
This image is the cover of my book, From Slave Girls to Salvation.

Who am I?

I am a college professor and author, with a PhD in Sociology.  My book, From Slave Girls to Salvation, was published by UBC Press in 2016. I am currently on study leave from Okanagan College  to complete my Masters of Education Technology program at UBC in May 2023.  When I am not studying or teaching, I usually have my hands in clay.

This site hosts my ePortfolio.  As a college professor who was forced to move my teaching online during the COVID-19 lockdown, my approach was piecemeal at best.  Despite having used technology in my teaching, I was overwhelmed and unsure how to take such a drastic step.  I began to question whether I had the skill and knowledge to teach effectively with technology. I decided to take a Masters of Education Technology program in order to learn more about the role of technology in learning.  

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Although I was intimidated and fearful, what I learned has changed how I see and use technology.  My ePortfolio is my way of sharing some of that journey out of fear with you.  Here you will find reflections on my journey, some artifacts I created during my Master's program, and some important lessons I learned along the way.  While the content is focused on education and technology, I have chosen to tell my story through the metaphor of pottery. 

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Who am I as a Maker?

To find out more about me as a maker (a potter) watch this  introductory video I created for ETEC 565S: Makerspace and Inclusive Implementation!

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Contact me

Email: [sikebuchi@okanagan.bc.ca]