Navamsa Chart Prediction For Marriage

All of us wish to have a long and happy married life, but sometimes, destiny has other plans. Death, disease, misunderstandings, lack of children, extramarital affairs, financial problems, familial interference, and many other issues can create discord between a couple and break the bonds of marriage. Is there a way to avoid this? There sure is – Astrology. In India, Hindus have always consulted astrologers before fixing the marriage alliance of their children. Kundli matching or horoscope matching is done to find out if the boy and the girl are compatible, and if they are, the marriage will be fixed.

In India, people follow Vedic astrology, a divine knowledge that was used by ancient seers to make predictions. In this form of astrology, the Navamsa chart of the couple is used to determine if the marriage will be successful. This chart holds the answers to all your questions about your marriage.

Navamsa is a divisional chart, and it needs to be checked along with the Rashi chart. If both charts are seen to have no problems, like planetary afflictions or Doshas, the marriage will be successful. In case both the Navamsa and Rashi charts have problems, the marriage will also run into problems. Hence, both the charts must be checked. For marriage predictions, astrologers tend to give more priority to Navamsa, and it is more accurate.

Reading For Marriage

Navamsa chart is used not only for making marriage predictions but also about career, finances, progeny, etc. But it is very important to read it before getting married. Hence, it is also called ‘Purpose Chart’.

How to read the Navamsa chart? What is the process? What are the main points to factor in when reading the chart? All these questions about the Navamsa chart are answered below.

Significance of the Houses In The Navamsa Chart

The two houses that are important for marriage are ‘Lagna’(Ascendant) and the 7th house(the house of marriage). The Lagna signifies the desire of the person who is getting married.

The 7th house in the birth chart is the house related to marriage and partnerships, which include all kinds of relationships. This house holds all information about marriage like timing, length of the marriage, insights about conjugal life, and compatibility with the partner. Therefore, it is very important in the Navamsa reading.

However, we need to look at other houses in the Navamsa chart too to get more details about the marriage. They include the 2nd house (family and relatives), 4th house (family happiness), 6th house (separation, litigation, and legal problems), and the 8th house(longevity of the marriage)

The 6th and 8th houses are malefic and exert a negative influence on our lives. Hence, if these houses are seen to affect the 7th or 4th houses or their lords, then the couple may face problems in their married life.Also, relationships formed between the 7th house and its lord with the 6th or the 8th houses or their lords will be negative.

Planets in the Navamsa Chart

During the Navamsa chart reading, it is very important to study the positions of the different planets also. Both benefic and malefic planets have an effect on our lives. Therefore, while making marriage predictions, we have to look at all these planets.

The major planets which will affect your married life very negatively are Mars, Sun, and Rahu are the major planets that can have a negative impact on your marriage. Ketu and Saturn too can have a malefic effect.

If the Navamsa chart of a person shows the influence of Saturn and Ketu in a major way, then there will be a delay in the marriage. Moreover, even after the marriage, the native’s relationship with the spouse will be troubled, with many misunderstandings and lack of intimacy. However, if malefic effects of any other planet or house are absent, then the marriage will not end in separation or divorce. If the influence of Mars, Sun, and Rahu is present, separation or divorce is likely.

When it comes to the benefic planets, it is a good sign for married life if the influence of Moon, Venus, and Jupiter in the 7th house is present. However, the lords of these planets also must be taken into account.If Jupiter is the lord of the 6th house or the 8th house and it is influencing the 7th house or 4th house or their lords, problems are likely in marriage.Moreover, there will be problems in situations like Jupiter being the lord of the 6th house and depositing in the 7th house. As Jupiter is beneficial by nature, the impact will not be very negative. With Jupiter’s presence, chances of reconciliation. So, with some efforts, the marriage can work.

Whether you opt for love or arranged marriage, it is a sensible idea to consult an astrologer before getting married. With the help of tools like Navamsa Chart Reading and Kundli Matching, you can get valuable insights about your married life. Even if there are problems, they can be ironed out by performing appropriate remedies. Nothing in life is certain, but the advantage of Astrology is that it can reveal problems that may arise in the future, thereby enabling us to be prepared and take necessary precautions. Marriage Astrology can guide you to have a long and happy married life with the right life partner.