Stephane Regnier

Stephane graduated from the University Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) developing a mathematical model of the magnetic field in the solar corona combined with solar observations. After graduating, Stephane held post-doctoral positions at Montana State University (Bozeman, USA), ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands), St Andrews University (Scotland) and University of Central Lancashire (Preston), before joining Northumbria University in 2014.

His research interests are in understanding the nature and evolution of the solar magnetic field by combining mathematical models and observations. The mathematical model consists in solving numerically systems of coupled, non-linear partial differential equations, using solar observations as boundary conditions.

In general, he is interested in:

  • Stability of magnetic field structures in the solar corona
  • Magnetic configurations triggering solar eruptions
  • Coronal heating
  • Filaments/prominences and cavities
  • Solar sources of Space Weather

View Stephane's publications on NASA/ADS, NRL & Google Scholar