled "Secrets Revealed" and alternately, "SciFi World". He believes that we've now entered this time period.

He says, "We're seeing the secrets of Hunter Biden's laptop come out, we're seeing the secrets about the election theft come out, about all of the corrupt politicians, about all of the corrupt teachers' unions and all of this kind of stuff, right?"

Within this larger "Secrets Revealed" dataset, there are smaller subsets, such as "Planes falling out of the sky", which he thinks refers to the hundreds of pilots who have died from the death shot and also, something we just saw happen last week, when a commercial airliner in China nosedived from 29,000 feet at a 90º angle. It was reportedly carrying Rep Eric Swallwell's Chinese spy ex-girlfriend, Fang Fang.

Another subset of "Secrets Revealed" was named the "Israeli mistake", which Clif believes refers to the 85% vaxxination rate of the Israeli population. Interestingly, he says this subset has always been linked with Iran, although the Iranian component of the temporal marker has not yet revealed itself.

Clif describes the theocratic regime in Iran as not Islamic but "Khazarian", which Clif equates here with "Sabbatean", referring to the 18th century heretical antinomian Jewish cult of Sabbatean Frankism.

"Government desperation" is another subset of "Secrets Revealed" dataset, as is "Crack-up boom", the latter of which refers to the failing banking system.

"Disney" was another long-running temporal marker, that referred to a backlash against – and the eventual collapse of that corporation.

We saw what may be the beginnings of this last week, when Disney became hysterical over Florida's passing of legislation that prevents sex education of children in Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. Disney vowed to do everything in their power to have the law repealed, prompting Governor DeSantis to announce that he would study removing Disney's special privileges in the state.

Clif says that as the Secrets Revealed temporal marker unfolds, we'll move beyond revelations of corruption in government coming out through the new Trump lawsuit, the Durham probe, the election lawsuits and the banking system [he forgot to mention the Hunter Biden Grand Jury] but we'll also be getting into revelations about history, which has been distorted by the Khazarian Mafia, who will now be on the ropes.

He says, "This leads us to Antarctica, where a ton of our true human history is buried and hidden from us. And so, as we keep moving through this, we keep getting into space and anti-gravity stuff, all kinds of, this is a multi-decadal, it may even be multiple hundreds of years.

"My datasets were not capable of...predicting, forecasting much beyond a space of, like 20 years," although the vast majority was focused on the near term of 2-3 years.

He says that basically, history is an edifice of lies and that it will take years to reconcile and rectify; entire industries will be spawned to do this task.

Although hampered by a bad internet connection and his recent de-platforming from Twitter, where he was mining some of his information (removed reportedly over his pinned tweet about supplements to take if you have been vaxxed), Clif strongly suspects that "Space Aliens" will become a topic of discussion this August.

"It might be that we get anti-gravity stuff showing up, it might be that there's some kind of history stuff showing up, that says, 'space aliens are here,' something that brings space aliens out in a way that is not denigrated; that is not depreciated, that is not swept away.

"While it may not be accepted, the discussion of it is accepted," which we don't have now.

However, prior to that, his emotional reduction engine has predicted rising emotional tension language between May 19-27th, that pegs out at a maximum level for 7 days straight. He doesn't know if it's positive or negative but whatever it is, it's big. He says these dates are within an error range of three days in either direction.

He says that for himself, getting to live and experience these events is such a reward, as he had a near death experience a few years ago and he had never expected to be witness to this long-prophesied unfoldment in history. We are living Revelation.

He says, "This is a reward to everybody, because when the secrets are out, you don't have that toxic environment, anymore."

Running Time: 37 mins

This is a good time to upgrade your way of thinking, and this book is perfect to get you started on a new path and a new way of looking at life.

A gentle suck on the red pill.

"I read it in one sitting. Great concepts. It’s a high level overview of enlightenment, hence “quickstep”. Definitely left me wanting more... I will continue on my journey to enlighten myself. "

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Brain of Elderly People

The director of the George Washington University School of Medicine argues that the brain of an older person is much more practical than is commonly believed. At this age, the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain becomes harmonious, which expands our creative possibilities. That is why among people over 60 years of age you can find many personalities who have just started their creative activities.

Of course, the brain is no longer as fast as it was in youth. However, it gains in flexibility. Therefore, with age, we are more likely to make the right decisions and are less exposed to negative emotions. The peak of human intellectual activity occurs around the age of 70, when the brain begins to function at full strength.

Over time, the amount of myelin in the brain increases, a substance that facilitates the rapid passage of signals between neurons. Due to this, intellectual abilities increase by 300% compared to the average.

Also interesting is the fact that after 60 years, a person can use 2 hemispheres at the same time. This allows you to solve much more complex problems.

Professor Monchi Uri, from the University of Montreal, believes that the old man's brain chooses the path that consumes less energy, eliminates the unnecessary and leaves only the right options to solve the problem. A study was conducted involving different age groups. Young people were very confused when passing the tests, while those over 60 years of age made the right decisions.

Now, let's look at the characteristics of the brain between the ages of 60 and 80. They are really pink.


1. Neurons in the brain do not die, as everyone around you says. The connections between them simply disappear if one does not engage in mental work.

2. Distraction and forgetfulness arise due to an overabundance of information. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to concentrate your whole life on unnecessary trifles.

3. From the age of 60, a person, when making decisions, does not use one hemisphere at the same time, like young people, but both.

4. Conclusion: if a person leads a healthy lifestyle, moves, has viable physical activity and is fully mentally active, intellectual abilities do NOT decrease with age, they simply GROW, reaching a peak at the age of 80-90 years .

So do not be afraid of old age. Strive to develop intellectually. Learn new crafts, make music, learn to play musical instruments, paint pictures! Dance! Take an interest in life, meet and communicate with friends, plan for the future, travel as best you can. Do not forget to go to shops, cafes, shows. Don't shut up alone, it's destructive to anyone. Live with the thought: all good things are still ahead of me!

SOURCE: New England Journal of Medicine.

Pass this information on to your family and friends in their 60s, 70s and 80s so they can be proud

Why today's issue is different

A series of events culminated in the loss of all email.

I can see that this series is quite funny now all decisions have been made so I will try to recall and detail it to you.

Everything was fine, and I had successfully posted the first two articles.

Due to my disease of early satiate, I was desparately in need of nourishing food that I could swallow and keep down.

The solution was soup ,which my wife makes perfectly and I mak ea mess of.

So in order to eat in my very delicate condition I needed my wife to make it. But she was also ill, so I could beg only so much.

But she got out of bedafter a while, and started work on the soup.After preparing thevegetables, she put them on the stove, and after about 2 minutes, the gas ran out.There is no guage so there is no way of knowing in advance. Storing 2 bottles is ugly and inconvenient.There is no piped gas in most of Asia, soi it's all in bottles, usually delivered on motor bikes. We have a great supplier who arrives in just a few minutes, and fortunately he came quickly today,

So the soup was cooked and ready for blending .I was so gratful.

But after about 15 seconds of blending, the machine stopped, and after a few more minutes it was declared as an unusable blender by my wife.

Then suddenly I was unable to read emails.

I lost them all,and had to make a decision about actually publlishing something.

I decided to try, based on new incoming emals.

Now it looks like we were lucky andacheived an almost full publication.

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