
Hmm… I note that as the weather warms up, the news stories about homeless folks goes down. Let’s take this as a reminder of where we want to be by next winter - having enough emergency shelter space to safely house all of the people who will want to come in out of the cold. Perhaps a heat wave will regenerate the interest…


The Center Square

(The Center Square) – The Spokane County Commissioners announced on Wednesday that they were moving quickly to secure a $1 million state grant to help Ukrainian refugees get to the safety of families in the local area.

“Spokane County recognizes the hardships that these refugees are facing during this crisis,” said Commission Chair Mary Kuney in a statement. “With these funds we hope that those who choose to find sanctuary in our county will be one step closer to finding peace and experience the generosity and kindness that Spokane County is known for.”

Kuney and Commissioners Josh Kern and Al French say the county is home to 50,000 Slavic residents, including many Ukrainians. They have asked the Washington State Department of Commerce to provide funding intended to help refugees.

To fulfill the terms of the grant, the county has contracted with Thrive International to provide an umbrella administration for allowable reimbursements of resettlement expenditures. Ninety percent of the awarded funds will be used for direct needs and support personnel assisting refugees in navigation as they arrive in Spokane.

Thrive seeks to help refugees integrate into communities.

Toward that end, assistance for incoming refugees can include, but is not limited to: paying for rent and housing needs, transportation, healthcare needs, employment needs, a telephone or computer, school or daycare needs, food, clothing and other items or services deemed essential for resettlement.