

The Spokesman-Review




The Spokesman-Review

As the Spokane City Council prepares to vote Monday evening on a controversial package of landlord-tenant reforms, after two deferrals and months of negotiations and stakeholder engagement, lawmakers are working down to the wire to hash out final details.

While the council majority pushes for broader renter protections, its conservative members have argued against regulation they say will drive up rent prices. Both sides agree on a number of goals, including better enforcement in the cases of problem landlords, collecting better data on the state of the rental market and encouraging landlords to take on traditionally less attractive tenants.

The package sponsored by Council President Breean Beggs and Councilwoman Karen Stratton has undergone major changes since the ordinance was first deferred in December to allow for more community feedback and then for additional legal review.

Per-door fees for landlords disappeared from a second version of the bill in January, for example, only to since reappear at a higher rate but applying to fewer landlords. An entire section has been added to allow the Spokane Office of Civil Rights to hire a housing ombudsman that can help navigate both landlords and tenants. Landlords would be required to disclose mold problems to prospective tenants.

Instead of the originally proposed “universal” background and credit checks, where a tenant could pay for the service once and all Spokane landlords would be required to accept it, the current version of the ordinance instead creates a “portable” check that landlords can voluntarily accept. While this change may seem to defang this provision, many local landlords and property managers use the same company for background checks, which Beggs argued makes an effective voluntary system seem more plausible.

But the broad strokes of the reforms remain the same as last year. If passed, the ordinance would hire more code enforcers to inspect rentals for subpar living conditions, create new anti-retaliation protections for tenant-rights advocates and would require business licenses for landlords. It would also set aside funds to support tenants who need to relocate because of uninhabitable living conditions, or to mitigate damages caused be a low-income resident receiving rental support from a government or nonprofit.

“Landlords wanted a mitigation fund when they rent to riskier tenants who cause damage, and tenants want a fund for relocation when they have a really bad landlord and it takes months and months to go to court for the state-authorized relocation fees,” Beggs said.

These programs would be largely funded by landlords, including through fines from increased code enforcement, business license fees, and fees per door for landlords with a certain number of units, though the details of these funding mechanisms are likely to change before the final vote.

As of Friday, both sides were still working to find compromises between the version sponsored by Beggs and Stratton, and an alternative and much pared-down version.

The differences range from how to pay for the program to whether certain protections should be mandated, with City Councilman Michael Cathcart’s proposal scrapping the per-door fee and the relocation support fund and limiting the business license fee, but broadening the kinds of landlords that would be eligible for support for damages to their property. 

“One of the big things I wanted to avoid as much as possible was any direct fees to tenants,” Cathcart said in an interview. “Affordability is the first and loudest thing I heard from tenants.”

Mayor Nadine Woodward has expressed similar concern about the impacts the reform package could have on rental prices while Spokane already struggles with an affordable housing crisis. Between the two versions being discussed, she prefers Cathcart’s.

“One is definitely more regulatory,” she said. “And one is, the intent is to address the issue of derelict landlords, which I think is a small percentage of the broad number of landlords that we have in this community, but doing it in a way that won’t hurt tenants with door fees that will get passed down.”

She added that she supported the concept of a rental registry, which both versions would require, so that city leaders had a better understanding of the state of the rental market.

Whether more tweaks happen in the meantime, a final vote is expected during Monday night’s City Council meeting, barring yet another deferral.

Emry Dinman can be reached at (509) 459-5472 or by email at emryd@spokesman.com.



A look at why so many people may no longer qualify for the Medicaid program over the next year, and what to know if you're one of them.

WASHINGTON — If you get health care coverage through Medicaid, you might be at risk of losing that coverage over the next year.

Roughly 84 million people are covered by the government-sponsored program, which has grown by 20 million people since January 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

But as states begin checking everyone's eligibility for Medicaid for the first time in three years, as many as 14 million people could lose access to that health care coverage.

A look at why so many people may no longer qualify for the Medicaid program over the next year and what you need to know if you're one of those people who relies on the program.

What's happening to Medicaid?

At the beginning of the pandemic, the federal government prohibited states from kicking people off Medicaid, even if they were no longer eligible. Before the pandemic, people would regularly lose their Medicaid coverage if they started making too much money to qualify for the program, gained health care coverage through their employer or moved into a new state.

That all stopped once COVID-19 started spreading across the country.

Over the next year, states will be required to start checking the eligibility again of every person who is on Medicaid. People will have to fill out forms to verify their personal information, including address, income and household size.

When might I lose my coverage?

That will vary depending on which state you live in; some states are moving faster than others to check eligibility. Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma and West Virginia are among the states that will begin removing ineligible Medicaid recipients as early as April.

Other states will start taking that step in May, June or July.

Not everyone will be removed from the program all at once. States plan to verify all recipients’ eligibility over periods of nine months to one year.

If you rely on Medicaid for care, it’s important to update your contact information, including home address, phone number and email with the state from which you receive benefits.

States will mail a renewal form to your home. The federal government also requires states to contact you in another way -– by phone, text message or email –- to remind you to fill out the form.

Even if mailed notices reach the right address, they can be set aside and forgotten, said Kate McEvoy, executive director of the nonprofit National Association of Medicaid Directors.

“A text might just grab someone’s attention in a way that would be more accessible,” she said, noting that a quick message also may be less intimidating than a mailed notice.

Most states have already used texting for things such as reminding patients to get a COVID-19 vaccine or about upcoming doctor’s visits. But sending mass texts on Medicaid eligibility will be new, McEvoy said.

You will have at least 30 days to fill out the form. If you do not fill out the form, states will be able to remove you from Medicaid.

What are my options if I'm kicked off Medicaid?

Many people who will no longer qualify for Medicaid coverage can turn to the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace for coverage, where they’ll find health care coverage options that may cost less than $10 a month.

But the coverage available on the marketplace will still be vastly different from what’s offered through Medicaid. Out-of-pocket expenses and co-pays are often higher. Also, people will need to check if the insurance plans offered through the marketplace will still cover their doctors.

A special enrollment period will open for people who are unenrolled from Medicaid that will start on March 31 and last through July 31, 2024. People who lose Medicaid coverage will have up to 60 days to enroll after losing coverage, according to guidance the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services sent to states last month.

My kids are enrolled in Medicaid. What will happen to their coverage?

More than half of U.S. children receive health care coverage through Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Even if you receive a notice that you’re no longer eligible for Medicaid, it’s likely that your child still qualifies for the program or for health care coverage through CHIP, which covers children whose families make too much money qualify for Medicaid but don’t earn enough to afford private health insurance.

Between 80% and 90% percent of children will still be eligible for those programs, according to estimates from the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families.

“When a parent receives a message that they aren’t eligible anymore, they often assume their child is no longer eligible either,” said Joan Alker, the center’s executive director. “It’s more common to find that the parent is no longer eligible for Medicaid, but the child still is.”

Associated Press writer Tom Murphy in Indianapolis contributed to this report.
