Skanda Shasti 2020 - Six Days Celebration to Seek Blessings of Lord Muruga

Skanda Shasti begins on the first day of the New Moon, one day after Diwali. Hence the event is celebrated in October/November every year. The event has great significance as it is dedicated to Lord Muruga, the God of War, who is also known as Kartikeya, Skanda, Kumaran, Swaminathan, or Subrahmanya.

The six-day festival will be celebrated on November 15, 2020, and the final celebration will take place on November 20, 2020.

According to the legends

Lord Muruga was created for the destruction of the demon Surapadman, who was creating huge chaos in heaven and made the Gods-like leave it. On the say of Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva emanated six sparks from his third eye. These six sparks became into one, and this way, Lord Muruga came into life. In South India, Muruga is considered the younger brother to Ganesha.

The war between Muruga and demon Surapadman went on for six days until Lord Muruga set his triumph. That is why to celebrate the victory of Muruga, people consider Skanda Shasti an important part of their culture on which they also observe the fast.

The Fasting During Skanda Shasti

It is believed that observing fast for Muruga gives us the health and happiness we seek in life. It gives us the strength to stand strong when life hits us with odds. People observe the fasting for six days and conclude it on the sixth day. The austerity for all these days also brings peace and purification of the mind to the devotees.

The celebration happens in various temples in Tamil Nadu. Throughout the day, spiritual practices happen, such as reciting the Skanda Purana, chanting the hymns of Lord Muruga, and reciting the Kavacham as well. Deeparadhanai is performed daily, and in some temples, Laksarchanai also takes place.

Once a devotee starts observing fast on Skanda Shasti, he has to carry it for at least six years or twelve years. During the fasting of six days, one can only stick to a single meal a day or consume fruits and milk only.

Any non-vegetarian or tamasic food must be avoided. Some devotees also observe the fast by drinking water and coconut water only for the whole six days. However, if one’s health doesn’t allow for any rigorous fasting, you can have one meal a day.

Sooran Poor – The Final Celebration

On the sixth day, in the evening, a celebration happens that is known as “Sooran Poor.” On this day, the temple courtyard is arranged in a way that it looks like a battlefield. The idols of Lord Muruga are kept outside for representing their battle with the demon.

By the end of the performance, the asuras are killed with the Vel (weapon of Lord Muruga). Special Pujas take place after this play, the Abhisheka of the deity is performed, and the devotees seek for their blessings.

The festival is popular in South India and majorly in Tamil Nadu. It is also celebrated in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Singapore in some famous Muruga temples.

Worshipping Lord Muruga and observing their fast remove obstacles from one’s life. Such as women who are not able to perceive, if they observe this fast and have the Prasad of Puja, these women become able to birth a child.

This fast can be observed by everyone, from elders to students as well. Students, when observing this fast with the desire to do well in their exams, get mental clarification, and increased concentration to succeed. In addition, God Muruga helps to remove the negativity and unwanted thoughts in one’s mind to provide mental peace.

Though all the Shastitithis are dedicated to Lord Muruga, the one that is celebrated in Kartika month is the most significant one. Hence one should not skip observing fast for this six days celebration.

These are some of the temples in South India dedicated to Lord Muruga:

1) Palani Murugan Temple, nearly 100 kilometers southeast of Coimbatore.

2) SwamimalaiMurugan Temple Nealy 11.6 kilometers from Kumbakonam.

3) ThiruthaniMurugan Temple nearly 84 kilometers from Chennai.

4)PazhamudircholaiMurugan Temple nearly 10 kilometers north of Madurai.

5) Sri Subrahmanya Swami Devasthanam, Tiruchendur, nearly 40 kilometers south of Thoothukudi.

6) ThirupparamkunramMurugan Temple nearly 10 kilometers south of Madurai.

Before observing the fast, one should know the dates, timing, and way to observe the fasting. Astropedia brings you the information about Skanda ShastiVrat and several other Vrats that happen throughout the year in South India. Visit their page for the Yearly festival calendar and receive the information.