2024 法務活動 Events

甲辰歲末感恩法會 Lunar Year End Event

(7壇) 八十八佛洪名寶懺阿彌陀佛息災祈福超度法會

7 Sessions of 88 Buddhas Grand Name Repentance & Amitabha Blessing & Bardo Deliverance Event

12/06/2024   -  12/08/2024 日 Sun





To join, please send your registration to us. May everyone be blessed during the event.

時間表 Schedule:

01/06/2024 (Fri) 1:00-6:00pm 

八十八佛洪名寶懺4壇)88 Buddhas Grand Name Repentance (4 Sessions)

01/07/2024 六 (Sat) 1:00-5:00pm 

八十八佛洪名寶懺388 Buddhas Grand Name Repentance (3 Sessions

01/08/2024 日 (Sun) 1:00pm 

阿彌陀佛息災祈福超度法會 Amitabha Blessing & Bardo Deliverance Event


***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 

2024年    3部藥師寶懺及藥師佛祈福超度護摩大法會

3 Sessions Medicine Buddha Repentance & Blessing, Bardo Deliverance Homa Ceremony

10/18/2024 五 Fri  -  10/20/2024 日Sun



Sentient beings' illusions arise in dependence upon other things. If one can practice self-reflection at all time & understand "the nature of karma is empty", one will free from illusion. If one can repent in front of Medicine Buddha, light candle, do offering, hang banners, practice purification, the living person will be blessed with peace and joy; the deceased will be free from suffering and will be delivered to a better place. The event will benefit all beings. 

May GM to stay in the Saha World, to turn the dharma wheel and may everyone be blessed during the event.

時間表 Schedule

10/18 (Fri) 1:30pm

藥師寶懺 (1部) Medicine Repentance (Session 1)

10/19 (Sat) 1:30pm

藥師寶懺 (2部 ) Medicine Repentance (Session 2 & Final Session)

10/20 (Sun)  1:30pm 

藥師佛息災祈福超度護摩法會 Medicine Buddha Blessing & Bardo Deliverance Homa 


***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約前來護持。We welcome you to contact us for appointment to visit and/or register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 


Ullambana/Lunar 7th Month Emperor Liang Repentance & Ksitigarbha Bardo Deliverance Event

8/3/2024 六 Sat  -  8/11/2024 日 Sun



The article “Repay Parents Kindness & Bardo Deliverance” written by GM Living Buddha LianSheng said that Ullambana Ceremony will bless our current life parents with happiness, good health & long life; our 7 past lives parents to rebirth in heaven/human realms & gain good status. To enhance benefits, we can also recite “Ksitigarbha Sutra”; perform offering & bardo deliverance event; chant Repay Parents Kindness Mantra:“Namo Miliduo Duopoyi Soha” 49 times daily during this period of time. 

As of present, the Lunar 7th Month bardo event represents the greatness of both Ullambana and Zhongyuan festival. During the event, with Triple Gems blessing, we can repay our parents kindness, enrich good merits, mediate with debtors, relieve hungry ghost sufferings & avoid lower 3 realms karma. This event will benefit all sentient beings, we welcome everyone to register and join us.

時間表 Schedule:

8/3 (Sat) @ 1:30PM 開懺卷;卷二 (Opening; Vol 2)

8/4(Sun) @ 1:30PM 卷三;四 (Vol 3; 4)

8/8 (Thu) @ 1:30PM 卷五;六 (Vol 5; 6)

8/9 (Fri) @ 1:30PM 卷七;八 (Vol 7; 8)

8/10 (Sat) @ 1:30PM 卷九;卷十結懺壇 (Vol 9; Final 10)

8/11 (Sun) @ 1:30PM 地藏王菩薩瑜伽焰口超度大法會 (Ksitigarbha Bardo Deliverance)

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 

2024531日~6月2日:預慶根本上師80佛誕 - 禮拜7壇真佛寳懺 & 大白蓮花童子息災祈福超度大法會

Pre-Celebrate GM 80th Birthday - 7 Sessions True Buddha Repentance & White Padmakumara Bardo Deliverance Event

05/31/2024 Fri  -  6/2/2024 日 Sun




懺會日期:05/31/2024 五 Fri  -  6/2/2024 日 Sun

Cheers to GM’s 80th birthday & 300 books accomplishment, we exclusively install the Padmakumara Longevity Prayer Tablet in this universal rejoicing event.

We pray for GM to stay in the saha world, to turn the dharma wheel, and to transform the spirituality freely for as long as possible. Everyone is welcome to register for the event.

