Tools, Measurements, and Materials

Safety resources from ITEEA

• Identify appropriate modeling techniques

• Select and apply appropriate materials, tools, and processes for prototype development (pumpkin tray design)

• Use laboratory tools and equipment to determine the properties of materials

• Explain the criteria for selection of appropriate materials, tools, and processes

• Apply appropriate care and maintenance in the use of tools and machines

• Describe strategies for selecting materials and processes for developing a technical system or artifact

• Demonstrate fundamental materials processing and assembly techniques

• Apply analytical tools to the development of optimal solutions for technological problems

• Demonstrate techniques, skills, and knowledge necessary to use and maintain technical products and systems

• Demonstrate fundamental materials processing and assembly techniques

Tools, Measurement and Materials.pdf
WoodShopSafetyMatchingActivityforEngineeringandTechnology-- student version.pdf
Bandsaw Safety _ Operation P2.mp4
Bandsaw Safety _ Operation P1.mp4
BandSaw Handout.pdf
Belt and Disc Sander Manual.pdf
Woodworking Components and Tools.pdf
Drill Press Safety Video.mp4
Drill Press Worksheet AnsKey0001.pdf