Notable NPC

Here you will find a list of notable NPC. At the start of the campaign the list will only contain those NPC who are extremly well know in the city, such as government officials, leader of institutions, e.g. the churches, Korvosan Guards. As the campaign evolves more NPC will be added to this list.

Korvosa's Leadership

King Eodred Arabasi II (deceased)

The King of Korvosa is a man whoe spendthrift ways are moderated somewhat by the numerous good works he has spearheaded.

Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Queen of Korvosa, Ileosa is barely a third the age of her husband. Rumors say she holds much of Korvosa in contempt, and that she seduced the king into marrying her simply to advance her own wealth and riches.

Neolandus Kalepopolis (in hiding)

The senechal of Castle Korvosa, Neolandus Kalepopolis commands the defenses of the castle itself, and is regarded as the second most powerful individual in the city, behind only King Eodred II.

Cressida Kroft

The current leader of the Korvosan Guard, Field Marshal Cressida Kroft is an even-tempered woman whose practice of openly encouraging adventurers and mercenaries to aid the Guard in the citiy's defense has earned her some unfair criticism by the city's elite.

Garrick Tann

Often called " the most hated man in Korvosa," Garrick Tann is the Magistrate of Commerce, the man who oversees the collection of taxes in the city.

Syl Gar

If Garrick Tann is one of Korvosa's most hated officials, Magistrate of Expenditures Syl Gar is one of the most loved - his responsibility is to see to it that city taxes are spent properly and efficiently on public works.

Lolia Perenne

Once a priest of Abadar, the current Magistrate of Regulation is tasked with the maintenance of weights and measurements - much of her office's time is spent seeking out faulty scales, Shaved coins, and other attempts by merchants and customers to cheat one another.

Marcus Thalassinus Endrin

Commandant Endrin is the current leader of the Sable Company, a man whose dedication to tradition and honor sometimes blinds him to what might be best for his own career.

Severs "Boneclaw" DiVri

The intimidating and mysterious commander of the Order of the Nail, Lictor DiVri is a towering man who rarely leaves his post at Citadel Vraid.

Zenobia Zenderholm (deceased)

Known as the Hanging Judge, Zenobia is Korvosa's senior arbiter. Her reputation is justifiably fearsome among Korvosa's criminals. Despite her reputation, she deals light sentences to criminals of desperation and is renowned for her aid to victims of crime outside of the courts.

She is also a popular philanthropist in Korvosa, volunteering free legal advice to clerics and Korvosa's orphanages as part of her service to Abadar.

Disappeared during the Blood Veil epidemic to appear later as a Penanggalan. Killed by the WoW in the Deathhead Vault raid.

Citizens of Note

Ausio Carowyn, Lord

Head of the Carowyn family, generous supporter of the arts and since the massacre in Carowayn Manor, widower. Dabbles in painting and displays a small altar of Sheylin in his basement studio. This is were the Wings of War found him cowering after Wren cut Jolistina Superio in half.


On of the city's most beloved and reviled heroes, Blackjack is more of a symbol than anything else - a legendary masked hero who has fought for Korvosa's downtrodden for hundreds of years.

After years of absence, Blackjack rescued Trinia Sabor from being executed.

Darb Tuttle

The Archbanker of the Church of Abadar, Darb Tuttle is one of Korvosa's most powerful clerics.

Darvayne Gios Amprei, Ambassador of Cheliax

Emissary of the Empire of Cheliax to Korvosa. According to Vencarlo Orisini he is planning to bring down sanctions onto Korvoa to redcue real estate prices, but up property and establish his local power base.

Conducting an 'unsanctioned' relationship with the wife of his superior, a Cleaxian noble.

Keppira d'Bear, Bishop of Pharasma

The Bishop of the cathedral of Pharasma, Keppria's stewardship over the city's Gray District has kept the presence of undead to an all-time low.

Glorio Arkona, Lord

The patriarch of one of Korvosa's most powerful noble families, it is rumored Glorio has ties to most, if not all, of Korvosa's criminal underworld.

Toff Ornelos

The Academae is the most prestigious school of magic in Varisia, and as its headmaster, Toff is one of the region's most respected and powerful wizards.

Sabina Merrin

Many rumors surround Queen Ileosa's bodyguard, not the least of which is that she and the queen are secretly lovers, yet none can deny this imposing woman's loyalty to the queen.

Shortly after the inception of the Gray Maidens, she was installed as the leader of this elite group of female fighters.

Vencarlo Orisini

Owner of the renowned Orisini Academy fighting school, Vencarlo's outspoken disdain for Korvosa's government has earned him trouble on several occasions.

