British Council Alliance Collaboration

The British Council Alliance Hubert Cubien Programme that funds and encourages "reciprocal mobility and joint collaboration" between researchers in the UK and France. The programme provides funding for travel and subsistence over a two-year period.

Our Alliance grant (led by the UK PI Natasha Jeffrey) was funded in December 2020.

The project aims to improve our understanding of solar flare energetic particle acceleration, release and transport, building upon previous Alliance collaborations and the complementary expertise of the British and French team members. Our collaboration will also provide training for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers not available in their countries of study via the organisation of two workshops per year (held in the UK and in Paris).

Core UK team members: Natasha Jeffrey (UK PI, Northumbria), Eduard Kontar (Glasgow), Mykola Gordovskyy (Manchester), Sophie Musset (previously Glasgow, now ESA) and Daniel Clarkson (Glasgow, Student member).

Core French team members: Sophie Masson (French PI), Nicole Vilmer, Milan Maksimovic, Tomin James (all Paris Observatory).

Workshops 2021:

Due to restrictions, our first workshop will be held online on the 28th and 29th June 2021. The meeting schedule can be found here.