
For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

What 'We' do Best

Learning and growing as a clay artist has not been a solitary journey.  One of the best things about working in a community studio is that you learn from and are inspired by the potters around you.  Out of collaborative learning can come collaborative projects.  I was lucky to have the opportunity to work with an amazing artist who is the talent behind Tiny Cat Pottery.  

We decided to use my screen prints and her beautiful line drawings to capture the relationship between women and the earth. The photos you see above are the  collection we produced together.  I learned so much from watching her technique and was humbled by how she turned my screenprinting into beautiful works of art.  Collaborative work is never a simple equation of 1+1 = 2.  It is so much more, as ideas merge and meld into new and greater ideas that neither of us could have come up with alone.  


The Wellness Wheel Project 

(Click above to view)

In the summer intensive course, ETEC 565S: Makerspaces and Inclusive Implementation, I had the opportuntity to collaborate with some amazing people on the project "The Wellness Wheel" (linked in the image above). Learning together and combining our strengths helped us also overcome our weaknesses.  This project built on my growth in SMART Goal 1, as I took a constructivist approach to learning. It also shows my growth in the area of EDIDA, as we worked together to develop a unit plan that was accessible and inclusive. 

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Powerful People (Click above to view)

The photo above shows a photo of the team that worked on this project to the left. It is also linked to a reflection and photo carousel that I put together that shows a bit of what collaborative learning can look like.  ETEC 565S was a model of inclusive and collaborative learning. As a a bit of an introvert, this course pushed me outside of my comfort zone, but that is where learning really happens!  I learned a lot in this course about how EDIDA frameworks can be put into practice (SMART Goal 3), and used a lot of new tools (SMART Goal 2) including microbits, VR headsets, Powtoon, and others! 

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.