General FRC Resources

Parent and Children Needs During COVID-19

As parents and children continue to learn and adapt to virtual communication for resources during this pandemic, it is important to let them know where support is offered online. Many at-risk families experience challenges in raising their children - APA Family Support Services strives to provide culturally competent resources to ensure a safe home environment for families. APA is offering 35+ COVID-19 multilingual resources that would be especially helpful for immigrant and non-speaking English families (Health Literacy Project, 2020). Various online services are offered to main social interaction with our families, including workshops via google hangouts and helpful pandemic tips through online webinars.

The CHAC Family Resource Center continues to support children and families during this pandemic by partnering with FIRST 5 and other organizations to distribute diapers and other essential baby items to parents (CHAC Family Resource Center, n.d.). In addition to services and programs offered through Zoom every week, they have also utilized social media such as Facebook to connect with children and parents and provide them with resources to help them get through this pandemic (CHAC Family Resource Center, n.d.). The Boys and Girls Club has made it a priority to keep in contact with the children and families of their organization. They have provided a new tool on their website called iCLUB distance learning, support for club parents. On this website they provide support with guidance and resources that will be useful to ensure their children are learning, staying active, and having fun while on lock down. They also provide daily mediation videos, virtual field trips, and blogs on how to make food and other fun activities. Boys and Girls club so graciously provides emergency child care services available to designated county employees and half day emergency child care for essential workers.


COVID-19 fact sheets (2020). Retrieved from

CHAC Family Resource Centers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Boys and Girls Club. (n.d) Retrieved from

Meet the Team!

Lily Tram


Lily is a current Recreation Leader for Campbell Union School District. She is passionate about helping children learn through play and activities that allow them to be creative, bold, and confident. From helping children with their homework to leading a group of over 70 campers through games and crafts, she has gained lots of experience on how to communicate with children and guide them through a task. Lily plans on becoming a Child Life Specialist after obtaining her Bachelor’s Degree in Child and Adolescent Development with an emphasis on Community Focus. Lily enjoys watching YouTube videos, hiking, working out, and cooking in her free time.

Lily Tram Resume

Connie Zhao


Connie is a full time undergraduate student at SJSU. She is fluent in English and Cantonese. She aspires to find a career in nonprofit organizations focused on family and child empowerment after she acquires her Bachelor's Degree in Child and Adolescent Development this spring. She developed an interest to work with children and families when she was a preschool assistant teacher and hopes to utilize her skills to help at-risk children and families.

Connie Zhao

Charity Caldwell


Charity is a senior at San Jose State University. She is extremely passionate about children and making sure that every child feels included, loved and confident. While she is not in school she is a part time nanny to a boy with Autism, a dance educator for children ages 5-18, and a dance team coach. Charity plans on graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in Child and Adolescent Development with a community focus and hopes to become a Child Life Specialist.

Charity Caldwell - Resume

Sarah Ossello


Sarah is a graduating senior at San Jose State University, obtaining her Bachelors in Child and Adolescent Development. She is passionate about helping children succeed in all aspects of life and loves making children laugh. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering at Kaiser, coaching a youth cheer team, working full time as a nanny, and spending time at the beach. In the future, Sarah plans to get her Masters degree in Occupational Therapy and move to her dream location, San Diego.

Sarah Ossello- Resume