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10th October

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Let Go of Who You Are to Become What You Might Be

By Paul Lenda

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We all have dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Most of these are left to the confines of our minds, acting only as seemingly-unattainable realities that are nice to think about in order to escape the daily reality we find ourselves in, day after day. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We as humans have the incredible ability to have unbridled will that can be the driving force for attaining the most amazing dreams, hopes, and aspirations we come up with. Combine this will with the courage to transform our thoughts into realities and an unstoppable determination to actualize those thoughts, and you now have the mental framework laid out which will allow you to live your dreams.

As humans we have relatively short lifespans and as we grow older and begin to feel to side effects of aging we tend to reflect more and more on our past and the things we managed to accomplish or have experienced. This self-reflection can lead to great sadness and depression if we look back and see regretfully that we didn’t chase our dreams (usually because of the fear of the great unknown) or we have regrets about things we did that we never reacted to with actions that could undo those regretful decisions.

It doesn’t have to be this way… it doesn’t have to be this way at all. Why settle for anything less than the live you imagined for yourself?

If you look around you and see that others have attained what you wish you had, then this shows you that you can create the same reality for yourself. As long as what you dream for yourself is possible within the confines of the 3D reality we as human beings experience on a daily basis, then the only obstacle between you and living the life you imagine for yourself is your mind. As the Kala, Makia, and Mana principles in the ancient Hawaiian Huna philosophy state:

There are no limits… Energy flows where attention goes… All power comes from within.

There are no limits to the mind except those that we acknowledge, as Napoleon Hill had once said. When we realize the barrier to living our lives in the way that we feel would make us content and happy is our very own mind (and more specifically, the structure-process illusion created by the human mind called the ego) then once we become aware of this, we can say “To hell with these self-imposed limits, I want to live my dreams and chase away the doubts!”

Yes, it really is that simple. To change your mindset is the most critical and most important step in actualizing your dreams. The rest will follow but you need to establish a welcoming environment within your mind for those dreams so that they can eventually become dreams no more but expressions of your actual life. In the words of Lao Tzu, “when I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

Why settle for anything less than that which brings you incredible bliss, joy, ecstasy, and happiness? You shouldn’t have to. This is your life, this is your time to shine. If you see yourself living a life that is but a shadow of what you dream your life was like, then the time to change is now. Change your state of mind and the rest will sure follow.

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.” ~ Patanjali.

How to Stop Being Manipulated By Threats of Chaos

March 16th, 2021

By Paul Lenda

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

Chaos! It’s a narrative that is pushed by those who don’t particularly take a liking to humans. It’s something that is promoted as being true and instigated by malevolent and psychopathic individuals and groups as a way to manipulate humans into generating more fear and anger, which are emotions they believe to be quite savory for their purposes. As innately sovereign beings standing in two worlds (physical and metaphysical), we have to make the decision to become afraid or angry, or allow ourselves to be played in a way that enables those energies to consume us.

Ordo ab Chao is an old trick used for longer than any of us can fathom, be it here on Earth or elsewhere. As long as there is a capacity for an organic and sentient 3D interface like a human to experience a state of fear, it will be leveraged to achieve the agenda of those who have become very far removed from their Source sparks. It’s happening right now, and in a big way.

Nearly eight billion people on this planet are being held hostage (some may say this is close to being quite literal in certain countries right now) until they comply and acquiesce to being completely controlled and drained of all of their will to be free and sovereign. They want to turn fear into a virtue, keeping in line with their tendency to invert things.

So, what do you do? How do you stop being manipulated by threats of chaos? After all, once the current threat fades away like the ones before it, how do you prevent yourself from ever tangoing with fear and giving away your sovereignty in the first place?

Apply Critical Thinking

Even though ancient Egyptians used to consider the brain so worthless that they essentially threw it into the trash when doing the mummification process (they believed the heart was the mind, which has some merit and what I will get into below), it can be very useful in applying critical thinking. The process of critical thinking involves being able to analyze information in an objective way, and then exercising a reason-led judgment. You will evaluate sources of information, look at facts, data, research findings, and any observable phenomena.

To apply critical thinking whenever it seems someone is shouting about fear-based chaos rhetoric, considering doing the following:

  • Analyze data

  • Conduct your own research

  • Question the evidence and put it through a “stress test”

  • Identify and recognize potential patterns

  • Come up with your own interpretations based on your research

  • Make a judgment call

When we actually look at the hard facts, we can see they do not support the agenda of terror that is being steamrolled onto the collective consciousness.

