Character Creation

General Information:

If this is your first contact with Pathfinder, here is great news for you: You can get started on the game without paying a fortune for rulebooks! All the rules you need can be found online at the Pathfinder SRD.

  • For players new to Pathfinder: Don't worry to get stuck with character which works different from what you thought. I will allow changes to your character up to the end of level 2. Once we have played a few sessions I have a better idea of what you want to achieve with your character and can help you getting there.
  • Before having any look at the rules, start with a character concept. What type of character do you want to play? If you struggle getting a start how to translate that concept to a Pathfinder character let me know and I will work with you to get your character build.
  • All Paizo sources can be used for character generation. The few exceptions are listed below.
  • All characters are starting at level 1.
  • Characters are created using a 20 point buy.
  • Starting gold is the fixed average amount as stated under your character's class, e.g. 140gp for a rogue. Starting equipment has to be purchased from those funds.
  • All Core Races are allowed. If you would like to play another race please check out the non-core races page in this section or check in with me at
  • All classes and archetypes except gunslinger, vigilante and anti-paladin and their archetypes are allowed. If you choose an occult class make sure you are familiar with the differences of how their magic works. If you choose a class from the Dragon Empire like Ninja or Samurai, make sure you include a reason in your background story.
  • For Core Races 3 traits can be selected at first level, one of them has to be selected from the Campaign Traits page at level 1.
  • A good character concept is more important than maxing out your character. My NPCs are not maxed out either.
  • No firearms are allowed.
  • No evil characters.
  • Create a background story. I will use this to create character specific plots. The more you give me to work with, the more interesting will your characters plot be. I am happy to work with you to tie your background story closer to the world of Golarion and the city of Korvosa.

How to make a character

Keeping the General Information above in mind follow the steps below to make your character.

  1. This is the most important step: Come up with a character concept and background. It can be as easy as looking at the Campaign Traits as a source of inspiration. Or as complicated as you want it to be. There is almost nothing you can't build in Pathfinder. Just keep in mind that your character will not be a full-blown Legolas at level 1. Then dig into your Pathfinder books or the SRD to complete the following steps.
  2. Get a character sheet and a pencil/labtop/desktop.
  3. Determine your 6 Ability Scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma) using the 20 point buy. If you want to be Batman, assign high values to Strength and Constitution. If you want to be swashbuckling pirate, Dexterity and Charisma are probably more important.
  4. Choose a race. There are 7 core races which are very common in Korvosa:
    • Dwarf
    • Elf
    • Gnome
    • Half-Elf
    • Half-Ork
    • Halfling
    • Human
    • Every race comes with modifiers for the ability scores you just have determined. Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. So they get a +2 on Constitution and Wisdom, and a -2 on Charisma. Apply those modifiers to your ability scores.
    • Note the racial abilities on your character sheet.
    • All of these races have certain traits listed in their description. A lot of those have also alternatives listed which could allow you to fit the racial background better to your character concept. For now just stay away from traits with have RP (e.g. 2 RP) listed.
    • If none of the core races fits with your character concept you are welcome to dig into the more than 50 non-core races.

5. Choose your Traits and your Hometurf.

Traits allow you to further tailor your character to your character concept. Depending on the race you have taken, you can choose 1, 2 or 3 traits for your character. One of these traits needs to to be a campaign trait. The other(s) - if applicable - need to come from two different trait categories.

For your Hometurf - the district of Korvosa you grew up in or live no - check out the Korvosa Gazetteer. Each Hometurf provides a small bonus to its residents.

6. Choose a Class.

A character’s class represents a profession, such as fighter or wizard. All core, base, hybrid, unchained and alternate classes except gunslinger, vigilante and anti-paladin are allowed. Check out the Class Recommendation section to get a better idea how certain classes would do in this campaign. If you choose an occult class make sure you are familiar with the differences of how their magic works. If you choose a class from the Dragon Empire like Ninja or Samurai, make sure you include a good reason in your background story.

Every class has archetypes listed which allow you to swap out certain class abilities. Check if one of those allows you to better tailor you character to your character concept.

7. Allocate Skill Ranks.

Determine the number of skill ranks your character gets based on his class and Intelligence modifier (and any other bonuses, such as the bonus received by humans).

Class Skills: Each class has a number of favored skills, called class skills. Refer to Table: Skills Summary and look for your chosen class across the top row (abbreviated name.) Look down the column for your chosen class. Any skill with a “C” in it is a Class Skill for your class. It is easier for your character to become more proficient in these skills, as they represent part of his professional training and constant practice. You gain a +3 bonus on all class skills that you put ranks into.

Then allocate these ranks to desired skills, but remember that you cannot have more ranks than your level in any one skill (for a starting character, this is usually one).

8. Choose Feats.

Determine how many feats your character receives, based on his class and level, and select them from those presented in Feats.

  • All characters begin with 1 feat.
  • If your characters race is human you get 1 additional feat (for a total of 2).
  • If your characters class is fighter you get another feat (total 3).

9. Determine Starting Hit Points (HP)

A character starts with maximum hit points at 1st level (the maximum number on its Hit Die plus her Constitution modifier).

10. Buy equipment

All non-magical equipment from Paizo source books is available. If you go for a particular exotic item, e.g. from the Dragon Empires or the Mwangi Expanse, there should be a reason for this in your background story.