Thousand Bones

Aged and wise, this Shoanti shaman sees his people's traditional enemies not as foes, but as misguided children who can still be taught that war upon neighbors is not the best path to a safe and comfortable future. He relies heavy on his walking stick, a reinforced length of wood and polished femur from some giant beast crowned with an imposing skull. His eyes are milky white. He has spent much of his recent years living not among his people of the Skoan-Quah but in the city of Korvosa, where long, arduous talks with the tradiotional enemies of his people slowly move towards the possibility of peace.

NPC encountered

Akram, Truthspeaker of the Lyrune-Quah

The Truthspeaker of the Moon Tribe, Akram is a legendary figure amongst the Shoanti for his calming presence and iron will. He is well regarded amongst most of the Shoanti tribes and those who don’t, still respect him and his lineage. He is often called to mediate disputes and judge trials.

Due to his life of fasting, meditation, exploration, and prayer has granted him the status of Truthspeaker. With the loss of the ability to lie, he has gained vision from Desna herself to see truth wherever he is. This coupled with the blessings protection from Charms and Compulsions has only reinforced his status as the most virtuous and fair judge. Both in tribal court and in character.

Devargo Barvasi, the King of Spiders

Notorious proprietor of Eel's End, a center of vices located on a group of ships and barges in Old Korvosa. Has a fable for spiders of all sorts and seems to be able to control them.

The heroes traded Gaedren Lamm's ledger - and a few sails and a Knivesies match - for compromising letters belonging to the Ambassador Amprei.


Put on stage by an unruly crowd at the Limehouse dress rehearsal of The Six Trials of Larazod, this animal might be the up-and-coming new performing art star of Korvosa. If it could be convinced to stop trailing our heroes.

Dr. Reiner Davaulus, Head of the Queen's Physicians (deceased)

An old contact from Cheliax, Queen Ileosa called to the rescue to help with the Blood Veil outbreak. Seems competent in battling epidemics and set up headquarters in a converted dock warehouse, now called The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. Got almost killed by the heroes when they tried to kidnap him.

Eries Yelloweyes, Merchant

One of Korvosa's longest living closet wererats, she turns to the heroes when a rogue member of her community threatens to destroy it.

Froobert Crimson, Owner of the Apple Cart Inn, Orchard Meadows

An alcoholic widower, tall and thin, whose surname is a nickname derived fro mthe color of his nose. Buddies with Trond Svenson, who gave him a fine sword he once made. Member of the town council.

Gaedren Lamm (deceased)

An utterly despicable man, who had engaged in a variety of illegal activity in his lifetime which encompass abducting children, having them steal for him, scheming to pitch pirate crews against each other. You were finally able to confront him and bring the man, who grew feeble at old age, to justice. After Senbo took him out with some mighty punches, you threw his dead body in the Jeggare River.

Giggles (deceased)

Gaedren's unforgiving Halforcish task master who tittered when he beat children who weren't working fast enough. Struck down by Marlowe after a lenghty combat.

Girrigz Ripperclaw (deceased)

Driven by his hate against Korvosa's "surface-dwellers", Girrigz tired to start an up-rise of the local wererat population.

Grau Soldano

Former master student of Vencarlo Orisini who joined the guard after Vencarlo discharged him from his academy because he set up the duell with Sabina Merin.

He and his brother Bayan rescued the group in the Thieves Village when they tried to unite the Shoanti orphan Lerrim with his uncle.

They later encountered him drunk in Old Korvosa and sobered him up.

After the heroes rescued Finn's father he approaches them with a request to help his ailing niece.

Hamish Goodbody, General Store Owner, Orchard Meadow

Hamish is the usually grumpy dwarvish owner of Hamish Goodbody's Provision, the general store in town. The fact, that he refuses to hire any help, results in long lines at his shop most of the days. Member of the town council.

Joined the heroes in taking out Osborne Applebottom and showed unexpected bravery and apptitude with his longsword.

Hookshanks Gruller (deceased)

Gnomish overseer in Gaedren Lamm's fish-bases slurry operations. Fond of threatening the kids with "feeding them to the dogs". Fell after an extended fight with Brother Red and Wren.

Ishani Datri, Priest of Abadar

Ishani was born in Vudra, but his mother brought him and his sister Vavana to Korvosa to escape an outbreak of scarlet leprosy when he was not yet 10 years old. His mother sold herself into 13 years of indentured servitude to the Arkona family to pay for the journey, but died only four months after their arrival. Ishani and Vavana ended up in an orphanage. A few years later, Vavana was accepted into the Acadamae and cut off ties with her brother completely. He has not heard from her since.

Left alone, Ishani found solace and support in the church of Abadar. He eventually became an acolyte and then a full priest of Abadar. He is currently 30 years old.