Be Guided By Intuition From 3 Sources

Intuition can sometimes seem like an ethereal and abstract ability. However, you can look at it as being information provided to you by your heart, gut, and higher self. The heart and gut have the same kind of cells that are in the brain of your heart. The heart’s electromagnetic field is 5000 times more powerful than the one emitted by the brain, usually extends 3-4 feet out from the body omnidirectionally, and has an electrical impulse that is 40-60 times greater than that of the brain. It also sends more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart. That shows you just how helpful following your heart can be.

Your gut is the microbiome that is as unique as the neural pathways in your brain. Remarkably, our bodies have more bacteria than human cells. That shows you how we are experiencing 3D reality through the lens of two sentient interfaces…the human being and (good) bacteria. One bacterium on its own doesn’t have that much sentience and or ability to help you out. However, multiply that by trillions, and you have a group consciousness that can significantly help you out when it’s healthy. That makes it key to feed it a healthy diet of prebiotic and probiotic foods, allowing for greater intuitive clarity. The enteric nervous system contains 100 million nerves in your gut’s lining, acting as an actual brain. It’s a good idea to use it!

Your “higher self” or true inner being is the multidimensional aspect of you that transcends space and time, staying perpetually aware of far more than our simple human aspects can normally perceive. Connecting with your higher self and the wisdom and expanded awareness it has can be done through meditation, at first. This could be as simple as practicing mindful awareness, and then, once the mind is free of distractions, you can ask your inner being any question you want the answer to. You will receive a more unfiltered and direct answer the more you get past the ego-mind. I created a guided meditation that involves visual imagery to help you connect with your higher self within 5-10 minutes that can also help if you are having difficulty doing so.

All three of these sources of intuition, when used together, will help you get a very clear understanding/innerstanding of whether something you are being told is truth or falsehood.

Become One Less Person Who Can Be Manipulated

Avoid allowing yourself to be manipulated by the threats of chaos because only then can those forces that thrive on chaos have power over you. You now know what tools you can use to stop giving energy to psychopathic predators and misguided puppets. The more people that stop being manipulated by threats of chaos, the more quickly any of their insidious plans will fall apart.

This plandemic provides timeto upgrade your way of thinking, and this book is perfect to get you started on a new path and a new way of looking at life.

A gentle suck on the red pill.

"I read it in one sitting. Great concepts. It’s a high level overview of enlightenment, hence “quickstep”. Definitely left me wanting more... I will continue on

my journey to enlighten myself. "

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This Is Evil at the Highest Level, Says HHS Whistleblower

Project Veritas on Monday released the first video of its COVID vaccine investigative series featuring an interview with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) insider, Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center in Arizona.

O’Malley described to Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe what has been going on at her federal government facility. To corroborate her assertions, O’Malley recorded her HHS colleagues discussing their concerns about the new COVID vaccine

Here are some of the highlights from the video:

  • Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER doctor, HHS: “All this is bullshit. Now, [a patient] probably [has] myocarditis due to the [COVID] vaccine. But now, they [government] are not going to blame the vaccine.”

  • Dr. Gonzales: “They [government] are not reporting [adverse COVID vaccine side effects] … They want to shove it under the mat.”

  • Deanna Paris, registered nurse, HHS: “It’s a shame they [government] are not treating people [with COVID] like they’re supposed to, like they should. I think they want people to die.”

  • Jodi O’Malley, HHS insider and registered nurse: The COVID vaccine is “not doing what its purpose was.”

  • O’Malley: “I’ve seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions .”

  • O’Malley: “If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?”

  • O’Malley: I’m not afraid of blowing the whistle “because my faith lies in God and not man … You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA [U.S. Food and Drug Administration], you have the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”

  • O’Malley: “At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back — and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on.”

To watch the video live click here:

Greg Reese's latest is chock full of documented facts.

Share this with your Normie loved ones.


Many are now awakened to the harsh reality of depopulation and democide, in which we find ourselves today and the end game is out in the open: to destroy humanity under the guise of transhumanism.

What we've unfortunately learned is that there is an overwhelming herd of us who will do whatever they are told by the system, which explains how we've gotten this far.

There are seemingly millions who will believe whatever pop culture tells them, including the mass-denial of natural health and immunity, while attempting to criminalize a knowledge base spanning millennia. Corporate pop prostitutes spew talking points for Big Pharma's mRNA mystery cocktail as the only solution.

And if the solution is less people, which is what the elitists have been saying for decades, then they are succeeding. Multiple studies conducted in the UK show that after the vaccine was introduced, COVID deaths increased by over 1000%. And more than half of all COVID deaths and hospitalizations are from the fully-vaccinated.

