文宣 Publication

2022 薩迦為世界祈福 STBT Pray for World Peace


Sacramento True Buddha Temple started the “Pray for World Peace” event calling on by the TBF early on December 18, 2022.

基於本寺所在地當地的習俗,聖誕節至元旦期間,民眾或出國,或四處走訪親友,招待訪客,時間上安排不開。循眾要求,方便發心同門為救度眾生盡一份力,本寺提前舉辦持誦“大救難咒”活動。同時也大力呼籲同門親友點燈供養, 並筹划捐米濟眾的善舉,全力配合“咒音遍法界,明燈照世間,溫情暖人心,真佛佑眾生”的推動。在12/25~12/30/2022期間,本寺同門仍會在在處處,選擇合適的時段跟隨直播參與持咒。






今年歲末時節,適逢當地食物銀行遭逢米糧之荒,本寺則以米糧為救災首選,招募大家捐贈以解燃眉之急,溫飽眾生過好冬。短短一個星期內,兩位上師,助教以及同門四處奔走,到處尋找米糧存貨以滿足眾生捐贈的數量。最後,本寺成功籌到 331 包 20 磅, 即 6,620 磅的白米,完成了布施的善行。

本寺於12月18日下午1點30分,由兩位住持釋蓮琪、釋蓮才上師帶領下,如法持誦長達1小時的大救難咒,並以“五色五輪愛心燈,救災濟貧資糧米”,供養根本傳承上師及諸佛菩薩。持咒儀式吉祥圓滿,祈願眾生得大相應。 咒音催動世界救援積極,催動難民身心安寧,催動災後重建無憂,催動眾生發大菩提心·。



Due to the culture where our temple is located, the local people will either travel out of the country or out of town visiting families, or receiving visitors at their home during the Christmas and New Year seasons, in order to accommodate the request of temple members and to give more people a chance to participate in this “Great Disaster Relief Mantra” reciting event, our temple decided to start the event early. Other than that, we also encouraged the candle offerings and the donation of rice to the people in need. Being described as follows:

Mantra Resonance Enters the Dharma Realms;

Brilliant Illumination Brightens the Saha World;

Kind and Affectionate Warms the Hearts;

True Buddhas Watch Over the Sentient Beings.

During the period of 12/25 to 12/30/2022, our temple members will still follow the live recitation at their discretion.

In recent years, many people have experienced emotional trauma caused by mass disasters and tragedy. Regardless if you are a victim, a rescuer, a survivor, a casualty, or just a regular resident who suffered from irregular weather or environmental conditions, the spiritual power of Great Disaster Relief Mantra will bring peace to you. In fact, this mantra not only produces a shield to protect and heal, it also provides self rescue and self purification to the person who recites it. The grandmaster used to say in his sermon that: the principal deity of Disaster Relief Mantra (the “Buddha Mahesvara”) and the “Demon (Mara) Mahesvara ” are actually the same deity. Therefore, becoming a victim or rising from it and becoming a rescuer is just a thin line.

Grandmaster’s sermon about Buddha Mahesvara referred here: Mahesvara Buddha

To show our “Loving Hearts”, our temple uses five-color and five-chakra to form an ocean of candles as grand offerings:

Five colors representing five wisdom Tathagatas: humility (blue), giving (yellow), meditation (red), dharma preaching (white), fearlessness (green); combine with the body offerings of five chakras (Mount Meru, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind) in the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Body Shrine Calamity Evasion Practice, to form a highest, selflessness prayer for all sentient beings.

We pray for: the Grandmaster to Stay in the Saha World and continue to watch over us with his boundless love.

We also pray to the principal deity of Calamity Evasion Practice: Thousand-armed Thousand-eyed Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to purify us with the bright light, to protect us with strongest shield, and guide us to stay away from danger, to find peace, to settle down, to walk the right path, as well as to grant us with seasonable weather, safe landscape and long term political stability and peace in our countries.

Calamity Evasion Practice:Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Body Shrine Calamity Evasion Practice

Since there was a rice shortage in the local food banks at this time of the year, our temple decided to donate rice to stop hunger. In a week's time, two temple masters, dharma assistants, and temple members were out looking for rice inventory to meet the amount of donations. At last, our temple successfully donated 331 bags of 20 lbs rice, which was a total of 6,620 lbs.

On December 18, 2022 at 1:30pm, led by two temple masters, Master Lianchi and Master Liantsai, we recited the Great Disaster Relief Mantra for one hour. During the event, we made grand offerings to our Lineage Root Guru and Buddhas Bodhisattvas with “the five-color five-chakra loving lamps & as well as the disaster and hunger relief nourishing rice”. We pray that the sentient beings will receive spiritual responses soon. We also pray that the mantra will trigger effective rescue efforts, bring peace and healing to the victims, rebuild and recover the affected areas, and awaken the bodhi heart of sentient beings.

More details please visit our website at: www.tbssac.org



Om Guru Liansheng Siddhi Hum!


By Sacramento True Buddha Temple

***疫情關係,道場不開放。歡迎大眾使用電話,email,手機社交平台,傳真,郵寄等方式報名護持。Due to Covid-19 Social & Health Measures, the temple is not open for visitation yet. But we welcome you to contact us and register for the event by phone, email, fax or by mail.