Weekly Discussions Topics

Please note:  The discussion questions listed below are sample questions and are expected to change as the course develops.  For this reason, I have not yet included video/audio of the text below.  Audiovisual representations of the text will be added once the questions are finalized.

Week 1:

Week 2:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion.

Discussion Question: Collins defines technology as referring "to methods, systems and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes" (Technology: Collins Dictionary, 2023). If you are assigned to post the intial response, please provide an example and short explanation from your own life of technology as a method, as a system, and as a device. Include photos if you want! You must post no later than noon on Wednesday of this week. Check back often to respond to others who reply to your posts! Every other student must post at least one answer or response (see requirements above) no later than Wednesday at midnight! This allows other students time to respond to you and for more discussion to take place before the end of the week!

Week 3:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 4:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion.

Week 5:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 6:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 7:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 8:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 9:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 10:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion. 

Week 11:

Read the discussion instructions carefully before completing your discussion

Week 12:

See Tech Showcase for instructions on how to participate this week!

Week 13:

See Tech Showcase for instructions on how to participate this week!