The numbers in New York City are showing the same. Experts in the field, including the inventor of the mRNA technique being used had been warning about this since the beginning – but silenced by the corporate media.

Project Veritas has recently exposed how doctors and nurses are well-aware of the danger of the mRNA jabs but care more about their own jobs and how Big Pharma low-level employees care only about the numbers.

It is an all-out attack against the human race.

We knew this a year ago, because we knew their white papers, which is why we know what comes next, brought to you by the same characters behind the mRNA vaccine. What comes next is the end of natural, organic humanity and the beginning of man's own version.

Man, fused with machine in a lab. The End.

There is no more hiding the end game. It's out in the open, where only the un-brainwashed can see it.

Ultimately, it will be up to the people.

The police in Australia are loyally serving their Globalist masters.

What makes you think anything will be any different in America?

A flight surgeon for the US Army has warned that all vaccinated pilots are unfit to fly. The US military is being destroyed from within. The only way through to freedom is for the people to say "no", which is now starting to happen all across the world.

Humanity uniting together as the human race, standing up against the most sophisticated tyranny that mankind has ever faced, all while the pop culture media machine ignores it.

A worldwide peaceful revolution of the people is a numbers game, so continuing to wake people up is our road to liberation.

Do not remain silent during this dire time at the crossroads of human history. It is the truth that shall set us free.

Running Time: 3 minutes

Jab is Cause of Death in 30-40% of Autopsies

German Chief Pathologist Sounds Alarm on Fatal Covid Vaccine Injuries: “Jab is Cause of Death in 30-40% of Autopsies of Recently Vaccinated”

By captaindaretofly on September 13, 2021

Peter Schirmacher, the director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg.

The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who died within two weeks of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine and has expressed alarm over his findings.

Schirmacher stated that 30 to 40 per cent of people he examined died from the vaccine and that in his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is “underestimated.”

Following his findings, Schirmacher has called for more autopsies of vaccinated people to further determine whether the vaccines are linked to deaths. He has warned that the high number of unreported cases of vaccination deaths is partially due to the fact that “pathologists do not notice anything about most of the patients who die after and possible from a vaccination.”

Despite raising the alarm surrounding the vaccines, many have criticised Schirmacher’s conclusions, with the Paul Ehrlich Institute calling the director’s statements “incomprehensible.” The Chancellor’s lackey, senior German immunologist Thomas Mertens dismissed the findings right away: “I don’t know of any data that would allow a justifiable statement to be made here and I am not assuming an unreported number.”

The immunologist Christian Bogdan from the Erlangen University Hospital, a member of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), also contradicted Schirmacher’s assumption of a “high number of unreported vaccination complications or even deaths.”

Despite the criticism, Schirmacher did receive support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed.

The head of the “Autopsy Working Group” in this association wanted to make general practitioners and health authorities aware of this. Basically, doctors of the patients who die within a few days or weeks post-vaccination should apply for an autopsy in case of doubt or the health authorities should take action,

The Federal Association of Pathologists already requested this in March in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), but it went unanswered.

Of course, it’s worth noting that Schirmacher’s warning could cause various pharmaceutical companies to lose billion dollars worth of long-term business, which explains why his findings have been scrutinised and tarnished by the pro-vaccine agenda.

However, the reputation and seriousness of Schirmacher cannot be ignored.

Schirmacher himself is already leading an autopsy project on people who have died from Covid-19, which is subsidised by the state. He himself then expanded the focus and began performing autopsies on more than 40 deceased vaccinated people. Whilst his results only represent a small sample size, it is a worrying representation of a bigger picture: 30 to 40 per cent died from vaccination itself. The pathologist cited “rare, severe side effects of the vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases.”

In response to critics, Schirmacher denied a lack of competence, stating: “The colleagues are definitely wrong because they cannot assess this specific question competently.” Additionally, the director said that he is not trying to fearmonger and is not opposed to vaccinations, as he himself has received the jab.

If Your Boss Threatens You With Firing If Not Vaccinated


The secret is NOT to refuse the jab and do not sign anything!

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it. (Conditional acceptance) The secret is NOT to refuse it.

Just give him the following letter.

"I write with regard to the matter of potential Covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements.":

1. Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?

2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently, and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

3. Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since its introduction?

5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT experimental mRNA gene-altering therapy?

6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from you as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19?

8. Can you please advise me if I were to experience any adverse reactions is the manufacturer of the vaccine liable? If the manufacturer isn’t liable will the company I’m currently employed with be responsible & liable as it is their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on my employment?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

1. You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.

2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.

The point is that if they CANNOT provide that information you’ve NOT refused.

Submitted by JS

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