Class Recommendations

The nature of the campaign makes playing some classes or certain archetypes more enjoyable than others. Below you find some recommendation how to generate a character which will give you maximum fun in this campaign.

Ranger & Druids

While there are opportunites for wilderness travel and encounters, a significant part of the campaign will happen in Korvosa or other build environment. Consider archetypes for these classes which work well in these environments.

Druids are not generally trusted in Korvosa due to a cabal of bitter and almost feral druids who frequent the West Docks.

For rangers, the most prestigous place in Korvosa is the Sable Company, the elite group of griffon-riding guardians. These are admired to an extent that also rangers who aren't part of of it command respect from the citizenry.

Faith-Based Classes, e.g. Clerics and Paladins

The following churches have a major presence in Korvosa:

  • Bank of Abadar: Strongest faith in Korvosa. Patron of guards and defenders.
  • Grand Cathedral of Pharasma: Tend to Korvosa's dead.
  • Temple of Sarenrae: Most of the commoners would prefer her as a patron.
  • Sanctuary of Shelyn: Strong following among Korvosa's artists
  • Temple of Asmodeus: Brings uncertainty and fear to religion. Accepts sacrifices only on a voluntary basis.

Many of the other core faiths are represented in the Pantheon of Many. Only Gorum, Lamashtu and Rovagug have no shrine there. Lately the shrine of Norgorber has gone unattended.

Keep in mind that you can create a Cleric who doesn't follow a particular deity, but rather a concept like battle, justice or knowledge. Or she can select an alignment domain. Those clerics still select 2 domains to represent her spiritual inclinations.

Korvosa is an extremly lawful city, but one that isn't as interested, as a general rule, in the purpose of the law as much as its application. As a result most paladins often grow frustrated with the city's overwhelming bureaucracy and willingness to accept things like the Hellknight Order of the Nail or the Church of Asmodeaus in the city. Most of the paladins ally with the church of Abadar and the Korvosan Guard.

Arcane Magic Classes

You might have read that Korvosa houses what is likely Golarion's leading magical school, the Acadamae. Unfortunately, the events of the campaign cause the Acadamae to hermetically shuts its gates, so don't count on access to its magical resources! But don;t worry, The Thaumanexus - which focused less on specialization - will be accessible for the student of the arcane.

Most of Korvosa's sorcerers are Varisian and thus often thought of as troublemakers. The Academae's focus on study and discipline does not help the public opinion on these poorly-understood arcanists.

Wizards are well respected in Korvosa, especially if they have graduated from the Academae.


Korvosa is build on Shoanti land and while the majority of them lives in the Cinderlands to the North, there is still a small Shoanti population in Korvosa. Those who live in the city have no other choice, being exiled or had to flee the Cinderlands for other reasons.


Despite its fondness for law, Korvosa has a thriving underworld both above and below its streets. The Sczarni, a loosely-affiliated extended family of Varisian crimelords hold sway over many of the gangs and play a large role in the average citizen's poor opinion of the Varisian people. Korvosa's actual thieves guild is know as the Cerulean Society, which has a focus on protection rackets and smuggling.


I would like to strongly encourage the development of multiclass characters based on what your character is experiencing in the campaign. Maybe she meets a NPC she wants to emulate or discovers an organization she would like to join. Check out the Multiclassing section in Applied Optional Rules to learn of this campaigns approach on - well - multiclassing.