
You all entered into the events which are infolding in Korvosa on 12 Pharast 4708 AR. Days will pass, holidays occur and your deeds will be recorded. Following the link below you gain access to the Golarion calendar with all its special dates (Korvosan holidays are in red), moon phases and a note about your activites on that date.

Your gateway to the calendar:

The Golarion Calendar


Each new year starting shortly after the solstice. The name of each month is etymologically tied to a specific god: Abadar, Calistria. Pharasma, Gozreh, Desna, Sarenrae, Erastil, Aroden, Rovagug, Lamashtu, Nethys, and Zon-Kuthon.

Natives of Golarion see the gods reflected in the changing of the seasons, and their names for the months reflect this. (Gozreh's month, for instance, is a time of budding and new life, while Zon-Kuthon's is seen as the death of the old year.) Holidays in a given month are generally tied to their patron deity. In order, the months are:

Days of the Week

The days of the week are as follows. Each day has a general purpose that most people in the Inner Sea region follow.