Predictions of Love Marriage in Vedic Astrology

Love and 5th House

The 5th House in a horoscope is known as the Poorva Punya Sthana and of the many aspects it denotes, matters of the heart like love and romance occupy an important place. This is the reason that Vedic Astrology regards this House as highly significant for all astrological predictions. It can be said here that it is the status of this House and its ruling Lord, which will decide about the dawning of love in a person’s life. Also the planetary Lord Shukra, the Venus is the Kalathra Karaka, the ruler of marriage and hence, his strength and placement in a person’s horoscope will also matter a lot in respect of love marriage.

Falling in Love – Astrological possibilities

Not all marriages are love marriages and also, not all the love-relationships end up in marriages. Are there any indications to know who are the people who will actually fall in love? Yes there are and it is Vedic astrology which provides those indicators.

Mesha, the Aries is the first sign of the natural zodiac and let us take the case of a person born in that sign. His 5th House is Simha, the Leo and its ruling lord is the powerful Sun. Being the lord of the House of love and romance, if the Sun is placed in that person’s horoscope in an auspicious position and also gets the aspect of, that is, is seen by the beneficial planets like Mercury, Jupiter or Venus, then it can be said that the native may run into the love of his or her life and meet the beloved. It is also likely that such a love affair may blossom during the Dasa or Bhukti periods of planet Sun.

However, instead of the beneficial planets, if the Sun is in conjunction with the malefic planets or gets their aspect, love may not precede marriage. It is also possible that it may turn out to be an unrequited, that is, ‘one-sided’ love, where the object of love may not reciprocate the tender feelings of the native. The scenario may even be worse, as the influence of the malefic planets may even lead the natives into falling in love with married individuals or into illicit affairs.

Astrologically, every planet is friendly with a few planets and not-so-friendly with a few others. If the 5th House lord is surrounded by such unfriendly planets, then also, the native may not get an opportunity of falling in love. This may also give rise to the possibility of the native falling in love with someone, but the other person not reciprocating it.

The presence or aspect of both the benefic and malefic planets together, may give mixed results, as the person may enter into a love-relationship but may face problems in it.

In short, a combination of a strong 5th House and an equally strong 5th House lord in a natal chart, can be said to indicate that the native will fall in love. However, this aspect should end here, as the criteria for this love to succeed and end in a marriage is different. The 7th House is the House of marriage and it is ruled by its own planetary lord. A love can lead to a marriage and can thus termed as a love-marriage, only if the lords of both the 5th and 7th Houses are there in some sort of a conjunction. Other planets too play a role in this and their conjunction too may result in a love-marriage.

Will Love-Marriage lead to Happy Life

A successful love-marriage is no guarantee for a happy married life. It has got its own astrological criteria and is linked principally to the 7th House of marriage. If there are favorable planetary conjunctions and placements in this 7th House and also, if positive conjunctions are there between the 5th and 7th Houses, it can said with reasonable certainty that a love-marriage can result in love and joy even after the marriage, right through the life.

However if the 7th House is afflicted by any inimical planets, there may be friction and conflicts between life partners. Any such serious affliction can lead even to bitter separation in some cases. The 8th and the 12th Houses, which themselves are regarded as ‘not-so-good’, also play a role here. These represent the conjugal relationship between the husband and wife, and when these are affected by unfriendly planets, marital discords may arise between the couple.

However, precise predictions in respect of love and marriage in case of a person can be done only by the thorough analysis of the individual horoscope.

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