Panintorn Prakij

A consummate juggler

Sitting talking in Veggie Tales/ Wagging Tails Café with Panintorn Prakij, (Paang to her friends), it was easy to appreciate the many and varied demands on her time from the myriad projects she has immersed herself in.  She is a business woman first, but probably not foremost, since the business seems to exist with dual purposes.  Yes, her business venture, XploreAsia, does provide a livelihood for herself, her business partner and their fifteen or so employees, but there is another facet to the business and it can be clearly seen to be filling a profound need for all who participate in its activities.  Then there is a charity foundation, The “For Future Foundation”, under whose umbrella the well know animal welfare service, Rescue Paws, operates, ably assisted by profits from the very café we are sitting in. Only a superbly well-educated and well-organised woman could keep all these balls in the air simultaneously, and luckily for Thai children, Thai animals, and Westerners looking for a life-changing experience teaching English or volunteering in Thailand or 7 other countries, Khun Paang is just that dynamic woman.

Born in a Bangkok family, the youngest of 3 children, Paang was surrounded by much love but not so much material wealth.  She knew almost instinctively that education was the key to a successful life, and her teachers commented on her great concentration and focus on her lessons, although at times she was a little talkative. This desire to always do her best has stood Khun Paang in good stead throughout her life.  As well as a degree in Journalism and Communication from Thammasart University in Bangkok, Paang possesses two Masters Degrees from American universities, one in Organizational Management and the other in International Development. This education, across continents and across cultures, has seen Paang develop a skill set which uniquely qualifies her for the business she has created, cultivated and bloomed here in Hua Hin since 2011.

Paang describes herself as a determined, compassionate and optimistic woman and those words are thoughtful and accurate. She is, has been and will continue to be an agent for change and has gained admiration and respect from all who know of her work. She told me, “Good intentions and consistency will get you there.”

Paang’s official job title is General Manager and Job Placement Director of XploreAsia, a business she started over a decade ago with her business partner Michael. The company operates in what is a niche market, providing a service that matches Westerners who wish to experience living in a new country and immersing themselves in a different culture with a work or volunteer placement that will allow them to do just that. As the company name would suggest, the majority of placements are in Asia although opportunities now exist in both Spain and Costa Rica as well. The international headquarters, and heart, of the company exists here in Hua Hin although there is now an office, a presence or a partner organisation in South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Japan, Costa Rica and Spain.

The genius of this operation is that it meshes the needs and desires of its clients so well with the needs of children and services in their new host countries.  All these countries are in real need of passionate and enthusiastic English language educators, and XploreAsia provides the TESOL (teaching English as a second or other language) training and cultural awareness necessary for its clients to become highly effective in this role. For those with other interests, there are also opportunities to work as camp counsellors or animal welfare volunteers.

Paang explained  that many of her clients are searching for a fresh start or a new path in their lives and looking to challenge themselves.  Their well-supported growth journey can, and often does, have profound benefits for children and animals in the host countries, as testified in the feedback Paang is happy to post on her website and social media channels. Paang is totally aware of the power of social media in creating public awareness and generating “people-power”.

Paang’s face glowed as we chatted, reflecting her immense pride in what she has created. Paang and XploreAsia also guarantee lifetime placement for those who complete their internationally-recognised English language teaching certification.  There was also an opportunity to speak with Paang’s 77-year-old mother, who holds a crucial place in the good work, and personally delivers cooking classes to all participants who arrive in Hua Hin for the initial acclimatisation phase of their Thailand experience. She seems to be a nurturing mother figure to everyone involved in her daughter’s enterprise.

Paang is a passionate pet lover, and caring adoptive mother to her two rescue Huskies.  Yes, Huskies in Thailand is crazy. Paang took over their care herself, worried other potential owners would not have the time or the financial resources necessary for their proper care.  Working dogs, Huskies require a significant time commitment to exercise to avoid destructive behaviour and howling, and she needs to keep the air conditioning running continually to avoid heat stress for them.

Yet these two are only at the very tip of the profound love Paang has for dogs. Her compassion for the suffering of soi dogs led to her beginning a feeding service for them back in 2013, and her charity work with animals has grown from there, step by step as she has found ways to meet the welfare needs that she has encountered.  Today, Rescue Paws and its work is quite well-known in the Hua Hin community, and has 7 paid staff members as well as a flood of volunteers who regularly rotate through the system, providing much love and individualised care to the “inmates”. People who live in Khao Tao, where Rescue Paws is headquartered, often see groups of dogs and their accompanying volunteers enjoying a frolic along the beach and into the water.  Seeing the little white mutt with the trolley supporting its hindquarters, brings a tear to many an eye.

Paang keeps a close eye on the data of all the enterprises with which she has a managerial connection.  Rescue Paws boasts over 35,000 vaccinations, almost 8,000 sterilizations and even more wound and blood parasite treatments, and an impressive 572 adoptions facilitated in its decade of operation. Paang sees her strengths as her passion and her social conscience, but it is arguable that her key competencies also include an ability to develop tight relationships with partner organizations around the globe, allowing her to access an international support base for her endeavours.  That Communications degree is certainly showing its value and being put to good use.

Paang is confident what she does on a daily basis is meaningful, is helping others find and improve themselves and is changing the lives of children by improving their English language skills. Her best advice for making people happy is helping them maintain a positive mindset by reminding them about what they do well. Paang cares about others, perhaps even too much.  She knows she needs to work on her stress levels and to spend more time on “a good mattress” or travelling. In the future she hopes to indulge her passions for organic farming and artistic pursuits, but will always remain the quintessential “people-person”.

Published on 7th August, 2023, edited 8th August, 2023