Programs Serving Children and Youth at Risk

The resources we are providing vary from one on one mentoring, group mentoring, and advocating for youth in the court system. The aim is to serve low income, underserved, at-risk, and youth in the foster care system across the Bay Area. It is crucial to provide these services as it is necessary to support during their developmental growth. Every child’s experiences are different and it is important to nurture/guide whether that be on a personal or educational level. Some of the organizations that work closely with these youth are Friends For Youth (FFY), Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY), and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA).

Some of the basic things that clients need are a role model figure, a long lasting friendship, and someone who will provide a positive/nurturing environment. This entails someone that can be committed six months to one year. During this pandemic it is crucial to be checking in on the youth and finding ways to reconnect. For example, FFY sends out newsletters that provide resources to stay connected via virtual activities and other means. This allows for both mentors and mentees to engage with one another but it’s important to be aware of ‘zoom bombing’ to avoid any disruptions and to keep safe at all times. Overall, staff need support more than anything. Everyone is handling the situation in different ways, therefore, it is important to be in tune with the emotions one is feeling but reaching out for support when needed whether that be from family, friends, and others.

Meet the Team

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Stephanie Allen


Stephanie Allen is a passionate Child and Adolescent Development major. She aspires to give back to her community and provide families with the care they need. She believes that children are the future and that we need to do a better job at decreasing the education gap in society. Stephanie has previous experience working with various non-profits, as well as a daycare that provided service to low-income families. Stephanie Allen Resume

Daniella Monico


Daniella Monico is a passionate Child and Adolescent Development major, who seeks a position where she can be an advocate for underrepresented minority families and help children who have suffered adverse experiences. She is fluent in English and Spanish. Resume attached here.

Clarissa Garcia


Clarissa Garcia is a dedicated Child and Adolescent Development major, who seeks to give back to her community and to guide/mentor youth in low income communities to help them strive for success in higher education. Her previous experience includes working in a K-12 setting as an afterschool program leader. She is fluent in English and Spanish. Clarissa Garcia Resume

Destiny Esparza Arguayo


Destiny Esparza Aguayo is a committed Child and Adolescent Development major, who seeks a position where she can support at-risk youth in hopes that these children will feel like they are not alone in the everyday challenges they may encounter. She is fluent in English and Spanish. Destiny Esparza Arguello Resume

Angela Lopez Miranda


Angela Lopez Miranda is excited to be learning and gaining her major in Child & Adolescents in hopes of working for her community. She is committed in providing her voice to the low income youth ; in such becoming a mentor and assisting them. She has worked as preschool teacher assistant for a nonprofit organization . She is fluent in English and Spanish. Angela Lopez Miranda Resume