Tech Showcase 

(20 marks)

The Tech Showcase will take place in the last two weeks of class.  

During the first week (Week 12) there will be live/synchronous presentations of your group projects. Due during class time.  There will be time for discussion and questions after each presentation.  Attendance in both of these classes is mandatory.  If you miss one day you lose 5 marks and if you miss both of these live sessions, you will lose 10 marks from your Tech Showcase grade. 

In the second week (Week 13) there will be no class, but you can use class time to review and respond to video presentations (walkthroughs) of ePortofolios.  Each student must post a 3 minute walkthrough video (5 marks) of their ePortfolio (learning journey) in the discussion forum by 8:30 am on Monday of Week 13.  Each student is also required to provide an engaged response to at least 5 other students’ ePortfolios, and is responsible for responding to student comments on their ePortfolio (5 marks) no later than Friday at 4:00 pm in Week 13.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Click above to go to the course website!