
(20 marks)

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.


Online asynchronous discussions are an important part of this class.  Every week (with the exception of the last two weeks) there is a discussion forum with a discussion prompt. In Week 1, you will be posting a video introduction (see Weekly Discussions for topics and guidelines).  

Initial posts: 

Each week (from week 2-11), at least five students will be assigned to post the initial post (their answer to the week's question(s)) by Wednesday at noon. Posts should be about 150-200 words. Once registration has been finalized, the Student Discussion Dates page will provide a list of who is responsible for the first posts each week. If your name is not on the list, please let me know as soon as possible so you can be added to the list! Depending on the size of the class, you may be required to do the intial post multiple times! 

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.


If your name is not on the list for that week, you must post a response no later than Wednesday at midnightWriting “I agree” is not considered a response.  Your response should be between 100 and 150 words and explain what you find most compelling about the post you are responding to and ask questions if you have them. The point in these discussions is to engage with the course readings and with each other.  


Every student is required to check the discussion boards throughout the week and respond to people who have questions or who have responded to their post.  The point of these discussions is to get to know each other more, learn from each other, and engage with each other. Your response should add something new (a new idea, perspective, or question) to the discussion.  There is an engagement self-assessment report in Moodle which must be completed before 4:00 pm Sunday each week. Late submissions of the self-assessment report are not accepted. You will be asked to score your participation and to briefly discuss which post (and who wrote it) was most impactful for you that week and why.  

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

For auditory learners, these videos provide an audio version of the text.

Discussion Assessment:

 Your grade will be determined based on your engagement in the discussion and the quality of your posts or responses (3 marks) and on your self-assessment (2 marks). If you do not complete the self-assessment report by the deadline that is posted, your grade for that week will be based only on the quality of your posts/responses, meaning you can only receive 3 marks out of 5.  It is understood that some weeks will be more difficult than others due to illness/personal circumstances, etc.  For this reason, your two lowest weeks’ scores will be discarded.  In other words, with the exception of dates when you are assigned to post your answer to the question, you can miss two weeks without penalty.  

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