
bonsai (盆栽)            a potted dwarf tree as distinguished from potted plants in general. While the charm of a potted flower or a foliage plant lies in its own beauty, that of bonsai is said to consist in the natural atmosphere it creates. Bonsai culture dates back to the Heian period (794—1185), and it became the fashion as the southern school of Chinese painting (nanga) gained popularity in the late Edo period (1603—1867). A dwarf tree planted in a pot is trained and trimmed into a graceful shape so that it may represent a beautiful landscape in miniature. Although great care and artificial aid are given in raising it, a dwarf tree is expected to appeal to the viewer’s imagination by expressing natural beauty. Although it is actually “man-made”, it must look like a natural object. 

An English Dictionary of Japanese Culture, Nobuyuki Honna and Bates Hoffer (editors), Yuhekaku Publishing Company, LTD., Tokyo, Japan, 1986