Active Member

Yuval Zelnik (SLUPA)

I am a postdoc in the Ecology department of the Swedish Agricultural University, SLU. I started my postdoc on September 2019, and joined SLU's postdoc association, SLUPA, shortly thereafter. I have been active in organizing workshops and social events in SLUPA, and recently joined SLUPA's main board as its chair. I see the main goals of postdoc associations to be their ability to foster and initiate better communication for postdocs, both between postdocs and with their universities and other organizations. As such, SNPA is a great platform to connect between postdocs around Sweden, and to help collaborations between different postdoc associations, and improve the conditions for postdocs in Sweden as a whole. I therefore wish to help push forward SNPA's ongoing efforts: Help other postdoc associations form and function, lobby for better working and social conditions for postdocs, and organize events that connect between postdocs in different associations.