
From Failure to Adaptation

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

In pottery, we learn from every pot we throw.  The good ones teach us what works and the failed ones teach us what we need to do differently.  But, failure can also inspire us to innovate. Our successes should be celebated, but so should our failures, because success will rarely teach us to reflect, to adapt, and to innovate.  Successes tell us we did well.  Failures help us to adapt and become better. 

Revisiting, reflecting on, and learning from my failures helped me to grow as an educator. The artifact below resulted from a failure I saw in my teaching practices. After taking ETEC 521, Indigeneity, Technology, and Education, I realized that my attempts to Indigenize my courses by adding a few readings about or by Indigenous people was doing very little disrupt the status quo.  In this course, I redesigned a course, framing the entire course through the Medicine Wheel.  

My second artifact is a reflection on the implementation of the course. In 2022, I had the opportunity to present at the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Congress.  In my presentation, I reflected on the course and what had worked and what had not.  The artifact I have included here is my conference presentation.


Artifact 1

In ETEC 521: Indigeneity, Technology, and Education, we learned about the relationship between Indigenous Peoples, education, and technology.  A key learning that I took away from this course was the importance of not just integrating the work of Indigenous scholars, but also placing value on Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing.  The goal of my project was to Indigenize my Introductory Sociology course. However, I wanted to move beyond just adjusting content and adding an exercise in land acknowledgement.  Instead, I wanted to reframe the course around Indigenous ways of knowing. This project deepened my commitment to EDIDA (Smart Goal 3) by connecting theories of learning  (Smart Goal 1) to decolonization.  The paper that I wrote included a sample syllabus. I was able to implement this course the following semester.  In Artifact 2, I reflect on this implementation.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Artifact 2

This conference presentation reflected on the course I designed for (See Artifact 1 on this page) ETEC 521: Indigeneity, Technology, and Education. While this artifact is mostly concerned with EDIDA (SMART Goal 3), it is also deeply influenced by educational theories, especially theories of decolonization (SMART Goal 1). I was also able to use new skills and software (Prezi Video) in recording this presentation (SMART Goal 2).

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

*Due to the length of the text and the time constraints, audio visual files have not yet been created for the textual portions of this artifact.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.