Event Date: 05/31/2024 Fri  -  6/2/2024 Sun

時間表 Schedule:

真佛寶懺TB Repentance

5/31 Fri 1:30pm 4 壇

6/1 Sat 1:30pm 3 壇

大白蓮花童子息災祈福超渡大法會 White Padmakumara Bardo Deliverance Event

6/2 Sun 1:30pm 

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 


Lunar Memorial Emperor Liang Repentance & Ksitigarbha Bardo Deliverance Event

3/30/2024 六 Sat  -  4/7/2024 日 Sun




During Lunar Memorial Season, in order to honor the ancestors, sentient beings, homeless spirits as well as to purify the positive, negative & unrecorded karmas, “Attending Repentance Session" is a good way to observe oneself, to repent past mistakes and to start doing good deeds. Through repentance, one will make peace by untie the karmic knots. By extending the prayer dedication to all sentient beings, one can eliminate negative karmas, gain wisdom & merits, be healthy, be safe, and be blessed at all times.

We also wish the Grandmaster to stay longer, healthy and to turn the dharma wheel in this Saha world

Everyone can benefit from the event. To join, please send your registration to us. May everyone be blessed during the event.

時間表 Schedule:

3/30 (Sat) @ 1:30PM 開懺卷;卷二 (Opening; Vol 2)

3/31 (Sun) @ 1:30PM 卷三;四 (Vol 3; 4)

4/4 (Thu) @ 1:30PM 卷五;六 (Vol 5; 6)

4/5 (Fri) @1:30PM 卷七;八 (Vol 7; 8)

4/6 (Sat) @ 1:30PM 卷九;卷十結懺壇 (Vol 9; Final 10)

4/7 (Sun) @ 1:30PM 地藏王菩薩瑜伽焰口超度大法會 (Ksitigarbha Bardo Deliverance)

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 

二月初二 天下土地公聖誕千秋  Lunar 02/02 Global Earth Guardian's Birthday

--祭拜土地公/福德正神 Offering Ceremony

03/10/2024 Sun @ 1:30pm (預慶 Pre-Celebration)

大家可報名贊助供品,及金紙蓮花供養。無法親臨參與者,本寺也可代為奉請各家土地公蒞臨接受供養。Everyone is welcome to make donation for food and joss paper offerings. If you cannot attend the event personally, and need assistance to invite your Earth Guardians to come for the offerings, please let us know.



Earth Guardian is also called Virtue/Merit God, is one of the Gods that are close to the human world. The Grand Master Living Buddha Liansheng Shengyan Lu always said: "The best way to live one's life is without strong desire. Otherwise, praying to the Earth Guardian is the fastest way to get your request fulfilled." He also said: "Practising Buddhism involves stages. Before reaching the undesirable stage, it is very common to have desires. But be clear that, praying to the Earth Guardian doesn't mean taking refuge under Him. The True Buddha School students are taking refuge under their Root Guru Living Buddha Liansheng Shengyan Lu. Because we, ultimately want to achieve Buddhahood." The GM further revealed that the main duty of the Earth Guardian was actually "Correcting/Fixing Fate". A person has to do good deeds, accumulate merits, maintain morality righteousness, etc. in order to receive a response from the Earth Guardian. Therefore, everything still binds by the "Law of Karma". Without accumulating merits, the prayer is pointless. The below "Fate Correction" methods involving Earth Guardian were taught by the GM: 


Method 1: Pray to the Four Directional Earth Guardians for Prosperity





(詳情參閱:【四方增益法】- 蓮生活佛盧勝彥文集第41冊─第三眼世界)

Every human being possesses spirituality. If your spirituality matches with the East side Earth Guardian, you pray to that particular direction. Which said, choose a direction that matches with your spirituality, then pray to that Directional Earth Guardian. This is called Four Directional Enrichment Method.

If there is no temple at your favorable direction to go for the prayer, you can do your prayer by setting up a shrine or put palms together facing that direction. Offering items can be incense, flowers, fruits, candies or hot meal. Joss paper wise, you can choose four directional joss (四方金), wish granting joss (如意金), seven Buddhas joss (七佛金), these selections can generate greater response. Even though the Earth Guardian is a lower level God in the spiritual world, but He is close to the human world and truly can benefit the life of a human being, very responsive as well.

