Volunteering Requirement

In 2024, there is once again a volunteering requirement. We can be creative and flexible.

How can I meet the volunteer requirement?

Volunteer Requirements for this Year's Meeting

The stipend requires 2 hours of volunteering for this year's meeting.

Examples of Activities that Meet the Volunteer Requirement

How do I find a volunteer opportunity for APHA this year?

Reach out to section contacts to see if you can help at an event (as listed in the program, all contact info is in the program, too) or connect via social media. Twitter:  #APHA[fill in a year], @APHAAnnualMtg or APHA on other social media platforms. 

To Moderate/Facilitate Scientific Sessions

To work at a Section, Caucus, or SPIG booth or at a School of Public Health Display:

How do I find an opportunity for a future APHA meeting?

Volunteering to Review Abstracts

Submitting an Abstract for a Future Conference

Submitting a Learning Institute Proposal for a Future Conference