
Camp Hope - Episode 2

How Did We Get Here - Episode 1

Community First! Village - 2020 Video Tour

A community in Austin, Texas

Forthright: Homeless in Spokane - A conversation with Matthew

Our nephew Matthew has a complex past, one that includes living homeless in Spokane. Listen to his experience of the problem from the street side. If you have any questions about homelessness, pass them along to for a future interview with others who have experienced being homeless in Spokane. There is no one story, no one systemic answer.

Forthright: Homelessness & The Reason Caring Isn't Enough

In this Forthright episode, Sue Lani receives reader feedback to a recent Spokesman-Review column on homelessness in Spokane. It's complex, it's tragic, and it's everyone's problem. Seeking an easy villain is as useless as believing there is a simple solution. We can do better if we pull together instead of pointing fingers.

A YouTube channel hosted by Maurice Smith, with many videos concerning homelessness in Spokane