There was a saying that: The Earth Guardian can help you to gain fortune. Outside the door of the wealthy people, there are always several old men with long white beard, moving treasures into the house days and nights. If you pay respect to the Earth Guardian, He will help you by fixing your luck, your health here and there, securing your happiness and your longevity too.

(More details please refer to the article : "Four Directional Enrichment Method" - GM book collections Vol. 41- The World of the Third Eye)


(開示參閱:【改變命運的法術】- 蓮生活佛盧勝彥文集第114冊─密教的法術)

Method 2: Recite the Earth Guardian Mantra

"Namo San Man Do. Mu Do Nan. Om. Dulu Dulu. Di Wei. Soha."

(More details please refer to the article : "The Spiritual Method to Change Fate" - GM book collections Vol. 114 The Spiritual Practices of the Tantrism.)

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 

正月初九 玉皇誕  Lunar 01/09 Heavenly Lord's Birthday

--拜天公、供佛齋天  Grand Offering Ceremony

02/18/2024 Sun @ 10am (預慶 Pre-Celebration)



齋天所供養之二十四諸天介紹:二十四諸天是漢傳佛教中的二十四位護法、也稱作“諸天鬼神”。 由二十諸天增加四位神祇而來。

二十四諸天分別列在大雄寶殿兩側、供奉順序分別是:1. 功德天、2. 辯才天、3. 大梵天、4. 帝釋天、5~8. 四大天王、9. 日神、10. 月神、11. 金剛密跡力士、12. 摩醯首羅天、13. 散脂大將、14. 韋陀天、15. 堅牢地神、16. 菩提樹神、17. 鬼子母、18. 摩利支天、19. 婆竭羅龍王、20. 閻摩羅王、21. 緊那羅王、22. 紫微大帝、23. 東嶽大帝、24. 雷神。

This Heavenly Lord grand offering ceremony is preforming to the Twenty-Four Protective Deities or the Twenty-Four Devas. The group has Twenty Protective Deities or the Twenty Devas, and others spiritual guardians. They are dharmapalas who are defenders of the Buddhist dharma. The group consists of devas, naga kings, vajra-holders and other beings, mostly borrowed from Hinduism with some borrowed from Taoism.

The list of deities consist of 1. Lakshmi, 12. Maheśvara (Shiva), 3. Brahma, 4. Indra, 2. Saraswati, 5~8. Four Heavenly Kings, 9. Surya, 10. Chandra, 11. Guhyapāda, 13. Pañcika, 14. Skanda, 15. Prthiv, 16. Spirit of the Bodhi Tree, 17. Hārītī, 18. Mārīcī, 19. Sāgara, 20. Yama, 21. Kinnara King, 22. Emperor Zi Wei, 23. Emperor Dongyue and 24. Thunder God

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 

2024 新春賜福納財法會活動: 七壇『黃財神法』

CNY Event: Yellow Jambhala Practice (Seven Sessions)

02/03/2024 Sat @ 10am; 11am; 1:30pm; 3pm

02/04/2024 日Sun @ 10am; 11am; 1:30pm



【Yellow Jambhala Mantra】:



Jam” means “Deity or gathering”. “Ba” means “wealth or precious achievement”. “La” means “to honor”. Jambhala” means “Precious Golden Deity, who honor the wealth of spirituality and material security/accomplishment to our lives”.

財神賜福速速發! May the God of Wealth Bless You with Prosperity!


***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 


Annual Guardian (Taisui) Farewell & Welcoming Ceremony, Various Blessing Halls & Annual Luminous Lights Event

1/28/2024 日Sun @ 10am 謝送太歲儀式 Taisui Farewell Ceremony

1:30pm 恭迎太歲儀式 Taisui Welcoming Ceremony


Including light-up ceremony for Annual Guardian (Taisui) Hall, Annual Luminous Light, 

Medicine Buddha Hall, Prosperity and Fortune Hall, Wisdom Hall, Harmony Hall & Marici Hall.



Installation of Annual Guardian (Taisui) , Various Blessing Halls & Annual Luminous Light


Besides Annual Guardian (Taisui) Hall and Luminous Light Hall, the following Blessing Halls also available to register for offering:

1) 藥師殿 Medicine Buddha Hall

2) 財神殿 Prosperity and Fortune Hall

3) 智慧殿 Wisdom Hall

4) 敬愛殿 Harmony Hall

5) 摩利支天殿 Marici Hall




2024 Year of Dragon Annual Guardian (Taisui) is General Cheng LI

Zodiacs clash with 2024 Taisui:


Generally and secularly, many people may think that Annual Guardian (Taisui) propitiation and offering ritual is only required for those whose Zodiac signs are conflicted with Tai Sui of the year. The truth is, in order to promote happiness and longevity, to extinguish personal spiritual obstacles, and to create good spiritual causes, paying respect and offering to Tai Sui of the year is highly recommended to everyone regardless of your Zodiac sign.


