Why Horoscope Matching for Marriage?


In India, tradition is observed as an essential part of our culture. Marriage is a significant part of life, and in Indian society, it reflects different aspects of our culture, religion, and traditional aspects that dominate our lives.

When it comes to marriage, most Indians prefer taking the traditional route. Families believe that matching horoscopes is the best method of preserving and respecting our tradition and culture. Horoscope matching is perhaps the first and most vital step in an Indian marriage. It involves the lives of the prospective bride and groom and how they will make the crucial transition from being a single, unattached individual to a family life. Society and attitudes are changing and becoming more unpredictable. More marriages are on the brink, and the success rate is reduced considerably.

So, many families consider it very essential to match horoscopes so that they can check the compatibility of the prospective couple and see if the chances are high or low. In the traditional method of horoscope matching, eight categories test the compatibility of the bride and groom.

Eight Vital Tests for Matching Compatibility

They are the vital factors that ensure the compatibility level between a couple.

1.Varna test (mental compatibility)

This test gives information on the compatibility of the abilities and skills of the couple to be married. The maximum score is 1 that states the couple is compatible and has classified personalities as given below:

Brahmin – the philosophers

Warrior – leaders, and rulers of society

Vaishya- business people who are responsible for the economy to function

Shudra – people who do labor and undertake hard work, the makers of society

2. Vasya test (power compatibility)

The analysis indicates which individual will be the more dominant personality among the couple. The maximum score is 2 and people are categorized as below:

Manav- Humans with their own identity

Vanchar – Animal or creatures of the jungle regarded higher in the environmental food chain. Ex. lion

Chatushpada – Less powerful creatures in the food chain. Ex. goat

Jalchar - Creatures living in water with their own identity, influence, and space

Keet – Lowest in the food chain but an integral part of balancing the ecological system

This test is crucial as it indicates if the two individuals can survive together as a couple.

3.Tara test (birth star)

This test enables the maximum success of a marriage. The eight values for the stars are Janama, Sampat, Vipata, Kshema, Pratyari, Sadhaka, Vadha, Mitra, and Ati-Mitra. This test is indicative of the friendship level between the bride and groom and if they can have a friendship. The maximum score for this test is 3.

4. Yoni test

This test indicates the sexual compatibility between the couple and is reflective of their biological compatibility, mutual understanding, and love. The maximum score is 4.

There are 14 animal characteristics that denote a human being. They are Ashwa (horse), Gaja (elephant), Mesha (ram), Sarpa(serpent), Swah (dog), Marjarah (tomcat), Mushika (rat), Gau (cow), Mahisha (buffalo), Vyagrah (tiger), Mriga (deer), Vanara (monkey), Nakula (mongoose),and Singha(lion).

5. Grah Maitri test

This test is indicative of the level of friendship between the planets of the prospective couple’s horoscopes. This test will indicate if the couple can lead a happy married life. The maximum value is 5.

There are seven planets considered to be the rulers of the horoscopes. They are Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Shukra, and Shani.

6. Gana test

This test gives information on the level of compatibility of the natures of both horoscopes. This test classifies humans into three categories. The maximum score is 6.

The categories are Manushya, Devata, and Rakshasa. The higher the score, the compatibility level will be higher. It indicates if the marriage of the couple will be successful.

7. Bhakut test (zodiac moon sign)

This test indicates the level of prosperity for the prospective couple and their families. There are twelve different Moon signs – Mesh, Vrisha, Mithun, Kark, Singha, Kanya, Tula, Brischik, Dhanu, Makar, Kumbha, and Meena. The maximum score for this test is 7.

8. Nadi test (life forces)

This test is the most essential part of the horoscope matching. This test indicates where the power of the individual lies. The test is more on scientific lines and checks the pulse and nerves of the humans. This is a crucial part of the compatibility of the couple and the overall growth of the family. The test generates the highest score of 8. The life forces are categorized as given below:

a. Adi –beginning

b. Madhya –middle

c. Aanta -end

The sum total of the scores will indicate the overall compatibility level of the prospective couple before they get married. It gives a better indication of compatibility and chances for a successful married life.