Jolistina Superio (deceased)

The deranged, masochistic mind behind the massacre at Carowyn Manor and apparent lover of Rolth Lamm. Disposed by the Wings of War on the steps to the basement of said manor. Her soul was collected by Sahel, the Shoki psychopomp, and the Wings of War follwed it to the Boneyard to cure it of its insanity and wrest Jolistina's secrets from her.

Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills

Very large and imposing, this tribesman strikes fear in the tribes. The little remaining space upon his rippling muscles that has not already been tattooed or branded is frequently plastered with war paint in symbols of Shoanti pride.

Krojun is the son of Chief Ready-Klar of the Sun Clan. He is one of the clans most fearsome warriors with his specialized Klar and Earthbreaker technique. He finds all Tshamek to be distasteful because that’s what he was always taught.

Krojun is a symbol and hero of the Sklar-Quah. As a young brave, Krojun sought the means to enact revenge upon an orc champion named Kyrust Chief killer, a Rotten Tongue marauder from Urglin who had long organized brutal raids upon Krojun’s tribe. Desperate, Krojun sought the aid of a reclusive Shoanti sorcerer who lived alone deep in the Mindspin Mountains. The hermit sent Krojun on several punishing tests, promising him that if he succeeded he would earn the power he needed to defeat Kyrust. The tests were harrowing indeed, designed in part to train Krojun in the ways of the Thunder and Fang fighting style, and it took Krojun many months to complete them. In the end, he stood before the sorcerer in triumph. When Krojun demanded his reward, however, the sorcerer responded only that he had no reward to give and vanished. Krojun’s rage was great, and when he returned to his people empty-handed, he found that his entire tribe had been enslaved by Kyrust. Krojun tracked the slave caravan for days, finally catching up to it a few miles from Urglin’s gates, and in a fantastic display of rage and power, single-handedly defeated the orcs and their leader Kyrust. It was only as Krojun claimed the orc’s belt of giant strength as both a trophy and a symbol of the Sklar-Quah’s power over the orcs that he realized the truth—that strange old sorcerer had indeed given him a gift: the gift of rage. Without the skills and strength Krojun honed in completing the tasks the sorcerer had set him to, he would surely have fallen in such a combat as he had just won.

Today, Krojun is at the forefront of the Sun Clan’s efforts to strike back at the orcs and tshamek who have hammered away at the Shoanti for centuries.

Laori Vaus, Priestress of Zon-Kuthon

A Forlorn elf, and priestess of Zon-Kuthon, who believes she sees her god's influence in the works of Salvator Scream. She possesses a surprisingly chipper attitude for one who worships the god of pain, and often broaches uncomfortable subjects such as self-flagellation and body modification at inappropriate times.

Lorella "Blue" (deceased)

Elf performer (in the Korvosan sense) who did a few gigs with Averin in Pillar Hill. She was kicked out from the stages of the nobles there when she developed a slightly violent streak and incorporated that into her performances. Now wearing a costume which is supposed to resemble a blue dragon. About to have her own show to premier at the Exemplary Execrables. You are invited!

Discovered later amongst the animated dead in Carowyn manor and put to rest by the WOngs of War.

Malesecar Banilor

A cleric of Sarenrae at the Dawnflower House orphanage and an aquaintance of Averin. She welcomed Lamm's Lambs into the Dawnflower House after you rescued them from the Old Fishery. She had asked you to take Went and Tyred Pumkimpeddler, two Halfling sibblings, to their grandmother in Orchard Meadow.

Night Hag (name unknown)

The Wings of War attached her and her Nightmare to protect the River of Souls. After they killed her Nightmare she managed to escape and is holding a grudge ever since.

Norla Pumkinpeddler, Erastil Cleric of Orchard Meadows

Norla is the last remaining relative of Went and Tyred Pumkinpeddler, two halfling orphans the heroes were asked to bring to her. Member of the town council.

Well respected in Orchard Meadow, but has shown traits of intolerance, especially towards Old Mother Grundy.

Old Mother Grundy, Herbalist of Orchard Meadows

A wizened old crone, she runs her business with odd concoctions her way. Her Mosquito Murderer and Poison Poison helped some of the heroes to survive the swamp fever they contracted in the Feverglades.

Shared recipies with Finn.

Osborne Applebottom (deceased)

The former mayor of Orchard Meadows, who ran a land-grabbing scheme and wanted to drain the swamp to resell it to farmers as fertile land.

Was involved in the killing of Marlowe Mondartis. Has been brought to justice by the heroes, tried and executed.

Pilts Swastel (deceased)

Excentric and severely depraved proprietor of the Exemplary Execrables, a theatre/museum in Old Korvosa. You had the questionable luck to met him in the museum part of the Exemplary Execrables and got a tour by the master himself. APparently he is an afficionado of disturbing paintings and prides himself of having the largest collection of paitings from Salvator Scream.

Ramoska Arkminos, Renowned Alchemist

In alchemists circles Remoaks Arkminos is akin to a legend when it comes to knowledge of diseases and general alchemical research and discoveries. He is known to be in service of Conte Tiriac of Varno County in Ustalav. His long record of publications on his favorite subjects and his unusual appearance let those who have met him to suspect he is a vampire

Likely involved in the abduction of Finn's father.

Rikari, Soul Eater of Apollyon (deceased)

The mastermind behind engineering pure Sehan into an addictive drug dubbed Green Welcome to bring Korvosa under his control. Did not foresee that overdosing on it would turn users into Children of Sehan who would migrate to the source.

Killed by the Wings of War together with his Cacodaemon familiar in a former were rat den attached to the sewers.

Ruxanna Tugur, Varisian Court Translator

Ruxanna has worked in the Longacre Building for more than eight years as a trusted translator. Speaking 14 languages, she often helps out in trials where no Varisians are involved. She is a passing acquaintance of Sam, who deposited Zellera's head with her and has a fable for pale makeup.

Sun Shaman, shaman of the Sklar-Quah

The Shaman of the Shoanti encampment at the Flameford, he has a distinctive fire-shaped tattoo that climbs up the right side of his chest onto his clean-shaven face.

Keeper of the ancient stories and knowledge of the Shoantis, he pointed the Wings of War towards Castle Scarwall, the Fortress Kazavon built.

Tepest Geezlebottle, Co-Founder of the Theumanexus College

Professor at Theumanexus College. He is the only founding member of the college who is still alive, and since he donated quite a bit of money at that time, has a building named after him Geezlebottle Hall. Friend of Sam's deceased father who helped her to decipher some of the information in her uncles journal.

Sahel, Shoki Psychopomp

Encountered upon Madaline casting Speak with Dead on Jolistina Superio. Collected the Soul Stone Sesqua took from the Cacodaemon and offered the Wings of War a ride to the Boneyard.

Theandra Darklight

Owner at the Three Rings Tavern in Five Corners, who is know for providing food and drink in exchange for good recent stories of adventure and daring. Welcomed the heroes on the morning after they took out Gaedren Lamm.

Trinia Sabor, Artist on the Run

Trinia was hired to paint a portrait of Kind Eodred. Falsely accused of the murder of Kind Eodred II, she was captured by the Gray Maidens and up for execution. Rescued by Blackjack and turned over to his friend Vencarlo Orisini, she was subsequently smuggled out of Korvosa by the Wings of War and went into hiding at relatives in Harse.

Trond Svenson, Smith & Sheriff of Orchard Meadow

A towering Ulfen, who came to Orchard Meadow two years ago, carrying a massive greataxe, and bought the local smithy. Know to have a temper now and then, but otherwise a dilligent fellow with a strong sense for justice.

Member of the town council.

Vendra Loaggri, Proprietor of Lavender

Lavender, one of the better-know and noted perfume boutiques is located just off Summoning Street in The Heights district, standing amid a row of tightly packed shops. Vendra has a reputation for avant-garde creations and brazen promotions (infamous memories of the "Free Imp with Every Purchase" stunt still linger among residents of the The Heights. Purveyor of Lavender's Luxuriant Liniment, a proposed cure for Blood Veil and Business Partner of Windsor.

Verik Vancaskerkin

A (former?) seargeant of the Korvosan Guard who deserted to set up an operation with his squad at Northpoint's "All the World's Meat" for distributing free meet to locals. Meliya Arkona seems to have talked him into this.

Neglected oversight over the operation and was turned in to Kressida Kroft by the heroes.

Yargin Balko (deceased)

Gaedren's right-hand man in the Old Fishery, his longest-lived accomplice and a bitter alchemist with an acid obsession. Died early from a a severe case of coup-de-grace after being stunned by Sam.

Ysslansh (deceased)

Trogolodyte cleric of Apollion encountered at the excavation site in the Moathouse.


Seahag druid, who moved into the wreck of the Direption with her shark companion after it has been sunk by the Korvosan Guard. Until the Wings of War showed up...

Zellera Esmeranda (helpful spirit)

A local Varisian harrower residing at 3 Lancet Street in West Dock. She reached out to you with a harrow card and saked for your help to bring justice to Gaedren Lamm who killed her son. You found her severed head in a hatbox in Gaedren Lamm's den.

But her spirit is still set of protecting Korvosa and is now housed in her Harrow deck.

Zilvazaraat, Planar Trader

A Mercane - planar troaders dealing exclusivley in magical items - , encountered in The Boneyard, her sold a Primer to Psychopomps and a few other magical trinkets to the heroes. He gave them a ride back to Korvosa and has not been seen since then. Can be called with a small magical raven statue he gave Sam.