**Special discounts will be given to people who are signing up for the “seven-in-one” package. Please call for details.**

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 

清潔道場及壇城 Temple & Shrine Cleaning Days

1/13/2024 Sat &  1/14/2024 日Sun  @ 10:00am










According to Vinaya Piṭaka Sutra*, "person who does the cleaning, gained five benefits. 1. inner purification; 2. purify others; 3. please the heaven beings; 4. gain positive karma; 5. ascend to heaven at the end of life."

1) Inner purification: person who enjoys cleaning found inner peace easily. As a Buddhist practitioner, we should start our practice by cleaning up the environment.

2) Purify others: person who enjoyed cleaning provides peacefulness to others. 

3) Please the heaven beings: Dharmapalas, gods and goddesses enjoy providing guidance to people with good hygiene. 

4) Gain positive karma: cleaning will reduce our negative energy as well as gain us attractive appearance in the future life.

5) Ascend to heaven at the end of life: person who enjoyed cleaning will be entering into the heaven at the end of life.

Practice cleanliness everyday and everywhere. Eventually your will find peacefulness within yourself as well as providing serenity to other sentient beings. 

*Vinaya Pitaka Sutra (Pāli and Sanskrit: “Basket of Discipline”), the oldest and smallest of the three sections of the Buddhist canonical Tipiṭaka (“Triple Basket”) and the one that regulates monastic life and the daily affairs of monks and nuns according to rules attributed to the Buddha.

***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail. 


3部寶懺( 真佛,大悲,淨土)及淨土三尊息災祈福超度法會

3 Sessions of Various Repentance & Pureland Trinity Bardo Deliverance Event

01/06/2024 六   -  01/07/2024 日Sun


三福淨業:i) 世福 (孝親、戒殺)。ii) 戒福 (三歸、眾戒) 。iii) 行福 (發菩提心、深信因果、誦經修行)。

十六觀:1) 日想觀  2) 水想觀  3) 地想觀  4) 寶樹觀  5) 寶池觀  6)  總觀  7) 華座觀  8) 像觀  9) 真身觀 

10) 觀音觀  11) 勢至觀  12) 普觀想  13) 雜觀想  14) 上輩觀  15) 中輩觀  16)下輩觀 。



The Amitāyurdhyāna Sūtra stated: Amitabha Buddha told Prince Ajātasattu's mother,  Queen Vaidehi that to be reborn in His Pureland, first should perform "3 undefiled acts" to gain merit. Then should practise "16 visualizations" to observe the details of His Pureland.  

3 Undefiled Acts:

 i) Attend Saha World Duty (honor parents and elders; no killing).

ii) Uphold Precepts (3 Refuges, no violation of Conduct Rules).

iii) Do Meritorious Acts (Awake Bodhicitta, Believe in Karma Laws, follow Mahayana teachings).

   16 Visualizations: 1) Setting Sun     2) Water     3) Ground     4) Jeweled Trees     5) Bodies of Water

6) Trees, Grounds, and Lakes     7) Lotus Seat     8) Buddha & the Pure Land     9) Body of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life Span     10) Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara     11) Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta

12) Buddha of Infinite Life's World of Sukhavati     13) The Three Sages of the Realm of Ultimate Bliss

14) Superior Grade of Rebirth     15) Middle Grade of Rebirth     16) Lowest Grade of Rebirth

During the event, the living sentient beings will gain merits & improve visualization skills. 9 statues of spirits will benefit from their own merits & vows, and ascend to Amitabha Pureland, either by upholding the Buddha's name, or  by admiring the Buddha's power.

To join, please send your registration to us. May everyone be blessed during the event.

時間表 Schedule

01/06/2024 六 (Sat) 

10:00am 真佛寳懺 True Buddha Repentance

1:00pm 大悲懺 Great Compassion Repentance

3:30pm 淨土懺 Pureland Repentance

01/07/2024 日 (Sun) 

1:30pm 淨土三尊息災祈福超度法會 Pureland Trinity Blessing & Bardo Deliverance Event


***歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式預約參訪護持。We open by appointment, please contact us to schedule a visit and/or to register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail.