Individual ePortfolio

 (20 marks)

The Individual ePortfolio is due Monday at 8:00 am in Week 13. A link to your ePortfolio and your video walkthrough should also be submitted to the Tech Showcase by Monday at 8:30 am in Week 13.It includes the design of an ePortfolio which will include your introduction/video presentation, and 3 Intellectual Productions (IPs) with learning reflections.  

For your three IPs, choose any three from the list below.  Most reference a specific week and should ideally be completed in that week. Waiting until a few days before the deadline will make this task more difficult. It is quicker and easier to do them when the readings or ideas are fresh! Each IP is designed to increase your familiarity with technology, use your critical thinking skills and encourages reflection.   In addition to posting your IP, you must also post a 300 word reflection on your learning with each IP.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

IP Choices

IP Topics:  Please choose 3 of the IP's listed below.  These should be housed on your ePortfolio site and a link should be submitted for each one you complete.  Please be sure to clearly identify which IP (1-7) you have chosen on each submission!

IP 1: According to Daw (2023), "Sociologists often debate whether society primarily drives technological change or technological change drives society". For this IP, choose one specific technology (iPhone,  refrigerator, paper, etc) and create an online presentation using Canva or, to highlight how society has driven the development of this technology, and how this technology has driven changes in society.  Be creative! Use mostly images and limit your text.  Use your reflection to highlight what you learned  about Daw's debate and explain the choices you made!

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

IP 2: In Week 4, in the interview, Peter Verbeek discusses how we are always technologically mediated.  Use one of the tools listed in Technology Tools, to create an interactive presentation that clearly illustrates this idea. This could be an interactive presentation (, a stopmotion video, a comic or a cartoon/animation.  If you have another idea for showing this, please discuss it with me before you begin!

IP 3: In Week 7, we heard from two disabled people who argue that we should not be trying to fix disability. Instead, we need to focus on fixing the spaces, attitudes and structures that disable people.  What would a classroom look like that 'enabled' learning for all?  Create and post a presentation that shows some of the elements that would need to be included in the design of such a space. Consider how technology might be useful. Include some discussion of what needs to change in society for this to be accomplished.  

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

IP 4: In Week 9, we discuss the relationship between technology and work.  Draw a mindmap (digitally or by hand) that illustrates all of the digital technology you use in your work or in your career as a student.  How are they connected to each other and to you?  Be creative. Post your creation on your ePortfolio and send a link to your instructor.  

IP 5: Create an interactive presentation on a topic of your choice (related to the course or course readings of course!). The presentation should be well-researched, using material from outside of the course, and making direct links to ideas or themes from the course.  Please have your topic approved before starting this IP!

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

IP 6: In Week 10 you are given classtime to have a conversation (You choose who/where/what/how) and then write about this experience, relating it to one or both of the videos we watched for class.  You must post this (be creative, it can be in the form of a journal entry, a presentation, a comic, or an animation. It must clearly show your understanding of the points made in the videos!) in your ePortfolio. Remember to send a link to your instructor! 

IP 7: Propose an idea that you would like to do for IP7! This must be approved by your instructor.  Your idea should relate to one of the topics and should have a creative/technological aspect.  To get approval, use direct message in SLACK, or email me:

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Click above to go to the course website!