Join SNPA!

Join SNPA as a Postdoc Association or Organisation

SNPA is a Swedish federation of postdoctoral organisations, therefore only organisations representing Swedish Postdocs may apply for membership. Potential new members need to submit a letter of application and a copy of their statute (in English) to the SNPA board before the next board meeting.

If you wish to join SNPA as a postdoc association or organisation, please contact the SNPA Board directly.

Join SNPA as an individual

All are welcome to join the SNPA - we encourage the involvement of everyone! Any individual interested in supporting the postdoc community is eligible to contribute.You can contribute by:

  1. Following SNPA on our website and social media accounts

We will communicate major news and events on the SNPA website and social medic accounts. Click here to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

  1. Get in touch with your postdoc association or organization

SNPA consists of member organisations that aim to improve the conditions of postdocs in their university or institution. They do this by getting involved in research and higher education policy, promoting communication and networking. Find your organisation in the list of SNPA members and contact them to see how you might get on board. If your national organisation is not part of SNPA, have them enquire about membership. If your university/institute does not have such an organisation, you might want to establish one. Contact us as we draw a list of such people and try to get them involved as observers.

  1. Attend an SNPA meeting

Each month, the SNPA convenes a meeting to engage in discussions on the issues that impact the working and living conditions of postdocs in Sweden. These discussions include the planning of events and projects that align with SNPA’s mission and objectives. Join a meeting to listen in and contribute to SNPA’s projects and events!

  1. Ask questions or send a suggestion

Do not hesitate to contact us if anything in the guide above does not apply to your situation or does not work properly. Questions and suggestions are also encouraged!

Please contact the SNPA Board directly: